Another week, another episode of NXT releases onto the network. What treats from the yellow brand will surprise this week? More squash matches than actual exciting bouts? More of Adam Cole on a roll to be a Gargano Troll? Well, you know what we have to do. Let’s take a look at what happened this week on NXT!
Aliyah w/Vanessa Borne vs Mia Yim
Here’s the first takeaway from this match, Nigel McGuinness should never say “Yas Queen”. Secondly, this was probably one of the weaker ways to open up an episode. While there were some entertaining moments involving Yim taking a few moves, the match as a whole like both wrestlers was holding back. Only a few moments seemed to flow well whereas the rest felt stilted and clumsy. However, Yim is now showing intentions of going for the Women’s Championship. Yim vs Baszler could be an interesting fight if booked well.

What happened in between though?
Well, my fellow friends:
• William Regal was interrupted by the Forgotten Sons when regal put them in their place by sending them to the back of the wrestling queue.
• Adam Cole visited Johnny Gargano’s hometown to gloat his ass off in front of Johnny’s parents and even rookie wrestlers that looked up to him. Perfectly encapsulating a face you want to punch.
• Matt Riddle shows off his gym routine.
Kushida vs Jeff Parker (Squash match)
Kushida won with a hoverboard lock. Not much to say about this match as it’s your basic “make the good guy look good” match. We’re more than likely going to get this build up for a while so sit back and let Kushida be the man of the hour until he gets his next big opponent to try and kick him down.
NXT BREAKOUT TOURNAMENT ROUND 1 – Isaiah “Swerve” Scott vs Cameron Grimes

Isaiah Scott gave one hell of a performance for his NXT debut, but combined with the brute force of Cameron Grimes made this match one of the biggest highlights of the night. When Grimes called for your attention, he took it by making each move look devastating. When Scott wanted it, he took you on a feast for the senses with his feats of athleticism with complimentary doses of style.
Top it all off with me verbally stating “oh my God, how did they even do that?!” And finishing with a double stomp, Grimes moves on to the next round with a victory in his pocket. Was it the match of the night before the main event?…
Bianca Belair vs (Squash Match)
You do NOT piss Bianca off. She’ll make your back red and absolutely destroy you. All of this because of one strike to the chin. I repeat, DO NOT PISS HER OFF.
Jokes aside, the streak of anger for Bianca must be building up to something, it’s not clear what that will be but it’s interesting to think about where it could go. Maybe she goes full Braun Strowman and tips over Full Sail University? Either way, more on this storyline as it develops.
Roderick Strong vs Tyler Breeze
This already had the makings of a good match, what took it to the next level was Tyler taking a massively and painful looking bump to the outside on the steel steps. Nasty, and Strong took full advantage and dismantle the back of breeze. When breeze fought back, the crowd was behind him all the way. Breeze looks to be back in his element in an NXT environment once again, he seems more relaxed and creatively free to express himself. The sheer idea of Breeze taking on more NXT opponents is just mouthwatering. After this match, it seems clear that Breeze is here to make an impact (not that one) hopefully rekindle a lost love that had faded away.

A strong start had to have a strong ending, and it looked as if breeze may get the win until Bobby Fisch and Kyle O’Reilly interfered and led to Strong stealing the win with the end of heartache. A decent episode, but the breakout Tournament is the show-stealer each week so far. If you need a reason to tune in this week, then the Tournament is one massive thumbs-up from this writer here.