Never say die as ITV is in the works to leave an impact on UK TV by bringing back World of Sports: Wrestling. The original show lasted from 1965 – 1985 and initially was competing for ratings against BBC’s Grandstand, it’s now set to be rebooted for UK audiences. News was originally broken by wrestler El Ligero on twitter;

He then went on to promote the show being taped in Manchester on the 1st of November and priority tickets are available now via ITV.

The show’s initial run managed to produce household names in the UK such as Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks and Mick McManus. Although not more is known about the show such as rosters or broadcast time, however, due to the trend of older shows returning such as Robot Wars, or more recently with Crystal Maze we could expect an entertaining update for modern wrestling audiences. Since we’ve been given this surprising gift, all I need to say is “Drink it in man”.


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