Shane Helms announced via Twitter his departure from Impact Wrestling. Helms has been working with the company as a producer since 2015 but was also appearing on television as the leader of The Helms Dynasty, alongside Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett.
In two other tweets, Helms seems to echo a conflictual situation inside the Executive team: “I’ve never been an ass-kisser and I damn sure wasn’t gonna start with an owl”. But he also sends his respect to the whole locker room, adding another spicy sentence, “You all deserve so much more”.
Producers Al Snow and Pat Kenney (Simon Diamond) are also about to depart the company when their contracts expire. Snow already confirmed the news on Twitter, “I want to say thank you to everyone at @IMPACTWRESTLING for the great run I’ve had. Change must always happen & I am excited for the future.”
Snow had been apart of the company since 2008 but became a producer and road agent in 2010. Pat Kenney had been an Impact member since 2003, as a wrestler first, but was released in 2008 due to budgetary cuts. He was rehired in 2009 as a road agent. In 2012, he replaced Taz as the color commentator of TNA Xplosion, alongside Jeremy Borash.
These 3 departures are related to financial considerations as the company has now 7 producers. Impact Wrestling decided not to use those who were only working as producers, but to keep working with talents like Abyss or Sonjay Dutt who are involved in the in-ring action and can help build it.