Which barriers to break? Test 2 of the best Impact wrestlers in a series of 5 matches, make them reach new heights match after match, make them go till the end of the series, and see who will go face the World Champion. The Road to Rebellion is there, just in front of us, the first match of the PPV should be announced tonight. It is time…
On the menu this week, from Las Vegas, Nevada, Willie Mack will face off Glenn Gilbertti and Johnny Swinger in a handicap match, Rhino and Madman Fulton will square off, The Rascalz and The Desi Hit Squad are scheduled to fight. Madison Rayne will come with a new challenger for Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace. And the final match of the Best of 5 Series between Michael Elgin and Eddie Edwards will be the decisive one. Who will face Tessa Blanchard at Rebellion for the title? So no more words, let’s get ready for some action, but your French Enygma Steph way, of course…

The Nygma’s Chart of the Week

  • Rhino defeated Madman Fulton w/ Dave and Jake Crist. After the match, Jake and Dave attacked Rhino. The lights turned off and when the lights came back on, Sabu was standing in the ring. He took out Dave and Jake and posed with Rhino and Super Genie.
  • Chris Bey will make his Impact debut next week.
  • Impact World Champion Tessa Blanchard told Gabby Loren that she will be watching Michael Elgin and Eddie Edward’s final best of five series match closely.

  • The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz) defeated The Desi Hit Squad (Shera & Rohit Raju w/ Gama Singh).
  • Katie Forbes was about to get rid of her provocative clothes. Rob Van Dam asked her if she was sure she wants to do this. She was 100 percent sure. The Deaners grabbed hold of her old clothes and asked her why she was getting rid of them. Joey Ryan came in and told them that it’s Forbes’ decision on how she wants to look and if she wants to throw away her old clothes, she can. Ryan and RVD challenged The Deaners to a match next week.
  • New vignette from Tenille Dashwood strolling in Las Vegas.

  • Jordynne Grace defeated Lacey Ryan w/ Madison Rayne.
  • Fallah Bahh became aware of the fact that he and TJP could be the first Filipino tag team champions if the beat The North for the Impact World Tag Team titles. TJP said they got this.
  • Chris Sabin told Gabby Loren he loves Impact and will be the special referee atTNA: There’s No Place Like Home event on April 3. Moose said he’s not needed, and that he will win the Championship in the King of the Mountain match. Moose didn’t understand the rules (5 competitors, you have to climb the ladder not to grab the belt but to hang it on top of the ring) so Sabin had to break them down for him. Moose called the match stupid.
  • Taya Valkyrie was at a bar, crying to a random dude who ran away and asking for more wine. Rosemary just happened to be there and ranted about her life sucks. Taya prevented her from lighting a cigarette. Rosemary said since Taya lost everything as well, they are free to do anything and should celebrate.

  • Willie Mack defeated The Swinging Disco Balls (Glenn Gilbertti & Johnny Swinger) because Ace Austin helped him and became his tag team partner.
  • Havok was backstage and Su attacked her. They fought with chairs, Havok choked her out with the noose, but Su fought her off until Havok choked her, but Su Yung put the mandible claw on Havok and locked her into the coffin.
  • Johnny Swinger and Glenn Gilbertti were fighting over whose fault it was that they lost the match. Glenn Gilbertti said that he quits.
  • Video package of the third episode of Gut Check. We got highlights of a 6-man tag that the guys had.


  • The ICU gimmick interrupted the show, he will be revealed next week.
  • Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin went to a draw/double pin/non-finish. Edwards rolled Elgin as he was locking him in the cross face. A third referee and Scott D’Amore made their way down to the ring to figure out what just happened. Blanchard cut them all off and said that at Rebellion, she’ll face both Elgin and Edwards in a triple threat match for the Impact World Heavyweight Championship.

The Nygma’s Nutcracker(s) of the Week

– Michael Elgin vs Eddie Edwards – Match 5
Elgin ran wild at the bell, picking up a near fall and then hitting a Death Valley Driver on Edwards on the ramp. Elgin fired away with strikes until Edwards countered into the Blue Thunder Bomb. Elgin quickly cut him off, they worked up top and Edwards countered into a sunset bomb. Post break, we got the big striking exchange until Elgin dumped Edwards to the apron. Edwards started firing back, Elgin kept wanting more and got it as Edwards kicked him to the floor. Edwards followed with a plancha, and back in, Edwards took control, headed up top and got cut off as Elgin put together a run of offence. Post break, Elgin was controlling with strikes. He maintained the heat, Edwards tried to fire back, they traded and Edwards hit an overhead toss.

Elgin quickly cut him off, they worked up top and Edwards hit an avalanche overhead suplex and a backpack stunner. Elgin battled back, delivering clotheslines as they worked up top. Elgin hit the avalanche dragon suplex. The buckle bomb followed, Edwards countered back and he hit a powerbomb and the Tiger Driver. Elgin hit a powerbomb and a lariat. The buckle bomb and Elgin bomb followed. Edwards countered the burning hammer, we got a referee bump as Edwards was hitting the Boston knee party. A new referee arrived and Eddie got 2. Elgin hit a bastard driver and locked Eddie on the cross face. Edwards rolled him and we got a double pin with Edwards tapping just after the bell.

The not-Nygma’s Moment(s) of the Week 

Glenn Gilbertti and Johnny Swinger already done teaming up, do I add something?
I will say it again, even if I know most of you disagree with me, but Impact Wrestling going old-school mean TNA, not ECW. Sabu’s comeback is not my cup of tea, sorry.

The Lollipop and Baby-Oil Nygmalicious Moment of The Week 

Joey, come back, please… I don’t buy it… Ok, I can easily understand the bashing both RVD, Joey Ryan and Katie Forbes have suffered on social media have not been very nice, even if three different people mean three different kinds of bashing. Of course, it could make a powerful storyline. Then I am and will always be a Joey Ryan’s girl, but not RVD and Katie’s one… They do what they want, the way they want, I don’t obviously like that but I don’t bash them for it.

The Nygma’s Noticeable Facts of the Week

– “She is crazy?”
Call that a main-event… Tessa Blanchard vs Michael Elgin vs Eddie Edwards, Impact World Championship at Rebellion. Listening to Don Callis saying that sentence, she is crazy, means a lot on how the stakes will be stratospheric in this match. Wrestling a man on Impact was one step, taking away a World Championship was another one. Tessa Blanchard will have to defend the belt against 2 of the best wrestlers not only of Impact Wrestling roster but of the business, “Big Mike” Michael Elgin and the heart and soul of Impact, Eddie Edwards. I am right now in between excitement and fear.
The flip side of the coin, why doing a Series of 5 to end it with no winner? We had 5 great matches and I can’t help but think they were a waste if it was supposed to end like that (for what I saw, only one of Elgin’s shoulders was on the mat…)


– Taya and Rosemary, the Dark Widows…
Mourning a title and a Bunny with wine and cigarettes… This cinematic orchestra moment was just fabulous. I don’t know what the celebration will look like, but I want to see that. They had been incredible enemies in the past, I’m sure they will make the best of friends.

– Chris Sabin, King of The Mountain
Nice to see Chris Sabin back on Impact as he was one of TNA’s all-time great. We now know the King of The Mountain match at TNA: There’s No Place Like Home event will be a Championship match and Moose will be one of the 5 talents involved.

– Havok forever back to The Undead Realm?
Su Yung finally trapped Havok into the coffin, which should mean Havok is now back to the Undead Realm. But should it have to end like that? In a hallway, during a cinematic orchestra moment? This feud has to find an end in a ring, the most hardcore possible way. The No-DQ match was one thing, a Monsters Ball at Rebellion would be a magnificent one.

Congratulations to our enigmatic friend for hijacking not only the show but the whole Impact Wrestling Twitter and Instagram (not Facebook)… See you next week, Mr. #RealityIsLost… (hack my review whenever you want, you’re welcome…)

To be eNYGMAtic…

I am puzzled. Action, there was but not as good as we could expect. The promos were doing their job, teasing the matches of the night. It was really nice to see Chris Sabin teasing the upcoming TNA PPV. The “cinematic orchestra” moments were good. Then, we are 5 weeks away from Rebellion and I ask myself if this episode makes sense in the build-up of it. Maybe for The Mack who I see as the only legit contender for Ace Austin’s belt. For TJP and Fallah Bahh because they seem to be the only team that can make it against The North. Then, the Su-Havok feud can’t stop this way. Where is Sami Callihan? Who is ICU? Which good contender for Jordynne Grace and the Knockouts title? So many questions…
At the same time, if you were not thrilled by this episode, it also had the power to make you want to watch the next one…
On this “Nygma Is Not Very Happy But Still Can’t Show It” note, until next week, never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…

All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling and AXS TV. Photocollage custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.

By Steph Franchomme

News, Reviews, Social Media Editor, Impact Wrestling Reviewer, Interviewer Well, call me The Boss... And French...

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