【お知らせ】4/12(日)新宿FACEで開催される「DDT TV SHOW!MAX BUMP 2020」は #DDTUNIVERSE で当日21:00から放送致します。実況は村田晴郎さんです。なお予定しておりましたリモートサイン会は、ここ数日の情勢の変化を踏まえ中止とさせていただきます。https://t.co/jrbUCqey3Y#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/9b7VDRlR2u
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) April 9, 2020
A recent State of Emergency order has put many shows in crisis in Japan. One of the major Dramatic Dream Team (DDT) shows in the line of sight is their own Peter Pan 2020 in Saitama Super Arena in June. In the meantime, they have been dealing with the currently cancelled shows by running them as no-crowd shows.
Though due to this new batch of cancellations, they announced that they will be doing alternate programming to make up for the cancelled shows. The programming will be taking the form of a Weekly Show with No People. And will start with the show MAX BUMP 2020 on April 12th at 8 AM EST (1 AM GMT).
The main matches announced for the card are Masato Tanaka defending the KO-D title against Yukio Sakaguchi, Nautilus defending the KO-D Tag titles against Moonlight Express, and Tetsuya Endo facing off against Kazusada Higuchi. The last match on that card having implications for Saitama Super Arena as if Higuchi beats Endo he obtains the Right to Challenge at Saitama Super Arena Sword that Endo currently holds. Leading to if Sakaguchi and Higuchi both win their respective matches then the Peter Pan 2020 main event will be Eruption vs Eruption.
Special thanks to LWOSPW – Pic and video courtesy of DDT Pro Wrestling