I know, right? Not much in wrestling makes my jaw drop anymore, but this did. WWE Superstar John Cena just over a year ago got engaged to, Total Divas’ Nikki Bella on the Grandest Stage of them All, WrestleMania 33. They were in a relationship for six years. They announced their split to Us Weekly‘s Emily Longeretta, “While this decision was a difficult one, we continue to have a great deal of love and respect for one another.”

Should we be surprised, though? They’ve had difficulties in the past, especially with Cena’s reluctance to get betrothed in the first place, as featured on the Bellas own Total Divas’ spinoff Total Bellas. Plus, there is always the speculation that even getting engaged at ‘Mania may have been nothing more than a publicity stunt from two career and image-conscious celebrities very aware of how this would increase their media profiles. But at least now Cena has an excuse for why he refuses to be seen on TV with Nikki.