This has felt like such a long weekend. My back and neck are in bits. My mood is up and down like a giddy yo-yo but jeez have I enjoyed it. 4 shows in 2 days. I love wrestling sometimes. Here comes the first!
Saturday 22nd July – Elite British Wrestling – Summertime Smash! – Tupton Village Hall – Chesterfield.
A new venue in a new town is always going to be a bit of a risk. What’s more of a risk is going up against a local village community event at the exact same time!
Two shows for this one, an afternoon “Matinee” performance and then the evening show. I had the afternoon off, kind of. I say I had the afternoon off, I still got my gear on and was at ringside for the battle royal that took part in the main event. The winner would be getting a title shot against me on the evening show. As body after body went over the top rope, including my tag partners Sam Kenny and Jason Jacobs, the last man standing was Aidan Sparx, who earlier in the night had gone good guy after his tag partners J.Graves and Tommy Idol abandoned him. Aidan, the home town hero at this point got a great reaction as he was announced the winner of the Battle Royal. As he went to walk backstage he realised I was stood on the stage. We shared a brief stand off and that itself got a great reaction. Now, on to the match itself.
Evening Show.
I spent most of the afternoon and early evening just wandering about. Quite bored, not really knowing what I wanted to do. The backstage area was pretty crammed and there was no where to escape outside, so I was starting to get a bit tetchy. After I had spoke to people about the match I was stood talking to Krieg and J.Graves, in front of some weird disco lights that were on backstage for some reason. Now, for those who aren’t aware I suffer with epilepsy a bit. It’s very very rare I get affected by flashing lights but this was one of those times. The natural light had started to die down meaning the flash from the light was feeling stronger. As I was stood there talking to them I felt myself starting to go light headed and had to sit down and shake the cobwebs off. Not a great start to the evening!
Alan Kay (C) vs Aidan Sparx – Elite British Wrestling CATCH Championship.
The last time I had faced Aidan, was my third ever match. I was a good guy, wearing horrific purple tights, bad hair, no beard and I was about 4 stone heavier!
This match was a perfect example of contrasting styles in many ways, both in the ring and outside of it. I don’t like to plan an awful lot of my stuff. I like to see what the crowd are going for and work with that. Aidan likes to know whats going on at all times. However I think we made it work. We got the involvement of Ivy in there as well. The crowd seem to buy everything that was going on, which is always a great thing. The finish was a bunch of reversals being reversed until he finally hit me with the Hammerlock DDT and came down for the pin.
As he hooks my leg I tell him “This is for you mate, I love you, just enjoy it” 1! 2! 3! The bell rings and he won’t let go of my leg. He didn’t know he was winning. He was in a state of shock. The crowd was going mad. They loved this. I hate losing I really do but this time it felt right. Aidan has been wrestling for 7 years and always just done as he’s told. Never been an issue and had earned his moment in the sun. Well happy for him.
And that’s it. My short reign and Catch Champ was over. For now….
Later Nerds x
Cover Photo Credit – John Mayo Photography
Match Photos Courtesy of Danielle Overend-Hogg Photography
Booking Enquiries;
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Alan Kay Wrestler – Official Facebook Page
The Monsters – Official Facebook Page
Twitter – @AK89Wrestler