Which barriers to break? If you’re so Bound For Glory, ask yourself that question, right in front of the mirror, and let your voice say those words, which barriers am I really ready to break? Does a belt mean I have to push my limits to a point I don’t want to? Does a title chance mean I have to become another person? What am I willing to do for a bit of glory? Being vocal changes a lot of things, isn’t it? And don’t forget, too much has never been enough.
On the menu this week, from Nashville, Tennessee, Luke Gallows will face off Madman Fulton. Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie will team up against Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan, but also Havok and Nevaeh. Kylie Rae and Kimber Lee will square off. We’ll also hear from Rich Swann and if he’s medically cleared to compete at BFG after the vicious attack from Eric Young last week. So no more words, let’s get ready for some action, but your French Enygma Steph way, of course…

The Nygma’s Chart of the Week

Josh Mathews and Madison Rayne were on commentary. 

  • Moose confronted Scott D’Amore about what EC3 did to his TNA Heavyweight Championship last week. He ranted about being in a match at an undisclosed location and he didn’t know where it is. D’Amore threw exactly how ridiculous that is back in his face, and Moose wasn’t having any of it. Moose needed D’Amore’s help, but Scott needed people to leave him alone because he was waiting on a call from Swann’s doctor to find out what’s going on. Moose said he’s the real World Champion and walked off. Walking through the hallway, he came across EC3 projected on a door. EC3 said that the things Moose owns are owning him, but not everything is as it seems. Moose is learning and controlling his narrative, and when he’s fully committed, he’ll make the journey, cross the bridge, and find what it is he seeks. EC3 held up the TNA World Championship and then vanished. Moose said he knows where he needs to go and walked off.

  • Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie defeated Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz and Havok & Nevaeh.
  • Backstage, John E. Bravo was freaking out about how much his wedding was going to cost. Fallah Bahh told the group that he didn’t get any money, which was not true. Crazzy Steve just didn’t believe Bahh, Bahh challenged him to a match.
  • Backstage, Rosemary teleported over to talk to Havok. She wanted Havok to help bring back Father James Mitchell so he can officiate her wedding. Havok had a deal: next week, if Rosemary beats her, she’ll help her bring Mitchell back. If Havok wins, Mitchell stays gone still. Rosemary accepted.

  • Crazzy Steve defeated Fallah Bahh.
  • Backstage, Rhino told Heath that he pulled some strings with Impact Management and got him in for the “Call Your Shot” gauntlet match at BFG. If one of them wins, Heath has a contract. If they don’t pull off a win, Heath nor Rhino have a job with Impact anymore. Scott D’Amore caught Rhino. He informed him that they had a deal. He wanted to make sure Rhino wants to put his contract on the line. Rhino said he does.
  • Hernandez, Cousin Jake, Alisha Edwards, Rhino & Heath defeated Tenille Dashwood, Tommy Dreamer, Brian Myers, Cody Deaner & Johnny Swinger. All five winners will face each other next week to determine who will be No. 20 in the “Call Your Shot” Gauntlet Match.

  • Backstage, Sami Callihan taunted Eddie Edwards. They both started to beat on one another until Ken Shamrock came out and attacked Edwards.
  • Backstage, Jimmy Jacobs wanted a quick word from Eric Young about his attack on Rich Swann last week. It was still up in the air as to whether Swann will be cleared in time for BFG. Young wanted to know what Jacobs thought: will Swann return in time? Jacobs thought so. Young said there’s not a chance. He was upset that Jacobs was rooting for Swann to make a comeback.
  • Kylie Rae defeated Kimber Lee. Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo and Kylie Rae squared off in the ring after the match.

  • The Good Brothers took a moment to applaud all their successes as a tag team. They believed they have all the traits to be a good tag team, but there’s one thing missing: the Impact World Tag Team Championships. They informed the fans and everyone in the back, they will walk out of BFG as the new Champions.
  • Doc Gallows (w/ Karl Anderson) vs. Madman Fulton (w/ Ace Austin) ended in a double count-out. Impact Management restarted their match and made it a no-DQ.
  • Doc Gallows (w/ Karl Anderson) defeated Madman Fulton (w/ Ace Austin) in a no-DQ match.

  • Eric Young made his way down to the ring to find out more about Rich Swann’s status. Young said that he’s told us all that he is going to take over everything. He demanded to hear answers about Swann and will not leave the ring until he finds out what’s going on. Scott D’Amore appeared on the screen and his phone rang. He was speaking to Swann’s doctor. D’Amore made his way to the ring to address Young and Impact fans about Swann’s status.
    Young wanted D’Amore to tell the world that Swann was down and out and will not show up at BFG. D’Amore called Young out for being too proud and cocky. He said he spoke to Swann’s doctor, and he’s been informed that Swann suffered additional and substantial damage. Young laughed at D’Amore’s face. Young wanted D’Amore to finish his statement, but he wanted him to officially announce that Swann is not cleared to compete. D’Amore asked Young what happened to him? Once upon a time ago, he was a good guy. But after leaving the first time, he’s changed and not for the better. D’Amore got the upper hand by letting Young know that Swann was ahead of his schedule and will still compete at BFG. Young lost his mind and unleashed a brutal attack on D’Amore. He yelled “You did this” and locked in a hold to break the ankle. Swann ran down to the ring and sent Young out and away.


  • Moose found EC3 one last week’s bridge. EC3 was standing on it with the TNA World Title. Moose approached, they stood at the opposite side. EC3 called the title a “false title for a false idol.” Moose countered, “Go to hell, you stupid SOB!” EC3 called it classic banter and talked in rhyme, while Moose said he’s a wrestling god. EC3 said he’s not a god; he’s not even a wrestler. He’s the combined personality of every wrestler he’s ever liked and there’s nothing clever, original, or real about him. Moose said EC3 wishes he had Moose’s career but EC3 said Moose is a laughingstock. The chains came off of Moose and EC3 said he’s been waiting for this fight his whole life. He set the title down and told Moose to “cross the line.” Moose did so and they started brawling on the bridge. Moose took control and went for the title but got attacked and EC3 unloaded punches before they both went down. EC3 grabbed the title and asked Moose, “Who are you? You’re a father; you’re a husband.” He said he wanted the fight of his life, but this is the best he got? It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. EC3 laughed and walked off with the title, but Moose was back up and knocked EC3 down. He beat on the Narrative Controller, picked up the title and said it’s his. His hands were bloody and so was EC3. EC3 laughed.

The Nygma’s Nutcracker(s) of the Week

– Kimber Lee w/ Deonna Purrazzo vs Kylie Rae

Kimber Lee grabbed Kylie Rae by her hair. Kylie rolled through with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors, sending Kimber into the corner. Lee rolled out of the ring. Deonna Purrazzo warned Rae to watch herself while Rae rolled back in the ring. Rae connected with a hurricanrana and a spinning kick. Lee smashed Rae’s chest with a chop. Rae hit an elbow on Lee off her on the apron. Lee caught Rae before she could hit a hurricanrana and sent her back-first onto the apron. Back in the ring, Lee hit another set of chops in the corner. Rae found her offence with a forearm shot, followed by a deep arm drag.

Lee tripped Rae towards the middle turnbuckle. Lee sent Rae off her feet with a delayed vertical suplex. Lee looked to damage Rae’s ankle with a deep single leg crab, Rae reversed it into a cross arm breaker. Lee transitioned their back and forth submission holds. Rae rolled Lee through with her Kylie Special, slingshot arm and leg cradle, but it didn’t make it. Lee set herself up for a sit-down powerbomb. Rae replied with a short-arm clothesline. Purrazzo climbed up on the apron to distract. Lee rolled Rae. Rae kicked out. Rae locked Lee in the STF for the win, but refuse to let Lee go.

– No DQ Match: Doc Gallows vs Madman Fulton

Gallows connected with a big boot right off the bat and beat on Fulton in the corner. Gallows went off the ropes but Fulton picked him up, Snake Eyes into the corner and Gallows was clotheslined out of the ring. Gallows pulled Fulton out of the ring, hit an uppercut and laid into him on the outside. Fulton countered and hit a big kick to the gut and a fist to the face, but Gallows fired right back. Chops and a punch by Fulton who strangled the eyes. Fulton and Gallows continued brawling until the referee counted to ten. Afterwards, the two continued to brawl and Gallows hit a big boot, then a knee to the gut, and they continued brawling.

Back from break, Fulton and Gallows were still fighting their way around the empty arena. The match was now continuing as a No Disqualification. Fulton threw Anderson over the guardrail and then took it to Gallows, picking up a pipe and thwacking it over Gallows’ back. He put the trash can on Gallows and smacked hit hard. Fulton yelled at the camera and turned around as Gallows grabbed a chair, he nailed Fulton in the gut with it. He then sent a beer can right to the head of Madman, and Gallows rolled him into the ring, following with the chair. He hit Fulton’s back with the chair not once, not twice, but three times as Fulton was on his knees. A kick knocked him down.

Gallows climbed to the second rope with the chair and waited for Fulton to get up. He leapt right into a boot into the chair. Fulton stomped right on Gallows’ gut, stalked him, and hit another stomp. He grabbed the chair, putting it on Doc’s back for a double axehandle. Fulton choked Gallows with a crutch, then slammed him headfirst into the turnbuckle multiple times. Fist to the head of LG and Fulton got the chair to set up in the corner. He picked Gallows up, put him head-first on the chair and grabbed another chair for a Con-Chair-To but Gallows got his boot up. Fulton charged in and Gallows moved, with Fulton going face-first into the chair. A double chokeslam through two chairs gave the victory to Gallows.

The Weekly “Enigma(s) For a Nygma” 

Does Rich Swann come for Krypton? According to Scott D’Amore and Dr Ross, Swann is “a special kind of athlete and is still ahead of schedule.” After everything his ankle has eaten, he was able to stomp Young and hit a Lethal Injection. OK, see you at Bound For Glory, my dear Richard…

The Nygma’s Noticeable Facts of the Week

– And Blood Runneth Over…

What is a belt if not a trophy? What means a belt if it changes your life, your attitude and your personality? EC3 has been trying to save Moose from himself, of the Champion he has become. Week after week, this storyline has taken a more personal side, as if EC3 was trying to tell us the belt will never make the man because the titles he has won in his career haven’t made him a better person… That’s a theory…


– Evil Kylie…

These eyes are so angry, scary and full of violence… When we were expecting Susie to become Su Yung again, it seems like the sweet and sunny Kylie Rae is turning into a kind of Rylie Kae (why not?) At Bound For Glory, this change in attitude could benefit Deonna Purrazzo more than Rae herself, because when one is not mastering her change, the other hasn’t lost a minute of it.

– The Sacrifice of Rhino

Which man could do that for a friend? Heath is a great wrestler, but so is Rhino. I don’t want any of them to leave the Impact Zone. From a Call Your Shot, the match is turning into a Call Your Contract match. That’s problematic for me because it totally changes the purpose of the match and it also leads us to a feud between the two men. After the Ecstasy of the Contract will come the Ecstasy of Gold…

Bound For Glory – Moose vs EC3 / Eddie Edwards vs Ken Shamrock / Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match

I talked about these matches in recent news (here and here). I won’t add something about them this week because I have to keep some for next week’s go-home/stakes and predictions piece (I bought a new crystal ball, you will love it…) We are now one match away from the complete card of the PPV, I was dreaming of a Knockouts Tag Team Championship comeback, it seems like it won’t be. I just can’t believe we are 10 days away from the PPV…

– THE wedding will take place during Bound For Glory‘s Fallout episode

After all the emotions a PPV will provide, the Fallout from Bound For Glory will be sponsored by Kleenex Black as we are all invited to the wedding of Rosemary and John E. Bravo… Prepare your tuxedos, your black dresses, your “Satan Is My Daddy” t-shirts, it will be a moment to remember. May Father James Mitchell be with us on that day…

To be eNYGMAtic…

The wind was blowing a little lighter this week with a more classic episode with a PPV build-up purpose. The end segment teased the upcoming cinematic orchestra that will make Moose and EC3 compete. Taya and Rosemary once again tore the house down. The hardcore match between Gallows and Fulton was welcomed. Then, the rest of the show was fitting and following The Road to Bound For Glory.
We are 10 days away from Bound For Glory. Since Miss COVID entered our life, (in France the virus is a female, yes) a part of me has totally lost the idea of time. IMPACT remembers me we are Tuesday, but most of the time, I need my organizer just to know the day we are. Impact Wrestling have been a fantastic reason to keep our moods high. If you listened to Scott D’Amore last week, yes, I am positive, yes, I hit some kicks in the pants. But that’s just me and my own little way to entertain you. Your feedback, like the company and the wrestlers’ feedback, is essential to me.
On this “Too Much Nygma is Not Enough Nygma” note, take care, stay safe, watch wrestling, until next week, never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…

Bound For Glory Card (as of Wednesday 5 PM GMT):

  • Impact World Championship Match: Eric Young (c) vs Rich Swann
  • Impact Knockouts Championship Match: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Kylie Rae
  • 6-Way Scramble Match for the Impact X-Division Championship: Rohit Raju (c) vs Willie Mack vs TJP vs Chris Bey vs Jordynne Grace vs Trey Miguel
  • 4-Way Match for the Impact World Tag Team Championship: The MCMG (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) (c) vs The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) vs The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) vs Ace Austin & Madman Fulton
  • Undisclosed Location Match: EC3 vs Moose
  • Eddie Edwards vs Ken Shamrock w/ Sami Callihan
  • Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match

All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling, Basil Mahmud and AXS TV. Photocollage custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.  

By Steph Franchomme

News, Reviews, Social Media Editor, Impact Wrestling Reviewer, Interviewer Well, call me The Boss... And French...

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