So we just finished take over and now we’re back with another episode of NXT, how does a hold up? well, let’s just take a look. (Bare in mind there’s not a whole lot that actually happens in this episode, so there won’t be much to say).
Match 1: Aleister Black vs… Curt Hawkins (sigh)
This is surprising as it might just be the longest match Curt Hawkins has had since his return. He even got multiple attacks, I’m grateful we’re seeing a bit more of what Hawkins can do. But, why with Black? Has he really been struggling this much on the main roster that he has to be squashed by someone who hasn’t even debuted on Raw or Smackdown Live yet? Anyway, Black obviously got the win. Now we wonder what’s going to happen next with him. Black was impressive as always, even when he could’ve easily just taken it easy.

– After the controversial ending to TakeOver: Chicago, Doctors refused to release any update on Johnny Gargano after the attack by Tommaso Ciampa. I’m sure he’s fine after being put through tables.
– Ember Moon lamented over her injury and regretted not being able to do anything. But, she wants to take on Asuka so she can take what’s important to Asuka. If NXT plays their cards right, then we may have a really good match on our hands.
– Meanwhile, Asuka was asked about what’s next. She responded by saying that no one can stand toe-to-toe with her. The over-confident Asuka is going to get her ass kicked so bad in the future, but it’s going to be so sweet when it eventually happens.
– Roderick Strong was interviewed after his match with Eric Young. He stated that once you get his family involved, he’s going to take you down. This is also one more step towards the NXT championship. Still, don’t know who the next contender for the Championship will be. If Strong does get chosen, I won’t be complaining.
– We caught up with Pete Dunne who said that he’s had to sit through months of Tyler Bate carrying HIS title, now everything is his. Your House? Pete Dunne owns it. Your dog? Pete Dunne owns it. Just give him everything.
– Finally, Bobby Roode boasted about his victory against Hideo Itami and says that he’s going to enjoy some time off and decide who he’s going to face next.
Match 2: The Velveteen Dream vs Robert Anthony.
So am I wrong in assuming that Velveteen’s gimmick is Prince? His return was fine really, serviceable. It didn’t do anything outstanding. Saying that though, his finisher seems to be a top rope elbow drop which we don’t see too often now. Velveteen came out on top and played to the crowd with his heelish taunting.

Not sure what his future looks like in NXT? Maybe he’ll be one of the several people being involved in the title picture. It’s still quite early to say, plus he’s only just come back so we’ll need some time to adjust and see what he can do with his character.
Match 3: Drew McIntyre vs Wesley Blake
When this match was set up two weeks ago, I honestly didn’t really care. Much like Curt Hawkins in the opening match, I’m glad to see Wesley Blake getting some action in on NXT. It’s just the fact of this with Drew McIntyre, he feels above this. Blake even managed to damage McIntyre’s left arm, making him seem a bit more human and not just a behemoth of destruction.

Once the match started heading towards its end point I did enjoy some parts, McIntyre’s reverse Alabama Slam was quite good and even some back and forth with Blake on the corner was fun. But it all came to an end once Drew hit his single leg drop kick.