Ronda Rousey’s recent ‘Ronda On The Road’ YouTube video got the wrestling community talking (and meme-ing), with the current WWE RAW Women’s Champion stating that she was going to ‘disrespect the sport they all love’, and followed up with ‘wrestling’s scripted, it’s made up, its not real’.

This lead to the big debate on whether Rousey was pushing her potential WrestleMania main event feud with Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair to the next level, or she simply lost her cool and talked badly of the industry that she is currently employed in.

Rousey’s character and appeal are making fans want to see her lose the Women’s title, but given her star power and potential placement on a card already set in stone, repercussions would be in short supply, even if the WWE didn’t appreciate the outburst.

On the flip side, this was great publicity and added extra heat to an already well built feud. Rousey’s popularity has waned in recent months, with the ever vocal smart fans booing Rousey at TV and placing their support behind the ever popular underdog Becky Lynch. Knowing that Rousey is a huge fan of professional wrestling, this strikes me as a great publicity stunt. The shots continue to be fired, even this close to WrestleMania, with Lynch tweeting out that she has been asked to go easy on Rousey and husband Travis Browne because they are getting ‘upset’.

Regardless of what side of the fence that you stand on, most will agree that this adds a great dynamic to a feud that has already had spatters of realism thrown in via social media. If the match lives up to the build-up, we could see a history defining WrestleMania for the Women’s evolution in professional wrestling’s elite company.

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