MLW has revealed that it has signed another new addition to its roster ahead of the upcoming restart in the fall. That new signee is none other than LA Park Jr, the youngest son of LA Park. He will join his father and brother El Hijo de LA Park in representing Los Parks and Mexico in MLW.

LA Park Jr stands as the tallest of his family and is cited as being the most mysterious member of the family. A bona fide heavyweight, Park Jr promises destruction to anyone who dares stand apart from him in the ring.

MLW had this to say about Park Jr’s signing:

“Embracing chaos in his fighting style, LA Park Jr. is distinctly different compared to his older brother, middleweight Hijo de LA Park, who has a reputation for being more strategic in the ring. LA Park Jr. has often been referred to as a human. This enigmatic heavyweight now looks to claim gold and conquer all in his path as he represents Mexico and his legendary family in Major League Wrestling.”

MLW fans will have seen LA Park Jr on their screens before as he has appeared on LA Parks’s cooking show, LA Park en la Cocina Pendejos, and in the last recorded episode of MLW Fusion in the main event of the AAA/MLW Super Series where he teamed with LA Park and El Hijo de LA Park against Psycho Clown, Psicosis and Nino Hamburguesa.

This news comes after the signing of Kevin Ku who has also been signed as part of the upcoming restart. Court Bauer and MLW are teasing more, so stay tuned to SteelChair for any new signings.

All pics and videos courtesy of MLW

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