What is Dalton Castle? A peacock? A wrestler? A charismatic milkshake? I’m not convinced that anybody is 100% sure, but the one thing we can all be sure of is that he is interesting. Dalton Castle recently made his debut in Ring of Honor’s Top Prospect Tournament, and his early exit to Ashley Sixx in the first round had ROH fans clamoring for more. For those unfamiliar, Dalton Castle has been entertaining the likes of Chikara, 2CW, and IWC fans up and down the east coast for years now with his unique combination of humor and in-ring ability.
With his recent return to ROH TV, the outcry of support from fans has been immediate following one of the most flamboyant entrances and promos in the history of the company. The only downside to the grand return of the Party Peacock was his timing, as he interrupted the celebration of Donovan Dijak joining the House of Truth. All was soon forgiven, however, as I kneed his everloving face off. What does the future hold for Dalton Castle? Well aside from an ice pack, this writer believes that the future is bright for our fine feathered friend. Ring of Honor is full of many of the top professional wrestlers in the world, many of whom cop a very serious attitude (myself included).
Castle’s brand of entertainment is sure to change the pace of any segment, and he will definitely stand out because of it.