Welcome back to 31 Days of Deathmatches Volume 2. The second edition of the annual deathmatch advent calendar put together by yours truly. Each day we will open another bloody door on the calendar and explore another deathmatch until we hit Halloween. We’re going to explore a ton of different companies, wrestlers, and stipulations as the days go on with a few surprises here and there. So, strap in as we prepare for another round of blood, broken glass, and barbed-wire on our road of deathmatches.

Some matches need ridiculous stipulations or manic spots to sell you on their value. Sometimes that value can be earned from the names involved in it alone. Alex Colon and Jun Kasai are two of the best names in deathmatches. Kasai is legendary for his deathmatch work across the generations and hopefully, Colon will enjoy the same reputation. Now, they were put in a deathmatch together to make magic. It was also a massive deal because it was Kasai’s return to the U.S for something none CZW related. This was far and away from the closest you could get to a deathmatch dream match in fact no, just a general dream match because even without the tools of destruction, this match would have kicked ass.

The opening to this match is Colon making his entrance, flanked by Markus Crane towards a ring that is surrounded by and full of tubes. Before the match had even begun, you knew it was going to be wild. I don’t think I’ve seen two more evenly-matched opponents. Both guys knew how to avoid the other and dance around the glass and tubes. Once the glass started breaking it just go the insanity went through the roof. Kasai basked in the crowd’s approval as Colon gave him one of the best matches of his career. Kasai seemed like an unstoppable force breaking tubes and bundles over Colon, gusseting him up and throwing him throwing plunder contraptions of glass and wire. It wouldn’t be until Colon reversed the Pearl Harbour Splash and evened the playing field with a bundle double knee. Both guys were invincible monsters beating the ever-loving shit out of each other. Colon showed he was serious by kicking out of a glass-pane Pearl Harbour splash at one. Kasai gave him the kiss of death and finished him with a piledriver over a massive bundle of tubes. It was total anarchy.

This was one of the best deathmatches of 2019. I couldn’t include it in last year’s calendar so I’m giving it its due diligence here. What a violent spectacle between two amazing wrestlers. The crowd gave Kasai the volume his presence demanded and really went all-out for this match. They were pelted by flying glass and tubes but that never stopped them. Plus, we had the epic commentary team of Joey Janela and Danny Havoc being blown away by everything they were seeing. This put things in motion for GCW to invade Japan and lead to the match that topped last year’s calendar… Jun Kasai vs G-Raver. Long live these two deathmatch elites and the gory battle they fought here. Come back tomorrow for the next deathmatch delight.

All images courtesy of LWOPW, El Rincon, Chris Grasso

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