Conor Anthony McGregor, the current the UFC Featherweight Champion and signed to the Ultimate Fighting Championship, is known for being one of the biggest pay-per-view draws in MMA as well as his extravagant lifestyle and trash talking but it could be that is he may have taken a step to far when he decided to say this on Twitter:
“I didn’t mean no disrespect to the @wwe fans. What I meant to say was that I’d slap the head off your entire roster. And twice on Sunday’s” – @TheNotoriousMMA
This was the second time in a two days that he has insulted the stars of WWE, earlier he called he had this to say:
“For the most part those WWE guys are P*****S, there messed up P*****S if you ask me, I mean fair play to Brock he got in and fought but at the end of the day he’s juiced up to the f****n eyeballs, How can I respect that?! There’s some dons in that wrestling game, The McMahons there Dons, Triple H is a Don, The rock is a Don, but the rest of them are p*****s, that’s a more show business, this is the fight business.”
The response’s from the WWE stars, have been swift and brutal, scolding McGregor on his fighting career to much more:
“Hey @TheNotoriousMMA, cool name by the way. U think u could slap my head off? Come try me! I’d mop ur sorry ass! @WWE” – @RealCurtisAxel
“Not just @wwe locker room, but ANY Pro Wrestling locker room has at least 2-3 men that would hospitalize u. #Fact – @OfficialTAZ
“I think McGregor could do well in the featherweight division……if the WWE had one.” – @AJStylesOrg
“Very funny little guy. Why don’t you get your head out of Dana White’s Ass” – @RealKurtAngle
“Would you prefer to find us individually or have us all line up at once? I know your time is valuable, sir.” – @WWEBigE
“The way Nate Diaz Stockton slapped you or nah?” – @The305MVP
“I would pay good $$ to see @RealKurtAngle STRETCH THE PISS outta @TheNotoriousMMA and make him tap. #itstrue” – @BubbaRayDudley
“Sorry pal no disrespect to u, but my fights are legit, unlike the fixed fights u have in @UFC. I’ll embarrass u.” – @IamJericho
“So much talk for a guy who fights 15 min matches twice a year…… Good for you Conor McGaiver.” – @RusevBUL
“After Diaz finishes you again, I dare you to try guys like Dolph, Brock, or Fit. Oh you’re welcome for your gimmick” – @RicFlairNatBoy
“Bring it” – @SashaBanksWWE
“Your the size of my Leg. Shut up” – @WWERomanReigns
Many fans have said that this could be a play by McGregor and WWE to begin a working partnership that will culminate in a match at Wrestlemania next year, but whatever the motives are for this, it certainly has unified the WWE family to focus on one target, McGregor.