Which barriers to break? There are as many feelings in the eyes of the evil man as in the good man. Retirement is not an end, it can become a new beginning. Revenge is motivational but like Confucius said, “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Too much will desperately never be enough.
On the menu this week, from Nashville, Tennessee, Eddie Edwards will put the World Championship on the line against a mystery opponent. Eric Young will make his comeback into the Impact Zone against Willie Mack. Havok and Nevaeh will face off Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan in a No-Disqualification Match. Jordynne Grace will square off with Kimber Lee. Also, Madison Rayne will welcome us for a new episode of Locker Room Talk with her guests, RVD and Katie Forbes. So no more words, let’s get ready for some action, but your French Enygma Steph way, of course…


The Nygma’s Chart of the Week

Josh Mathews and Madison Rayne were on commentary. 

  • Willie Mack attacked Eric Young in the locker room area before their match. They entered the Impact Zone and continued to brawl in the ring. Mack got on the microphone and told Young he’s going to beat the bricks off of him and wanted to have the match right now instead of later. Young said, “this will be on my time!” and headed towards the back. Mack went after him and brought him back to the ring.
  • Eric Young defeated Willie Mack.
  • Backstage, Gallows and Anderson were trying to find Ace Austin and Madman Fulton.
  • At “Wrestle House,” Taya called another house meeting. Cousin Jake was not feeling so great, Susie too. In fact, Jake and Susie were actually going on a date. Taya then put on her Impact debut, so everyone can watch it. Nobody was paying attention. Rosemary and Crazzy Steve talked, Rosemary said they could pick up where they left off. Steve felt like Rosemary was jealous of something as we saw John E. Bravo giving Rosemary a shoulder rub.

  • Backstage, Reno Scum attacked Rhino for Hernandez’s money. Rhino fought back at first, but Reno overwhelmed him and took it back for Hernandez.
  • Jordynne Grace defeated Kimber Lee.
  • Madison Rayne welcomed us to “Locker Room Talk.” She had a sponsor, Heath plugging himself as the hottest free agent in wrestling with the #Heath4IMPACT hashtag. Rayne then brought in Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes as this week’s guests. Rayne asked a question about how they feel about being together. They quickly ended up just making out on the couch. Rayne left and they took the show. Forbes interviewed RVD and asked him about what his favourite thing is about her. The ICU graphic showed up and Sami Callihan appeared next to them. Callihan attacked RVD and looked to give him a piledriver, but Forbes sprayed him in the eyes with some hairspray. RVD and Forbes stomped away on him.

  • Backstage with The Rascalz. Trey was wearing Suicide’s mask and they goofed around a bit. Moose then bumped into Wentz who was wearing a Free EC3 hoodie. Moose asked about why he’s wearing that. He says he just found it after EC3 left it on the ground. Moose told him to take it off. Moose then handed out an invitation to “Suicide” (it was actually Trey) for a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Moose said he’s beaten him before and he’ll do it again.
  • Back at “Wrestle House,” Rosemary thought about making John E. Bravo jealous, but she was not into any of the other guys at the house. She finally settled on one and blew him a kiss. Susie was hanging out with Jake, Alisha told Susie she’ll be nearby if she needs help. Susie came into the room and they sat at opposite ends of a very long table. Susie told Jake she has “the runs,” he was not sure what to say. Acey got into an argument with Larry D, Tommy Dreamer came out and announces it’s MATCH TIMEEEEEEE.
  • Larry D defeated Acey Romero. Cody Deaner and his beer were the referees. Larry D told Rosemary that win was for her.

  • Deonna Purrazzo said if Grace is delusional enough to think she can win against The Virtuosa, they could compete in a 30-Minute Ironman Match at Emergence.
  • Hype video on The North and Impact World Tag Team Champions, The MCMG.
  • Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz defeated Havok & Nevaeh in a no DQ match.

  • Backstage, The Good Brothers found Scott D’Amore, who told them they can’t go around backstage intimidating people. The two said they are going to the ring and aren’t leaving until Ace Austin and Fulton show up.
  • Backstage, a projection of EC3’s image showed up on a wall as Moose walked by. EC3 says he must destroy the TNA World Heavyweight Title, so therefore he must destroy Moose. “You have been warned.” Moose looked around nervously and headed off.
  • Suicide vs Dez w/ Wentz ended in a no-contest when Gallows and Anderson got rid of them. Anderson said Ace and Fulton have gotten themselves involved with the wrong brothers. They said they will wait all night until they come out. Ace and Fulton came up on the big screen, but Ace let them know they aren’t in the building and aren’t even in the same state. Ace was wearing his striped pants in honour of Gallows going to jail. Ace then said the right time for them to meet in the ring is night one of Emergence.

  • Backstage, X-Division Champion Chris Bey talked with Rohit Raju. Raju said everyone saw TJP pin Bey last week, but Bey responded he isn’t scared. Raju said TJP is going to want a title shot and Bahh will likely be in his corner. He then offered up the idea that Bey could put up his title against both Raju and TJP. Raju then could help Bey in the match, so he’ll have an easier time retaining. Bey actually liked the idea and said, “let’s do it.”
  • Brian Myers vignette, “I’m Brian Myers, and I’m the most professional wrestler.”
  • Back at “Wrestle House,” Jake said to Susie he’s happy to see this side of her as he always thought of her as an undead bride, psycho, but now he sees the real her. Susie then went into her crazy Su Yung mode for a moment and scared Jake away. Alisha came in to check on Susie, saw things don’t go so well. Susie told Alisha maybe her advice was bad. Alisha didn’t like that and wanted a match.

  • Susie defeated Alisha Edwards. Crazzy Steve was the referee. After the match, Taya then strolled out and wanted everyone to come back in and watch the match when she wins the title. Kylie Rae then had a question and wanted to know if they can just go to sleep instead of doing all these group activities. Taya called Rae a loser with that mentality. Susie then pointed out Rae beat Taya twice and is the number one contender. Taya talked some trash, so Rae said how about another match. Taya passed and said she’ll book Rae in next week.
  • Eddie Edwards called out Eric Young to a match and instead got the music of Brian Myers. Myers walked out to the ring with a microphone in hand. He knew Eddie was expecting Young, but the thing was what Edwards is holding is just a belt, but when he holds it, that becomes a championship because “I’m the most professional wrestler.”
  • Eddie Edwards defeated Brian Myers to retain the Impact World Championship.

The Nygma’s Nutcracker(s) of the Week

– Eric Young vs Willie Mack

Young was stomping away at Mack, and he came off the rope right into a heel kick. Mack off the ropes connected with a leaping back elbow and he picked Young up for a jab. Mack nailed Young in the corner, whipped across the ring and he charged in for an avalanche. Mack stalked Young and knocked him over. Young rolled out of the ring and got up on the apron, where Mack grabbed him but EY connected with a Stunner into the top rope. Young charged in with a kick to the head, then whipped Mack across the ring but Mack reversed and Young went over the turnbuckle to the outside and Mack hit with a slingshot dive. Mack was right back up, he grabbed Young and rolled him in.

Both men up, Mack with a shot and then a whip across the ring. Young flipped over the turnbuckle onto the apron, ran to the other side of the ring up onto the turnbuckle and was hit with a right hand. Mack went up top with EY, they traded shots and Young bit Mack’s forehead before knocking him to the mat and hitting a flying elbow. Young connected with knees to the back of the head and yelled that Mack will end up like Swann. He came off the rope with an elbow to the back of the head. Young picked Mack up, hit a head slam into the turnbuckle. He hung Mack from the second turnbuckle. He went off the top, but Mack caught him into a Northern Lights suplex but EY replied with a clothesline right away. Young started wrenching the neck for a submission hold. Mack was starting to fade, the arm was dropped twice but he came back to life at the last second and battled back.

Mack hit elbows and arm drag to break the hold. Mack connected with a big clothesline, a heel kick and a big bodyslam. He went off the ropes with a leaping leg drop. Both men up, Mack connected with a Samoan drop, a kip-up and a standing moonsault. Both men were slow to get up, but Mack was ready first and went for the Stunner but Young strangled the eyes and continued with a stunner. Mack went to head up top but went under the ring to grab a steel chair. The referee warned him, but Mack said he doesn’t give a damn. He put the chair on Mack’s ankle, went up top but EY was up and made Mack dance the NutCracker. Young grabbed Mack hit the piledriver for the win.

– Eddie Edwards vs Brian Myers

Edwards moved forward, Myers went right to the ropes for the break. He ended up in the ropes again and yelled for a clean break. Myers got some momentum, side headlock takedown, shoulder tackle, and then ate a back elbow. Edwards connected with a belly-to-belly overhead suplex and a headbutt. Myers sent Edwards into the ring post though to get a breather. Myers continued the attack with elbows and knees. Myers continued to work over Edwards with a reverse chin lock. Myers sent out to the floor and Edwards hit a big suicide dive, shoving Myers back into the barricade. Edwards sold his knee being banged up after the move. Myers shoved Edwards back into the barricade.

Myers waited in the ring for Edwards to get back. He stomped away and hit a back suplex. Edwards threw a back elbow, hit a suplex into the corner, and both men were down. Edwards chopped down Myers, threw him into the corner, but Myers hit an elbow and headed to the top. Edwards cut him off and hit a backpack stunner. Edwards tried for the Tiger Driver, Myers replied with a high-elevation DDT. Myers in the corner charged in ate a superkick. The Tiger Driver landed. Edwards went for a Boston knee party but Myers landed a kick, bounced off the ropes but ran right into a Boston Knee Party that gave Edwards the win.

The Weekly “Enigma For a Nygma”

The losers are the winners? Brian Myers makes a brilliant comeback to the Impact Zone, to lose and become a star on social media. Heath is trying to become a member of the Impact roster, he came up short last week but he comes back with a #Heath4Impact. I may be a little too old to understand social media and the influence they can be, but I know these 2 guys deserve to be on IMPACT. Do I need social media to confirm it?

The Nygma’s Noticeable Facts of the Week

– Brian Myers

When you think of him as described as a machine to lose somewhere else, on IMPACT Myers is definitely someone else. His long story with The Wolves, Eddie and Davey, in 2015 was an excellent one. It lasted something like four months but it showed Myers is a way better wrestler than people can think he is.

– The first-ever 30-Minute Iron Woman Match

For eighteen years now, TNA/Impact Wrestling have been such a pioneer in anything related to women than most of us took for granted the fact they could have already done an Iron Woman match. It’s false because, in two weeks, Deonna vs Jordynne will be the first-ever in the history of the company. Eight Iron Man matches took place in the Impact Zone but never an Iron Woman one. It will definitely be a match to watch, and to remember.

– EC3

Call me a broken record if you want but, of all the comebacks and arrivals since Slammiversary, EC3’s has been the most thrilling one. The new EC3 is decided to destroy everything he was during his TNA days. Forget about the winning-machine Dixie’s nephew, this EC3 is different, his body, his face, his attitude, his character are different. The narrative is different, with this perfectly crafted destruction path. We haven’t seen him in a ring, I mean in a match, yet but Moose had better be prepared, the EC3 he squared off with is not the man he wrestled in 2017/2018.

To be eNYGMAtic…

Every recipe is an equilibrium. When I tell you about action + promos + cinematic orchestra = perfect episode, the word perfect depends on the proportion of each component. Despite five matches, and good ones, the action was drowned under a flood of promos. Yes, Emergence is just around the corner but the build-up of it was sent like a cannonball to our faces this week.
It may be hotness, it may be me, but as a result, the episode looked messy. I didn’t say the episode was bad but the action was not put forward the way it was supposed to, mostly with Eric Young wrestling his first match back on IMPACT. It will be better next week, for sure?
On this “Nygma Is Ready To Emerge” note, take care, stay safe, watch wrestling, until next week, never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…

All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling, Basil Mahmud and AXS TV. Photocollage custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.  

By Steph Franchomme

News, Reviews, Social Media Editor, Impact Wrestling Reviewer, Interviewer Well, call me The Boss... And French...

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