WWE Battleground. Sure. Okay. As you will soon see, the team are “incredibly excited” about the upcoming SmackDown pay-per-view. The history of Battleground is not long, but this even seems to have already fallen into the vicinity of bottom contenders for best of the event.

While there are definitely some promising matches on the card, namely AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens as the likely match of the night, Battleground definitely has more doubters than believers going into Sunday.

Prove us wrong, WWE, if you dare. Here’s the predictions and yearnings of the VultureHound and Steelchair crew.

Jozef’s Predictions

Omega-Okada be damned, this is what MotY contenders look like: a Punjabi Prison match and a Flag match. It’s like 1984 and 2007 never ended. As for actual predictions: the pre-show will happen. Kanellis will probably continue to beat Zayn every week till SummerSlam (because WWE). Nakamura will come out on top over the Big Banter Briefcase holder. Charlotte becomes new #1 contender. Cena hoists the US flag. The Usos retain. Styles retains. It doesn’t matter who wins the main event, because we’re getting a Corbin cash-in, setting up for Corbin v Cena v Orton v Mahal at SummerSlam, because why not? Still, a Pujabi Prison match… My dreams have come true.

Steph’s Predictions

Honestly, this card is not making me excited at all. Mahal keeps the title, of course. John Cena will grab the flag. The New Day will surely become the new SmackDown tag champions. On the pre-show, Dillinger will defeat English. In the Fatal-5-Way, every woman, excepted Lana, is a valuable contender. Tamina would be a great choice. A bad-ass Sami Zayn will show his vision of the power of love to Mike and Maria. In what should be the matches of the night, I hope Nakamura can finally prevail against Corbin. AJ Styles will stay champion, but Owens is able to cost him the match with a disqualification. 

Erin’s Predictions

I wish I cared more about WWE right now, I really do. But let’s face it. As of late, the biggest news to come out of the blue brand is the deplorable cancellation of Talking Smack, and Shane’s helicopter bump. I predict that Battleground will be to SummerSlam what Roadblock was to WrestleMania 32, a side track from the inevitable truth. Jinder is likely to retain, setting up for an American triumph at SummerSlam against Cena, Charlotte is money, and Owens prevails. Unless the lights go out during the Flag match and the Undertaker returns to face Cena, and WWE BRING BACK TALKING SMACK, then I really don’t care.

James’ Predictions

Jinder Mahal vs Randy Orton will probably be the best Punjabi Prison match in recent memory… Then again, that’s not really saying much. Whether through shenanigans from the Singh brothers once again or through other cheap tactics, I believe we’ll see Jinder still. After one patriotic promo by John on the most recent SmackDown Live, it would seem unbelievable to think that after that he would lose. He even referenced 9/11, how can you lose after giving an impassioned speech like that? These guys normally put on decent matches, so hopefully we’ll get something good out of this. Lord knows, we need more Handsome Rusev.

Featured image via WWE.

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