This week is the final Impact before Rebellion. In this last episode from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, there’s a lot on the menu. Rosemary will be in action, Ace Austin will square off against Aiden Prince, as he requested. Willie Mack and Killer Kross will play their own music in the ring. The Deaners will also make their debut in the Impact Zone. Also, on the road to Rebellion, X-Division Champion Rich Swann is going to visit oVe’s compound and try to have one last talk with Sami Callihan. In the main event, the “Challengers” will compete against “the Champions”, as Brian Cage and LAX will team up again Impact World Champion Johnny Impact and Impact World Tag Team Champions The Lucha Brothers.
Of course, I’ll review this episode, but I will use it as a platform to preview the PPV and give you my predictions. No worries, the Nutcracking spirit you love so much is not ready to mute or stop. So no more words, let’s get ready for some action, but your French Nygma Steph way, of course…
The Nygma’s Chart of the Week
- Eli Drake kicked off the show with Kenny the kendo stick. He said the old Eddie Edwards is dead. Now, he’s a flappy, placid version of his self. Eddie was the weak link, he was talking to a stick. Eli tried getting a word with Kenny, but the stick did not respond. Eddie stormed out and jumped on Eli. He got Kenny, and Eli had “Mic-y”. Crazy Eddie won the exchange and wiped Eli out. They continued the fight backstage, all the way out of the building.
- Hype video for Tessa Blanchard vs. Gail Kim.
- Ace Austin defeated Aiden Prince with The Fold. After the match, Austin beat down Prince, Petey Williams came to make the save.
- Jordynne Grace was working out. Taya Valkyrie showed up and tried choking her with the weight. Grace fought back and lifted the Champion up with a choke, but Taya got out of it. Taya hit a DDT on Jordynne to one of the weights, knocking her out in the process.
- Rob Van Dam was looking forward to wrestling some of the talents. He especially likes Willie Mack doing the frog splash. The X-Division guys are big RVD marks, apparently.
- The Rascalz were backstage, not in a “70s Show pot smoking” segment. They accidentally walked into each other. Each of them got an anonymous note to meet in the same spot. Wentz took a long time finding his note. Moose popped in and admitted he was the one who sent the notes. He got tired of being in the smoky bubble thing, so he invited them here. Moose told them he has friends, so The Rascalz joked about the woman who turned him down a few weeks ago. The North blindsided them, so it seems Moose is teaming up with them.
- Hype video on Johnny vs. Cage.
- Scarlett Bordeaux is looking to prove her critics wrong at Rebellion with a live Smoke Show.
- Rosemary defeated an Undead Maid Of Honor w/ Su Yung and the Undead Bridesmaids with the Green Mist and a Spear.
- Rich Swann showed up at the oVe compound and asked for Sami Callihan. Rich knocked on the door of a room he assumes Sami is in, yelling at him to open up. Swann remembered everything they did together. He poured his heart out before reminding Sami he will see him Sunday. And walked away. Callihan emerged from the door having heard everything.
- Johnny Impact met up with The Lucha Brothers. In Spanish, both Pentagon and Fénix told him they don’t need him. But Johnny stood there with a big smile on his face, not understanding a word. He told them they should bring the same intensity to the ring tonight.
- Killer Kross defeated Willie Mack with the Kross Jacket submission.
- Hype video highlighting the history of LAX vs. The Lucha Brothers: Full Metal Mayhem this Sunday.
- The Deaners (Cody & Jake Deaner) defeated Halal Beefcake (Joe Coleman & Idris Abraham)
- In the ring, Johnny Impact grabbed the mic before the main event. He wanted to talk about the special guest referee situation. The fact is, Lance Storm helped to train him in the OVW days. Taya said she was trained in the Storm Academy, and they even invited him to their wedding. Lance Storm made his entrance and hugged them both. Storm thought it’s great to be back, but there’s a misunderstanding. There’s an important lesson they need to remember. No matter what they do in this industry, be an asset to it. Don’t be one of the reasons others don’t. Johnny questioned Storm’s integrity. “If I can be serious for a minute .. my integrity has never been for sale”. Lance Storm has one job at Rebellion, to make sure Impact has a World Champion. One that the fans can look up to and respect. Taya slapped him, and Storm superkicked Johnny in the face. He will be calling it right down the middle at Rebellion.
- Brian Cage, Santana & Ortiz (w/ Konnan) defeated Johnny Impact, Pentagon Jr & Fénix (w/ Taya Valkyrie & Johnny Bravo). Pentagon Jr. split the back of Brian Cage’s neck with a chair shot. Despite the blood, Cage carried on and finished the Champion with Weapon X. LAX & The Lucha Brothers brought Full Metal Mayhem out with chairs and ladders. Cage closed the show by smearing blood across his chest in victory.
The Nygma’s Nutcracker(s) and Awards of the Week
– Scarlett Bordeaux
I said one Nygma Award until the end of June… I’m a woman of my words…
– A Canadian collusion
In attacking Aiden Prince, Ace Austin gave Petey Williams a reason to come out and ask to play too. The same way they did with Gail Kim and Tessa Blanchard, this storyline could also become something related to the crossing of generations in the Impact Zone. Wait and see…
– Rich Swann facing his past, his present and his future
What Rich Swann was saying to Sami behind that door can find an echo in all of us. We know where we come from, what we want to be remembered of from this period of our life, what we want to be remembered of now and forever. Our past could be our burden… Or a reason for us to rise…
– Killer vs. Mack
Two different styles colliding in the same ring and it was very good. I found there what I wish I can find in a PPV match, solid action, determination, characters, fair-trade ending. Kross could have crossed the line but it seems like Mack already paid the necessary toll to avoid Kross’ ire.
– Mr. Integrity Himself
I can only hope Lance Storm appreciated his try-out as a producer for Impact because the man is epitomizing everything wrestling has always been. Like I told you last week, the Stu Hart alumni has always been praised in and out of the ring, as a fair-trade man, worthy of the morals, values and training he received from his training in The Dungeon.
– A crazy and appealing main-event
This match reminded me of the series of matches we witnessed last year with oVe, Brian Cage and The Lucha Brothers. Wild and crazy, high-flying and really interesting. That’s what I want to see on Sunday, from all these men, in their respective matches. I want some fair-trade madness…
Impact Wrestling’s Rebellion Preview, Stakes and Predictions
Rebellion card has been a long, hard and difficult process to build up, with matches added the very last minute… After the success of Homecoming, that proved you could make a Match of The Year on January 6th, the stakes are not high, they’re close to a do-or-die situation.
I’m afraid some matches’ fates are utterly predictable. In this desire to move forward I’ve been expressing since the beginning of 2019, I have difficulties to find reasons or signs we will move forward with this PPV…
I definitely regret the Eddie/Eli/Kenny feud can’t find an end in Toronto (look below… I may be wrong…). Where is the X-Division, outside of the Championship match? Where are the men who have stuck their necks out the previous weeks, Killer Kross, Willie Mack, The Crist Brothers and Madman Fulton? Also, a match between Rosemary and Kiera Hogan or Su Yung would have been welcomed on a PPV platform. Let’s not forget Rob Van Dam, who’s back and seems to target the X-Division, unless he wants to go higher…
— Eli Drake (@TheEliDrake) April 27, 2019
I will voluntarily repeat what I said in the last Impact before Homecoming review, I genuinely want a PPV like Impact Wrestling can do, with good, great and awesome matches. What I absolutely don’t want is to tell you, on Monday night, “I told you” or “I saw it coming”.
Let’s scrutinize this card and see what may happen…
* Live Smoke Show with Scarlett Bordeaux
Now that we know what Scarlett Bordeaux is about, let’s avoid any kind of strip show or lap dance…
The Nygma’s Crystal Ball says… please, an intergender match!
My second year @IMPACTWRESTLING and I haven't been on one major PPV, no t-shirts, and ZERO love for the DHS. Yet here we are GIVING @Lady_Scarlett13
a spot on the PPV to do that hot garbage Smoke Show. Truly "well deserved". YOU DON'T BELONG IN THE RING! What a joke!!— Rohit Raju/Hakim Zane (@HakimZane) April 27, 2019
* 6-Man Match: The Rascalz (Dez, Wentz & Trey Miguel) vs. The North (Josh Alexander & Ethan Page) and Moose
This new association is coming out of nowhere. Moose was able to get rid of 2 of the Rascalz, he could have beaten the third. With Ethan Page and Josh Alexander, he’s really taking the insurance of winning against the whole stable. Because when the fog disappeared and it’s time to come back to earth, some strong men know how to stop young kids.
The Nygma’s Crystal Ball says… The North & Moose
* Knockouts Match: Gail Kim vs. Tessa Blanchard
This is a story that has started at Homecoming when Gail Kim gave the Knockouts title to Taya and stripped Tessa of the belt. Tessa got nervous, Gail got nervous, to the point of going out of retirement to teach the spoiled brat how to behave well in the Impact Zone. This match is about two generations colliding, will someone learn or will someone else be buried in the past forever?
The Nygma’s Crystal Ball says… Gail Kim
* X-Division Championship Match: Rich Swann (c) vs. Sami Callihan
Another very personal story, because everything Rich Swann and Sami Callihan said is true, they helped each other when they were at their lowest. But, when Sami is decided to stick to the past, Rich Swann is decided to move on and get rid of the past. Over the last few days, Sami Callihan has been requested on every possible podcast for a no DQ match, which in some ways could advantage Rich more than him… oVe is pretty predictable and Rich Swann is able to raise an army to ensure he will retain the coveted X-Division title. Could be the match of the night if things go right…
The Nygma’s Crystal Ball says… Rich Swann
* Impact Knockouts Championship match: Taya Valkyrie (c) vs. Jordynne Grace
I didn’t really understand why Jordynne Grace has to come back on the line to have this match when she was never given a rematch after Taya made herself counted out. I even feared this match could turn into a 3-Way match when Madison Rayne suddenly added herself into the equation. As it’s not happening, I tend to think Madison could prevent Taya from retaining. Because Impact desperately needs a fighting female Champion…
The Nygma’s Crystal Ball says… Jordynne Grace
* Full Metal Mayhem Match for the Impact World Tag Team Championship Match: The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Junior & Fénix) (c) vs. LAX (Ortiz & Santana)
We have the recipe for a Match of the Night but, unlike their first match at Homecoming, this one will be very different. There’s no more respect, no more family values. Konnan requested this stipulation because he was hurt in his heart. In this fourth encounter, things have to come to an end. Quite simply because the Lucha Brothers signed somewhere else. Maybe they will stay with Impact, maybe not, but let’s face reality for a second. LAX is Impact, Konnan is Impact… And Impact Wrestling will prevail…
The Nygma’s Crystal Ball says… LAX
* Impact World Championship Match: Johnny Impact (c) vs. Brian Cage, with Lance Storm as Special Guest Referee
In my Frenchy head, everything I want is this storyline to end. Since Homecoming, it’s been a complete mess and a load of clichés. Cage screwed up by the referee, Kross, Johnny and Taya… Nutcracking galore… There has been no better way to build a babyface and a future Champion. But Cage suffered his way through…
Brian Cage is called “The Machine” because he is a truly inhuman competitor that can turn things up to a level very few knew was attainable, it’s time for him to grab the World Championship, because of Lance Storm, because of what happened, and also because he’s the Machine.
The Nygma’s Crystal Ball says… Brian Cage
To be eNYGMAtic…
This episode was good, really. A lot of action, the kind of I want to see in a PPV. A great cinematic moment with Rich Swann. I liked this episode, even if it didn’t bring much more to the PPV. New storylines are already being set up, and that’s fine for me.
I think I already told you so much I think there’s no need to tell you more. Don’t miss Rebellion review on Monday night. Impact Wrestling will tap some new episodes on Monday, Friday and Saturday, RVD is back on Impact, so who knows what’s going to happen next week? Of course, I’ll be there, again and again. Don’t miss my interview with Gail Kim tonight or tomorrow…
On this very “Rebellion” note, until later today, tomorrow night, until next week, never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…
All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling. Photomontage custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag & @vulturehoundmag.