Our weekly AEW Dynamite reviewer, Patrick, will be back when Dynamite will be back. The current issues made AEW say, “see you next Dynamite” instead of “see you next week”. At this time, everything on the entire planet seems to be up in the air.

As I’m not the specialist of the show he is, I will just take the time to tell you the big things that happened this Wednesday night in Jacksonville, Florida, where Dynamite was airing live, with no attendance. Ready?

  • Cody opened the show in the ring. The arena was darkened with a spotlight on him. He addressed the current worldwide situation, said we as human beings have to stand together, and for now, that means at a distance. The camera showed the empty building. Cody said he refuses to live in a prison of fear, he feels alive, and he hopes the fans at home feel the same. Cody then talked about his fellow stablemates, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, so The Elite can get the advantage at Blood and Guts. He told Hangman Page he is the best wrestler of the company, and if he lost to Jericho for the title, so did he, it’s time to get over it and be the reason The Elite wins at Blood and Guts. Cody then talked about Kenny Omega, how they are friends, how he needs him, the “real” Omega tonight, the “Best Bout Machine.”

    Matt and Kenny made their way out to the ring. Omega said he agreed with Cody and because they don’t even know if they will have Dynamite next week, but if it’s up to him they want to go out, the same way they come in, as The Elite. Matt got on the mic and said it’s just three of them in the ring, he then asked where is Page. Hangman Page finally strolled out with a drink but stayed on the stage. Matt said he knows things have been weird lately, but he asked Page, as a man, if he will stand with them tonight and next week. Page nodded, gave them cheers, then headed to the back. Omega talked to the camera, he said he knows fans were out there and could feel their energy, so all they can do is give them the best possible show. Omega called for the lights.


  • At ringside, Tony Schiavone talked with MJF and asked him about tonight. MJF said he was offered money to wrestle tonight, but he’ll pass and let the mid-card entertain tonight. Apparently, he and Shawn Spears were gambling on tonight’s matches. Brandi Rhodes did ring announcing. Colt Cabana, Sonny Kiss, Frankie Kazarian, MJF, Wardlow, Shawn Spears, among others, were watching at ringside. Orange Cassidy joined commentary.

  • Lucha Bros (Pentagon Junior & Rey Fénix) defeated Best Friends (Chuckie T & Trent). Spears and MJF enjoyed some wine while watching the match. Tony Schiavone talked with Best Friends right after the match. Taylor didn’t appreciate his friend getting kicked between the legs and wanted a rematch. They challenged the Lucha Bros to a Parking Lot Street Fight on next week’s show.


  • Hikaru Shida defeated Riho, Kris Statlander and Penelope Ford. Kip Sabian got involved.
  • At ringside, Tony talked with Colt Cabana, noting he’s currently 2-0. He asked Colt if he’s scout, Colt says this is weird, but he’s scouting for sure. Colt said the women’s division is looking great, and he’s pretty sure none of them will bite him. Sabian asked if Colt wants to go, then shoved him. Colt tried to laugh it off, got shoved again and then slapped Sabian.
  • Tony Schiavone talked with Jon Moxley outside of Daily’s Place before the show. Moxley said he goes where he likes and couldn’t believe not being allowed to enter. Instead of causing chaos, he was going to take a little drive (using the car he took from Inner Circle). Moxley said he will see Inner Circle soon, and wouldn’t miss Blood and Guts for the world.
  • Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) vs. The Butcher & The Blade.
  • Brodie Lee, formerly known as Luke Harper, is The Exalted One and he attacked Kazarian and Chris Daniels.


  • Tony Schiavone talked with Lance Archer and Jake Roberts. Roberts said Archer was not here to talk. Roberts said he gave Cody a warning, but Cody hasn’t said a thing, and they don’t play games. He told Cody it’s time for him to stand up and meet Archer. Vignette for Lance Archer at the Murderhawk Mansion.


  • Winners receive entry advantage for next week’s Blood and Guts Match: Jake Hager, Santana, and Ortiz w/ Sammy Guevara defeated Cody, Hangman Page, and Matt Jackson w/ Arn Anderson and Kenny Omega. Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall were in the crowd and Chris Jericho joined commentary.
    Post-match, The Inner Circle celebrated together on stage. Jericho on the mic said they have all the advantages. Jericho said he’s banning all fans from events until he said so. Jericho taunted The Elite that they only have four guys, while they have five guys, so The Elite doesn’t stand a chance. He said The Inner Circle just win, they haven’t shown a crack as a group. A drone suddenly flew above the ring, it’s Vanguard 1. Matt Jackson got on the microphone and said Jericho was wrong about how many guys The Elite have. Matt made a phone call to a friend who owed him a favour. Up in the rafters was Matt Hardy The Inner Circle looked on as Matt did his “Delete” taunt as the show came to a close.


With two new major stars in its roster, AEW chose to please the fans with an exciting episode. But, as we don’t know when Dynamite will air yet, was it the best moment to make them debut?

All pics and videos courtesy of AEW

By Steph Franchomme

News, Reviews, Social Media Editor, Impact Wrestling Reviewer, Interviewer Well, call me The Boss... And French...

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