Many do not believe that there is much in common with satirical fake news show anchors and professional wrestlers, but when you’ve been watching the two for as long as I have, you start to see some similarities. Firstly, even though their penchant for non-violence leaves them a lot to be desired in the ass-kicking camp, satirists can lay the verbal smackdown as good as any of them. Just watch the clip below as Jon Stewart posts his retort to Seth Rollins, who was putting his name in the hat as Stewart’s Daily Show replacement, claiming he would “make that thing actually watchable.”
As you can see, Jon would make one hell of a character in WWE, as this promo – a classic display of “Ruthless Aggression” – shows. Jon shows he’s no stranger the WWE product, reeling off a list of Rollin’s most heinous crimes, including his bleach dye job he’s spent the last six months desperately trying to grow out. Personally, if I was a booker I would now make it my life’s work to get Stewart booked for a one-on-one with Rollins at WrestleMania.