Arguably the fastest-growing wrestling league today, Major League Wrestling — MLW, for short — is seen around the world weekly via its TV series MLW Fusion, which regularly includes the likes of “Filthy” Tom Lawlor, Ross and Marshall Von Erich, Low Ki, Salina De La Renta, Myron Reed and Injustice, Jacob Fatu, Gringo Loco, Zeda Zhang, Mance Warner, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Brian Pillman Jr., and ACH. MLW is also the parent company of the MLW Radio Network, the leading provider of professional wrestling podcasts in the world.
Among the top talent regularly seen on MLW Fusion is The Dynasty, the affluent, and high-powered stable consisting of Richard Holliday, Alexander Hammerstone, and Gino Medina; Medina recently replaced Maxwell Jacob Friedman — short for MJF, of course — in Dynasty. Not only have all of the members of The Dynasty held championship gold at some point, but the trio’s recurring Lifestyles Of The Rich & Dynastic segments on MLW Fusion have been arguably the show’s most popular non-wrestling segments.
Richard Holliday — often known as both “The Most Marketable Man In Wrestling” and “The AirPod God” — bestowed on me the honour of speaking with him by phone on February 20, 2020; we had previously spoken in December before a taping of FUSION at New York City’s Melrose Ballroom. We discussed MLW’s upcoming Intimidation Games event in Chicago on April 18th, Gino Medina’s role in The Dynasty, and plenty more within our chat.
The full conversation with Holliday is embedded below, while part of the chat has been transcribed exclusively for SteelChair Magazine.
On MLW’s recent growth:
It’s been exponential growth when you take a look at what we’re doing. We have television not just in America, but really globally. MLW Fusion is being seen by so many different variations of consumers and demographics. For us to have a live pay-per-view in 2019 was just epic and historic. A lot of that is in credit to The Dynasty in what we’ve done to help build that.
It’s an ever-building brand, MLW is on the fast train to success, and I’m happy to be along for the ride and more or less steering that ship. So MLW is going to continue to grow, continue to prosper, and it’s going to be gentlemen like myself, Hammerstone, and Gino Medina who’s gonna continue to make it and bring it to the forefront of professional wrestling.
On whether Gino Medina has fully taken over MJF’s Dynasty responsibilities or is forging his own path:
Gino’s forming his own path. He’s doing exceptionally well for The Dynasty and has all the “dynastic” qualities that we look for in an individual when we do go into recruitment mode, in which we were. In terms of what MJF was doing, he did what he did for The Dynasty as a founding father along with Hammerstone, and myself. I’m not attempting to fill those shoes. I’m just simply looking to add a different set of shoes into the collection.
On rumours of a Richard Holliday television project:
Absolutely, Rich Talk has been discussed. Contractually written by my lawyer/my father and was funded by my investor/my uncle. Rich Talk is going to be something that’s heavily featured on MLW television. We did film a pilot episode while we were in Dallas, Texas, and the consumers were raving about it.
On his last words for the kids:
Honestly, this interview has gone on a little bit longer than I had intended on. Sorry, kids, you’re just little consumers in my eyes, and there’s nothing else for me to say to you.
For more on Richard Holliday, you can follow him via and on social media.