Like I told you last week, Impact Wrestling is now a worldwide show, because everyone can watch it on Twitch and now also on Amazon Prime. So I don’t see any reason for you not to watch it… Second episode after Homecoming, but also the last before a comeback to Mexico. If some of you noticed that no PPV has been announced at Homecoming, don’t worry, I have good news for you. This Thursday, we were told there will be a PPV in April, day and place have yet to be confirmed. 
On the menu this week, tons of action. LAX will square off with oVe, X-Division Champion Rich Swann is putting the title on the line against Trey Miguel, Jordynne Grace will compete against Dark Allie, and Ethan Page will try to defeat Eddie Edwards. We’ll also hear from Taya Valkyrie and Scarlett Bordeaux. 
So, no more words, let’s get ready for some action, but your French Enygma Steph way, of course…


The Nygma’s Chart of the Week

  • Caleb Konley vs. KM, with Fallah Bahh, ended in a DQ when Brian Cage rushed in the ring, after attacking everyone backstage. He was looking for Johnny Impact but he laid down KM, Fallah and Caleb instead. Cage said that he was promised the next title shot and he’ll be around next week at Mexico City and will get a close look at Impact vs. Kross for the title. Johnny Impact came out to the stage, but Kross and Moose jumped at him and stomped him repeatedly while Cage was watching on from the ring. Kross and Moose exited and Cage dragged Impact’s body to the ring. Moose returned, hit a Spear on Cage, while Kross delivered the Doomsday Saito Suplex on Johnny. Backstage, Cage told Moose if he wants to get into his business, they can go one-on-one tonight.
  • Ethan Page defeated Eddie Edwards via DQ when Eddie hit him with Kenny. Eli Drake, who was at the announcer’s table, came to the ring to tell Eddie Edwards that he looks just like Tommy Dreamer, but he just needs to eat more pancakes. Drake put Edwards’ career into perspective for him, reminding him that he’s held and fought for many titles before he started pursuing hardcore. Drake encouraged him to leave the kendo stick behind and find the Champion he used to be because, right now, he was seeing a loser.

  • Backstage, oVe and Sami Callihan were talking about the importance of family. Callihan told Swann that it’s time to come home to Ohio, but tonight, it’s all about the most violent feud of 2017 renewed, LAX vs. oVe. Meanwhile, The Rascalz were back with the “That 70s Show” stoner vignette.
  • Jordynne Grace w/ Kiera Hogan defeated Dark Allie w/ Su Yung. Yung confronted Allie in the ring after the match but the lights went out and Rosemary appeared instead of Su. Allie ran off in fear. 
  • The winner of Scarlett Bordeaux’s talent search is… Scarlett Bordeaux. She said she’s going to begin competing and she’s here to make wrestling sexy again.

  • Cage defeated Moose. 
  • Taya Valkyrie gave an update on her health. She said she hasn’t been cleared yet, but when she does, Kross will get his. Valkyrie explained that Blanchard can run around blaming everyone else for losing the title, but she is more than willing to face her in Mexico City next week.
  • Backstage, Tessa Blanchard was irate and blamed Gail Kim for losing her Knockouts Title and started attacking everyone around her. Gail Kim tried to break it up and Blanchard started attacking her, grabbing a wrench in the process. Scott D’Amore and Sonjay Dutt stopped Blanchard, she yelled at them and they, as management, suspended her. 

  • Rich Swann defeated Trey Miguel. After the match, Sami Callihan and oVe came out to the ring. They confronted Swann in the ring and Callihan, once again, tossed Swann the oVe shirt. Swann considered it further but LAX makes their entrance and Swann exited.
  • LAX (Ortiz & Santana w/ Konnan) defeated oVe (Dave & Jake Crist w/ Sami Callihan). After the match, LAX celebrated in the ring with Konnan and then headed to the backstage area. Backstage, The Lucha Brothers congratulated LAX and called them their family, but as they’re walking away, Ortiz disrespected them by yelling out, “Hey, if you ever want another ass whooping, just let us know, baby!” Konnan got angry and yelled, “What!!! What are you doing?”

The Nygma’s Nutcracker(s) of the Week

– LAX vs. oVe
Exactly one year after Barbed Wire Massacre III, LAX is competing against oVe. Some will say, again, I prefer to say, yes, please. Sami Callihan quite rightly stated that the most violent feud of 2017 would be renewed tonight. He was right…
Santana got taken down on the floor and Jake took Ortiz inside to rip at his face. Sami cheap shot Ortiz from the floor and the chin lock went on again as Dave kicked Santana on the floor. A middle rope dropkick got Santana out of trouble and the house was cleaned with Ortiz tagging himself in.

LAX hit the double suicide dives but Santana was caught with a superplex into a sit-out powerbomb combination. He hit a rolling cutter on Jake, setting up a Codebreaker from Ortiz. A superkick set up a double belly-to-back faceplant to finish Jake.
A little bit too short, but definitely as good as it was a year ago… 

– Rich Swann vs. Trey Miguel
Another interesting title defence for Rich Swann, one of the strengths of The Rascalz is to be able to good on their own, as a tag team, and as a trio.
Trey grabbed a wristlock. The rapid-fire nip up got Swann out of trouble and they traded arm drags for a standoff. Miguel was not exactly intimidated. Swann got sent outside for a dive and they headed back in for more striking.

A jumping hurricanrana brought Miguel off the top and Rich hit a nice frog splash. They hit a pinfall reversal sequence, followed by a hell of a superkick by Trey. Swann kicked him right back though and the middle rope 450-splash finished him.
Another way too short bout made to fuel the feud between Swann and oVe. 

– Brian Cage vs Moose
This one was nothing but a short match. Moose and Cage already squared off before, and it was good. This new match was way better than we could have expected…
Cage hammered away to start and the referee was thrown down early on. A shoulder sent Moose outside and he chopped the post by mistake, allowing Cage to start in on the hand. Moose tried a charge but got caught in a powerbomb against the apron. Back in, Moose started hammering on the knees after hitting an apron bomb. Some cannonballs down onto the leg kept Cage down until he used his good leg to kick Moose outside.

Moose wrapped the knee around the post, followed by dropkicking the knee in the corner. Cage got up for the forearm slug out until Moose took him down with a dragon screw leg whip. Back from a break, Moose was hitting a pop-up powerbomb into a backsplash, but Cage popped up. Cage unleashed a pop-up powerbomb into a discus lariat, but Moose caught him on the top with the choke bomb. Moose took his time getting a chair, Cage kneed him in the face and hit the Drill Claw for the pin.

The not-Nygma’s Moment(s) of the Week (or the Nygma’s Broken Record Moment of the Week)

Nothing to say this week… Really…

The Nygma’s Award of the Week

– Scarlett Bordeaux
How many of you fell off their chair? Yes, I have to give Scarlett Bordeaux a Nygma Award, because she will wrestle. After so many weeks asking, pleading, begging, it will finally happen. She wants to make wrestling sexy again, which is not necessary, at least for me. 

– Rich Swann
I was talking to an awesome friend of mine this week about Rich Swann. He may have had some personal issues, he may have wanted to retire from competition, but the fact is Impact Wrestling was just the place he needed to be himself. When I see him smiling and dancing his way to the ring, I don’t see anything else than a great wrestler enjoying what he’s doing. 

– Rosemary
If she came back to get Allie out of her darkness, I couldn’t help say, please no… Dark Allie is a very interesting character and a feud between the 2 women would be more interesting than a big hug. It seems like Rosemary is not 100% ready to come back to the ring now. But the fear she’s creating in Allie’s eyes is pretty cool to watch… 

– Ethan Page
With Matt Sydal sidelined with a knee injury, and expected to be back in 6 months, Ethan Page is finally able to make a name for himself, on his own. Since his debut, we have never really seen what he was about. He’s proving us he’s definitely a talent to watch in 2019, after being involved in the Ultimate X match at Homecoming and this week competing against Eddie Edwards. 

– Jordynne Grace
“Thick Mamma Pump” is made of a wood we’ve not seen a lot of time in the history of Impact Wrestling. She makes me think of Awesome Kong, so strong, so fierce, so unique… But since her debut, we have never really seen what she’s capable of. Currently clogged in the Allie/Su/Kiera triangle, she really deserved a real feud to definitely prove she really has earned her spot on Impact. 

To be eNYGMAtic…

I don’t know what to say about this episode… excepted there was nothing bad in it. I tried to find a tiny little sour note, even Scarlett Bordeaux impressed me…
Things are going perfectly right in the Impact Zone. Storylines are taking shape, the action in the ring is good, talents are great. This week’s episode was just flawless and was going somewhere… It’s so cool to appreciate a show from the beginning to the end… When I told you 2019 was going to be the year of moving forward, Impact Wrestling definitely heard my message.
On this very positive note, until next week, never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…

All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling. Photomontage by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.

By Steph Franchomme

News, Reviews, Social Media Editor, Impact Wrestling Reviewer, Interviewer Well, call me The Boss... And French...

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