It’s Tuesday night and that can only mean another trip down the rabbit hole into an insane world called Carnyland. The NWA comedy show we are being treated to once a week instead of NWA Powerrr while the company is still faced with travel and crowd restrictions.

This week’s episode of Carnyland will take you back to your school classroom as “a rumour circled around the residents of Carnyland. If you are too losing sleep over what this rumour could possibly be then head over to where a special emergency council meeting was held after the show ended.”

This week, Carnyland once again focused on bringing some laughter into your home as all of last week’s favourite segments were back with some new segments added as well. Here are a few of the segments featured this week:

  • Joe Galli hyping the debut of Girl Powerrr on Friday
  • A welcome message from Billy Corgan to the visitors of Carnyland
  • Allysin Kay returned to Carnyland College with a much-needed lesson for all the heel wrestlers out there
  • Joe Galli was once again mocked by Stu Bennett as he tried to inform everyone of major news that will affect Carnyland as we know it
  • James Storm shared a story about how he became an enemy of the State of Vermont
  • Royce Isaac and May Valentine shared their new hand sanitiser business
  • Tim Storm returned to teach another Carnyland history lesson
  • A new segment featured called Carnyland Therapy
  • Nick Aldis shared his Wrestler Dad advice
  • Stu Bennett and the mystical land of Mongrovia
  • Billy Corgan shared a big announcement that Carnyland will need to elect a mayor! Carnyland will be announcing their candidates next week.

All pictures and videos courtesy of NWA 

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