On this week’s episode of AEW Dark, we saw Peter Avalon try to fight off the strongest man in the world, Orange Cassidy. Mel returned to the ring for the first time since the Nightmare Collective was scratched. Griff Garrison sought out his first win against the Murder Hawk Lance Archer. And we all watched to see if Joey Janela and Sonny Kiss could beat John Silver and Alex Reynolds of the Dark Order.
Robert Anthony vs Brian Cage
The weekly blink and your miss it match featured Robert Anthony getting demolished by the machine, Brian Cage. Anthony lasted all of 30 seconds before Cage suplexed him into the ring, held him above his head and slammed him into the ring, pinning and winning the match. Overall, this match did what it set out to, build Cage up as a monster before his match at Fyter Fest vs the current AEW World Champion Jon Moxley.
Winner: Brian Cage
Just like @OfficialTAZ said… all too easy for @MrGMSI_BCage! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/9sscWH1jE1
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
David Ali & Musa vs SCU
Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels represented SCU as they did last week on AEW Dark. Daniels and Musa started the match as they went back and forth fighting for control. Ali then jumped into the fight as he attacked Daniels from behind while Musa took out Kazarian. The back and forth continued until Kazarian returned to the ring against Ali. Kazarian went straight to control the match and Ali. Both members of SCU worked together, taking turns to drop Ali into the ring. Christopher Daniels hit a Best Meltzer Ever, Kazarian pinned which allowed SCU to win the match.
.@musa_fearless going toe to toe with @facdaniels! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/zODPwWRiks
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
A good match was enjoyable to watch. It’s interesting to see the new to AEW team of Kazarian and Daniels as for most of the company’s history we saw Scorpio and Kazarian. I like this change, Scorpio could become a champion and staple within AEW. It’s also great to see more of Daniels as he previously hasn’t been seen wrestling much within AEW.
Winner: SCU
.@facdaniels and @FrankieKazarian too smooth! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/lC0lvgJyWh
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
Pineapple Pete Vs Shawn Spears (w/ Tully Blanchard)
The crowd went mental for Pineapple Pete, well the three people behind the barriers did anyway. This match was a pretty simple story, Pineapple Pete tried to hit a move and get some advantage, but Shawn Spears just kept knocking him down. At one point in the match, Spears seemed to get rather frustrated with how long this competition had gone. After a quick chat with Tully, he got his head back into the game. Spears hit a spine buster which Pineapple Pete kicked out off. Pineapple Pete got some motivation as he started to fight back and take control. Spears struggled so much against Pineapple Pete that he had to have Tully hide a piece of metal in Spears’ glove. Spears then knocked Pineapple Pete out and won the match.
.@SugarDunkerton backs down to nobody! ? #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/5POdhdeRaz
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
This match went far too long, Shawn Spears should have come straight out and beaten Pineapple Pete. However, instead, it went on for quite a while where Pineapple Pete got no real moves in, but Spears didn’t do anything to win either. I understand they are trying to make Spears more heelish by having him cheat though it wasn’t necessary for this match.
Winner: Shawn Spears
.@Perfec10n drops Pete with the spinebuster! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/p6hstIvVhc
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
Griff Garrison Vs Lance Archer (w/ Jake Roberts)
Lance Archer came to the ring holding what looked like a dead indie wrestler. Griff started the match straight away trying to get his hands on Lance Archer. He repeatedly punched Archer, that was until one shoulder block from Archer knocked him down. Archer started to just taut and destroy Griff in any way possible. After taunting Griff, Lance tried to pin, Griff kicked out, clearly angering Archer as he threw Griff headfirst into the turnbuckle. Archer continued to repeatedly punch Griff before running into him. Griff tried to get out of the corner but was quickly caught and Archer hit the blackout. Lance Archer got the win once again.
Positively no mercy from @LanceHoyt! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/vNqXFVAm5k
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
Another quick match that did exactly what it needed to. I liked that fact that Griff showed some fight and kept trying even though this went nowhere. I didn’t mind this match being a bit longer as that was due to Archer taking his time to destroy his victim.
Winner: Lance Archer
The match might be over, but @LanceHoyt is just getting started! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/EYCfnyir9j
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
John Silver & Alex Reynolds (Dark Order #3 & 4) Vs Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss
This was the only match on AEW Dark this week which wasn’t predictable, either team had their reasons to win. Janela and Kiss have only just started their journey as a team whereas the Dark Order has been on a roll lately. Janela started in the ring with Reynolds, Janela seemed to take control as Reynolds got close to no offence in. Kiss then tagged in to continue the control but after a quick tag, Kiss found himself in some trouble from John Silver. Janela and Kiss worked together to turn the tides in the match, but the Dark Order started to use the same tactics. After a close two count, a submission moves and an insane dive out of the ring, Silver and Reynolds focused on working together to separate Janela and Kiss. Janela flew in to hit a flying neck breaker on both Dark Order members before Kiss flew into Reynolds, got a three count, and won the match.
.@SonnyKissXO and @JANELABABY looking like a dream team out here! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/CTCZcP2LOP
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
Another good match. Janela and Kiss got the win due to the current push that they are having in AEW. I like them together, they seem to work well but we do need more promos from the two just to explain how this team came to be. I imagine this lost for Silver and Reynolds is building towards them maybe being kicked out of the Dark Order. As the Dark Order seems to have some stronger members now than they once did.
Winner: Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss
Turn it up! @JANELABABY and @SonnyKissXO in stereo! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/7sODRGWwLX
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
KiLynn King Vs Mel
Mel looked cold as ice while walking to the ring and in the first few moments of the match as she was not amused by King’s attics. Started with a pretty even competition until Mel stopped a mistake by King and worked on taking advantage. Mel focused on showing the fans who she truly is as she threw King around and smiled at the pain she was causing. She put minimal effort into this matchup against King. She was in no rush as she knocked King down and then took a couple of laps around the ring before coming back to her victim. This confidence gave King a sudden burst of energy as she fought back. King climbed to the top rope but was thrown down by Mel, who quickly won the match.
I imagine Mel is being brought back into the ring due to increasing injuries within AEW’s women division. This was another ok match. Gave Mel the win and showed her to be a careless monster who enjoyed the pain of her opponent. Will be interesting to see where AEW goes with this character.
Winner: Mel
?? @KiLynnKing ?? #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/9PzAXa7TGc
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
Lee Johnson Vs Scorpio Sky
Scorpio Sky has focused in recent weeks on becoming more of a singles wrestler instead of competing with SCU. I think this could be a good decision as he has such great potential to become an AEW World Champion in the future. Sky tried to make quick work of Johnson but instead, it was a very even match. Both Johnson and Sky spent the first moments of the match getting one-ups on each other and tried for quick roll-ups. Sky started to gain control after he knocked Johnson down, he worked on injuring Johnson’s ribs. Sky tried to pin Johnson on three different attempts, but this concluded in a back and forth once again. Johnson got a close two count. Sky turned the tide and hit Johnson with a TKO and won the match.
Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky! @ScorpioSky #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/D0xKqY0PAk
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
This was a good match, extremely competitive. Johnson looked impressive throughout. More than once in the match Johnson could have easily taken the win. Though Sky continued to be the stronger competitor. Every week, Sky looks more and more impressive, it will be interesting to see in which direction AEW pushes him.
Winner: Scorpio Sky
?? @ScorpioSky ?? #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/EFTWoP9gTm
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
Luther, Serpentico & Max Caster Vs Jurassic Express
Max Caster and Marko Stunt started the match off, though Caster quickly wanted to tag out as he didn’t want to face Stunt. After trying to rap Stunt started to attack his opponent. Stunt got the one up on Caster as he repeatedly punched and kicked Caster into the corner. Jungle Boy tagged in and continued to focus his attack on Caster and then Serpentico. Luther tagged in and faced off with Luchasaurus, only for a few seconds until Serpentico tagged back in and tried to defend off Luchasaurus’ attack. Caster is the next to be destroyed by Luchasaurus. Jurassic Express worked together to repeatedly dive into Caster. Luther returned to the ring against Stunt, Luther just threw Stunt around the ring including by the hair. After Luchasaurus returned to the ring to destroy everyone who got in his way. Jurassic Express worked together to beat their opponents. Jungle Boy locked Caster into an SDS and won the match for Jurassic Express.
Watch out for @realmarkostunt and @boy_myth_legend! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/vllvOsoZLI
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 23, 2020
While this match was ok, the team of Luther, Serpentico and Max Caster did not work. It seemed like three random guys AEW threw together at the last minute because they forgot they had booked this match. Jurassic Express looked good though once again we barely saw Luchasaurus in the ring.
Winner: Jurassic Express
Easy as 1-2-3 for @realmarkostunt, @boy_myth_legend and @luchasaurus! #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/m5n2DM06Eu
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 24, 2020
Peter Avalon (w/ Leva Bates) Vs Orange Cassidy (w/ Best Friends)
Orange Cassidy the definition of a sloth-like character rolled into the ring. Avalon got the one up for the first moments of the match, trying to stop Cassidy from putting his hands into the pockets. Cassidy then just wiggled out of the hold and started to flip around the ring. I have always been seriously impressed with how Cassidy can flip around the ring with his hands in his pockets. After Cassidy started to flirt with Leva Bates Avalon got incredibly annoyed as went for multiple pin covers. Cassidy then started to dodged Avalon’s attacks. Cassidy hit Avalon with a DDT, though Avalon kicked out. After some more back and forths, Cassidy won the match with the knockout shot.
Certified fresh. @orangecassidy ? #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/echeGrPCO8
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 24, 2020
Good little comedy match. Both Avalon and Cassidy looked good in this match-up, neither was buried and both had their moments to impress. Nothing I particularly hated within this match. I am starting to like Cassidy more and more each week we see him. Looking forward to his match against Chris Jericho at Fyter Fest.
Winner: Orange Cassidy
.@orangecassidy. That is all. #AEWDark
➡️ https://t.co/5ALBJhMgRE pic.twitter.com/qJfOpgMO2e
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 24, 2020
I didn’t enjoy this week’s episode of Dark anywhere near as much as last weeks. A lot of the matches seemed overly quick and non-competitive. I understand that a lot of these matches were to add to win records, for example, Lance Archer and Brian Cage. However, last week it seemed we had more competitive matches to watch which made it more enjoyable. There were a few highlights such as Scorpio Sky vs Lee Johnson. Overall, the show wasn’t great.
All images and video courtesy of All Elite Wrestling and TDE Wrestling