If you didn’t catch episode one, welcome to 31 Days of Deathmatches. This is an advent calendar-style countdown to Halloween offering you a door of deliciously gory wrestling per day. Our trip to the spookiest day of the year will take us around the world and through time. This will chronicle some of the most significant deathmatches throughout the years but will mostly consist of my absolute favourite barbed wire bouts and glass shattering matches. Without further ado, let’s open the next door.
It’s a known fact I have covered BJW quite extensively on this site. I have chronicled their story, some of their top talents and matches and now, as their final appearance on the calendar, I give you something a bit different. It’s also quite relevant for the time of writing if you can get the reference. This is something I didn’t know was a thing for the longest time but Daisuke Sekimoto has done deathmatches. BJW’s biggest star in the strong division has also dabbled in the bloodiest of divisions too. This match is a prime example of that thanks to the power of YouTube. I present to you Daisuke Sekimoto vs Jaki Numazawa in a Prison Hall Deathmatch from August 2005.
So, the key fact to this match is that Sekimoto is wrestling this match as a strong division match in a deathmatch environment. He’s hitting every power move he’d treat a strong division opponent to whilst also using the weaponry to enrich that and setting up to more power moves. He was murdering Numazawa with light tubes and using Numazawa’s tacks against him. A lot of this match was centred around as many spots featuring light tubes. Both men were a bloody mess and walking human glass-cushions. It was a grizzly sight to behold. The best spot of all though has to be the finish as Sekimoto, who is almost top to toe in blood, cuts and glass become the Terminator as Numazawa batters as many light tube bundles over Sekimoto as he could before hitting his finisher into yet more broken glass.
This may have seemed like a random pick but out of all the BJW matches I could pick for their last huzzah, this had to be my pick. If nothing else, I was sold by Sekimoto’s T-800 style no sell and the sheer fact I was watching Sekimoto in a deathmatch. BJW are by far one of my favourite companies and it’s nice to see them surprise me with matches like this. Now, Sekimoto doesn’t need all the deathmatch antics to be a badass. He’s a star no matter what so seeing him show some diversity, especially in what was a very brutal match was exceptional. I’m still not quite over Sekimoto getting a sickle in the head from Numazawa. Also, enjoy trying to get the Terminator theme out of your head now.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2m5dS9em9j8]
Come back tomorrow for your next deathmatch treat!
Images courtesy of YouTube, RuTube Video courtesy of Rafferty Westmore (YouTube)