On Friday the 3rd of November, I took part in Elite British Wrestling’s show “November Pain”.

The match was scheduled to be a triple threat between myself, Joey D and David DeVille.

This would be my first main event match.

As I walked in to the venue and put my bag in the changing rooms and started to help set up, I started to feel nervous. A slight un-ease I had never felt before. As the ring was set up, I was then told that Joey wouldn’t be able to make it and that the match would be myself vs DeVille in the main event.

Champion vs Champion.

Now, let me start off by saying that David DeVille is legitimately one of my heroes in wrestling. He was worked with some of the best in the world, including a match on WWE TV against Sheamus. Also, and I’m sure he wont mind me saying this, he has had similar issues as me with different things, and when I have been struggling with things he’s been there to help.

SO having the opportunity to work my first main event with someone of his calibre was going to be amazing. But with that came its own pressure. I had watched him have great matches against nearly everyone he’s wrestled. So I had his already high standard to live up to, plus, adding on to the I had my own high expectations to live up to.

A main event match has to be exactly that for me. It has to be the match the crowd are looking forward to the most and that’s exactly what I wanted. I wanted the crowd to go home knowing they had seen a good match.

I was stood back stage, stretching, warming up and just trying to relax and for once I actually was. I was able to sit back and have a laugh. I was sat with everyone having a chat, watching some of the matches and able to just sit back and relax.

That was all until the interval.

During the interval the nerves started to kick in. It suddenly dawned on me. Everything I had been working towards was finally happening. A few weeks before this match I had put a post on social media about working hard until your heroes become your rivals and that’s exactly what was happening tonight. One of my heroes was becoming a rival.

For the next 15/20 minutes at least I was going to be in the same league as David DeVille.

Bloody Hell.

My music hit.

I’m stood behind the curtain and genuinely I can’t hear anything. Ivy is stood with me and people are saying things to me, I’m assuming good luck etc but I couldn’t hear it. I was in my own world. As I walked out, I just stood and stared at the crowd.

Not the biggest crowd, not by a long shot but it’s a crowd that were very interested in this match. As I stood in the ring, our ref and one f my best mates in wrestling, Lee Thomas was stood there. I walked past him and just whispered “What the hell is going on” and he just chuckled at me.

DeVille came out, strutting around in his usual cocky manner as he walked in to the ring we squared off and Brett Hadley managed to capture a moment that will stick with me forever.

Me, stood across the ring with DeVille.

Title vs Title.

Here. We. Bloody. Go.

The match was really going well. For a heel vs heel encounter the fans seemed to really get behind us both at points. Because I’m writing this nearly two weeks removed and I have the memory of a goldfish I can’t remember specifics around the match apart from a couple of flash points.

The first of the two very memorable points of the match starts with me going up top. Yeah, that’s right, top rope. No place for a big guy and I soon found this out. I stood up top and remembered why I don’t go up here very often. The form wasn’t great, I slightly twisted but I went from top to canvas in a moonsault in the main event.

I slammed to the canvas and all I heard was every one just wince around me. The second wince moment was right at the end of the match. I went running towards DeVille with a lariat but he ducked and caught me in to a german suplex, with the intention a landing on to my front, sadly though, I went too high on the leap and came crashing down right on to my shoulder and neck.

Then everyone winced. I kinda lost my place and this point. I was a little bit woozy and all I remember was Ivy sneaking the title in to my face and then I knew what was coming. Sadly I got disqualified. I did not win. I stumble backstage and wait.

I took the time to thank DeVille for the opportunity made sure everything was okay and then thanked everyone involved. I was so happy with the match and everything that had happened. Big bumps and all.

It took a long time to come back round from this one. I genuinely thought I would never get the chance to do things like this again. In this business you can genuinely only get one chance to prove yourself against the best and I would like to think that I did well.

Hopefully now I can use this burst of ambition to take the next steps to keep up my forward momentum. This starts with training with new coaches and getting my name out there a bit more. So let’s see where this goes.

So, officially my next showing is at Elite British Wrestling “Winter Wars” where I will be participating in a triple threat match against James Bacon and Radu Bulat.

Tickets available from Ringside World.







If you wish to get me on a show nearer to you, whether this is in 2017 or even beyond then feel free to get in touch! all of my contact details are below!








But for now.

Later Nerds x