Since the infamous baseball bat accident last January, Eddie Edwards has been in a quest: destroying Sami Callihan. But at Redemption, his quest took a bad twist when he accidentally hit his wife Alisha with a kendo stick, as he was about to destroy Callihan once and for all. In this match where he teamed up with Moose and Hardcore Legend Tommy Dreamer, we all found out another side of Eddie Edwards, a revengeful and darker one. Revenge may be a dish best served cold, but for Edwards, it’s a very hot and spicy dish.
SteelChair Magazine had the opportunity to talk to Eddie Edwards earlier today. The former Impact World Champion, 2-time X-Division Champion and 5-time Tag Team Champion, with Davey Richards, shared with us on his current storyline, Impact Wrestling’s present and future. And of course his own future with the company.
The current storyline you’re involved in is just crazy, with all the twists in the characters. Is it easy to suddenly become a heel?
It’s definitely a mixed situation, coming from the storyline of me being hit with the baseball bat. When oVe and Sami Callihan started to stalk my wife, it has become a very tense storyline. I don’t think I necessarily portray the bad guy, it’s just the good guy or a person who was pushed to his limits. This is what happens and I think the fans and everybody in real life can understand that. We all have that limit and at some point you know you’re going to break down. I reached this breaking point with Sami.
I’m enjoying this chance to do something a little bit different and show that inner aggression and that emotion. It’s very intense but I’m really enjoying that now. With this storyline, I’m happy to have the opportunity to do something completely different to my character and everything I’ve done in my wrestling career. It’s really different, a fun change of pace and a very creative time for all of us involved. We’re going to get through some very different things, so people keep tuning in, you’re going to see where we’re pushing the limits of the storyline and push the limit of wrestling. So it’s a very exciting time, I think.
Your wife Alisha has been involved in this storyline
Anytime I can work with my wife in the real world or in wrestling, It’s an awesome thing because that’s how we met, because of professional wrestling that has brought us together. For so long we had both done our separate things, so for us doing things like shooting a lot of different stuff together, it’s definitely a change of pace for us in our home life, it makes things a little bit more exciting for us. So it’s definitely something that I’m enjoying right now.
There’s another person involved in this storyline and you worked for him in his “House of Hardcore” promotion. You have the chance to work with the Hardcore Legend himself, Tommy Dreamer.
I was a fan of Tommy Dreamer in ECW when I was younger. To be able to work with him professionally now, it’s definitely a dream come true and something I’m really enjoying. For so long, behind the scenes, Tommy Dreamer has always been the guy who wanted to make professional wrestling better. He’s always been the guy who was a go-to for a fight and try to make things get better. He’s been behind the scenes for so long. You can basically see what he does behind the scenes on television now, try to find the right direction, try to help doing it the right way. It’s so nice to see him do that on television now.

“Redemption” received rave reviews. What are your thoughts on the PPV and your match?
Everybody delivered from opening match to the main event, everybody was there to show what Impact Wrestling is all about. We had this big Impact Wrestling vs. Lucha Underground event just before, and everybody was on the same page. We all wanted to make Redemption something special because, in a way, it was a redemption for Impact Wrestling in general. Step by step, we’re going to take over. Step by step, we’re going to get back to where we were before. I appreciate everybody’s kind words about the PPV because of that. About the 6-Men match, it was a kind of turning point in the storyline and a turning point for myself. The Sun kind of moved a little bit and went the other way at this point. That was just the beginning of all that you’ve just watched since then. Redemption definitely showed the struggle putting a great PPV and putting out a great match deal for every single one that was out there.
Last February in a media call, you said Impact was your home and you wanted it to stay your home for the years to come. Since January, many talents have made their debut in the Impact Zone, Brian Cage, Su Yung, Tessa Blanchard recently. Do you still consider Impact Wrestling as your home with these new talents in it?
Impact Wrestling is my home right now and it’s going to stay that way. I think everybody in the company right, anybody in Impact feels the same way. We take great pride in defending our home. You want to go out there and show why this is a place You can call home. Behind the scenes, everybody also takes the same pride in doing it. Everybody is on the same page to say “Hey, this is Impact Wrestling, this is what we’re truly about”. You can see that in the product being aired each week. Brian Cage is definitely a man I’m looking forward to wrestling. People who just come to the company opened up a whole list of options of match-up that people haven’t ever seen elsewhere. That definitely puts us on a good road.
You were a part of the Impact Wrestling vs. Lucha Underground event. What are your thoughts about this partnership and the event itself?
Partnerships are a great step to move forward. Professional wrestling is very much about partnerships right now, about working together, trying to help each other, trying to help the wrestling business. Impact Wrestling is definitely at the forefront of that, with Lucha Underground, in the UK, Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan, Crash in Mexico. These partnerships help building match-ups you’re not going to see every day as anywhere else other than at that one event. Back to the Lucha event, I had to square off with Jeremiah Crane, who is Sami Callihan but in a very different character. Partnerships offer some good match-ups and that’s definitely something that is going to be happening moving forward. These dream match-ups all people want to see, we make them happen. And the fans also feel it’s a special time and understand what’s going on. It’s a very special time in professional wrestling and we all have to take advantage of it.
Is Lucha Underground a company you would like to have a match or two in?
That’s in fact the next step. We have some Lucha Underground talents in Impact Wrestling and some Impact Wrestling guys show up in Lucha Underground. Now that we can do it, I want to be one of these guys in the forefront.
Who are the guys you’re looking forward to wrestling in this new generation of Impact Wrestling talents?
Pentagon is somebody I definitely want to square off with, Austin Aries, eventually Brian Cage, DJ Z just came back. We have such a unique roster right now. But I’ll take care of them after I end up with Sami Callihan.

You’ve been in the business for 15 years or more, do you still have some goals, some things you want to accomplish and you haven’t accomplished yet?
I’ve never enjoyed being a wrestler more than right now, it’s such a great time for myself and for Impact Wrestling. To myself, I want to be the guy at the forefront of Impact Wrestling, to help bring it back and help get it from underwater. That’s my goal. It’s going to take some time but we’re all on the same page and it’s something I’m taking good pride of because this company is something I take pride of. I want to be the guy who pushes the company forward, that’s my next goal. Of course, there are a few championships I want to grab there.
Are you interested in working behind the scenes?
As of now, I’m focused on being in the ring. Sonjay, Abyss or Jimmy Jacobs take on so much. I don’t know how they do it. They gave so much credit to what we all do behind the scenes, on camera and in the ring.
You’re currently in the UK, you wrestled for NGW this weekend. Impact Wrestling is coming back to the UK in September. Tell us about wrestling here, for yourself or for Impact Wrestling.
It’s awesome it’s finally happening, we’ve been gone for so long. Uk is basically Impact’s second home. The tours we were doing every year were huge successes. We have some of our best fans here. I’m very happy to come back for this show and see our fans we haven’t seen for years. We’re going to come back here to show what Impact is all about again. The fans are excited to see us come but the wrestlers are also excited to come back to the UK.
The UK has been a very special place to my heart, a very important place for my career. Ten years ago, I spent like 3 months here and wrestled every day. It was something that really helped me grow, not just as a wrestler, but as a person as well. In the history of myself and Davey as The Wolves, we worked a lot in England. There’s so much history for me here.
Anytime I come back, I look forward to it. And this time, the weather is actually amazing so I’m very happy to be here.
All pics and screencaps courtesy of Impact Wrestling. Follow Eddie Edwards on Twitter @TheEddieEdwards