OWE UK have revealed that the next team to join the ever-swelling ranks of their tag tournament will be the Irish trio, More Than Hype.


More Than Hype are the trio of LJ Cleary, Darren Kearney and Nathan Martin. They have been mainstays in OTT since 2018 and have spent much of 2019 showing their stuff in all the big UK promotions. They have made appearances in ICW, Fight Club Pro and PROGRESS as well as many others.

The trio has their own unique styles as Cleary is the showman, Psycho Nathan Martin is the strong style enthusiast and Kearney is the complete mix of tag team, traditional and submission wrestling, partially due to time training with Lance Storm’s Wrestling Academy.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHxzc3Gu8iE]

Cleary may be the most recognisable of the group as he has held singles titles in OTT, holding the Gender Neutral and Irish Junior Heavyweight titles. He is not alone though as his teammates have also been champions in both singles and tag divisions. They are receiving a lot of attention as a team and even have an upcoming match against The Rascalz in Fight Club Pro later this month.

They will join the ever-growing list of the 16 tag teams involved in this tournament. Here they are:

With More Than Hype announcement, 2 teams are missing to this list.

To reply to the many requests for multi-day tickets for both venues in the UK tour, OWE UK decided to create passes for the 2 London shows and 3 Liverpool shows. A 5-day pass for all OWE UK shows is also available. Passes holders will have the chance to attends some meet & greets. The tour will be taking place from September 18th-22nd. For more information on the company and tickets, be sure to check out their Twitter and their website here.

All images/videos courtesy of LJ Cleary, OWE UK, Fight Club Pro and OTT Wrestling

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