Which barriers to break? Do what you do best, be generous, be human, show your appreciation, take care of the others, treasure the people you work with, listen to them, help them when they need it. Well, be a Bob Ryder. There will never be enough men like him in this world…
On the menu this week, from Nashville, Tennessee, Ethan Page will face off a Phenomenal Opponent. Rich Swann will compete against Impact Wrestling Hall of Famer Ken Shamrock. Also, Johnny Swinger will have to face the Wrestler’s Court. So no more words, let’s get ready for some action, but your French Enygma Steph way, of course…


The Nygma’s Chart of the Week

Josh Mathews and Matt Striker were on commentary. 

  • Scott D’Amore was standing over a comatose John E. Bravo. Dr Ross came in and assumed D’Amore is the dad, which he isn’t but he does have power of attorney apparently. D’Amore agreed to pull the plug, but Dr Ross said he’s in stable condition. A lot of work needed to be done but if he did pull through, he may not be the same John Emmitt Bravo (that was the E?). D’Amore didn’t think that’s the worst news. Dr Ross left and D’Amore promised justice to Bravo.
  • Knockouts Tag Team Tournament – First Round Match: Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz defeated Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo).
  • Backstage, Jordynne Grace was there with Jazz. Jordynne said Kiera and Tasha could be the team to beat, and Jazz added they’re the team to beat. Gia Miller showed up and asks about their tag status, Jazz talked about her retirement and said she decided to end her career on top. She said they’ve got this, easy.

  • Backstage, Ethan Page walked up to Josh Alexander with some amazing news that he’s about to show Josh, Doc Gallows is out four to six weeks apparently. Page said “somebody” did a favour for The North and made sure Doc Gallows will need a doctor. Alexander pointed out that they can’t get the Tag Team Titles back if Gallows is on the shelf. Page was sobered and said they’re going to fix this. He added, “We got this, Josh!” Alexander wanted to know who “we” is.
  • Johnny Swinger was headed to Wrestler’s Court. Madison Rayne was his defence lawyer. Swinger was excited because it’s the best house he ever drew. In came D’Lo Brown as the prosecutor from the Nation of Litigation. Tommy Dreamer was the judge. He did an entrance complete with pose and then The Innovator of Jurisprudence took a seat on his makeshift bench before declaring Wrestler’s Court in session.

  • Madison Rayne immediately objected that Tommy is the judge when he did the investigation and accused Swinger of being the shooter. Dreamer pointed out that it’s a good point and sustained, which leads to D’Lo being the judge and Dreamer being the prosecutor. Dreamer explained Swinger had the means, motive, and opportunity as well as the smoking gun. Madison replied this crime was a strategically-planned, meticulously thought-out transgression committed by a criminal mastermind. And that made it clear that Swinger should be exonerated. Swinger called it a burial. The first witness was Fallah Bahh, he said Swinger was bitter that Bravo chose him to be best man. Cody Deaner was remembering of the wedding the gunshot most. He told everyone what he found in Swinger’s fanny pack and stole Cody’s beers. Acey Romero, a fingerprint expert, said he found on the gun the ones of Swinger, but also Cody Deaner, Cousin Jake, Dreamer’s, Larry D, Taya Valkyrie, Rosemary, Brian Pillman, Greg Valentine, Ron Simmons (which got a “DAMN!” out of D’Lo).

  • The Defeat Rohit Challenge with Rohit reminding nimrods watching at home that he’s the opposite of us and everything we are. Suicide came out for his shot. Rohit said no, he doesn’t deserve a shot at the title. He knew the score, but fine, they could do it. It’s non-title though.
  • Suicide defeated Rohit Raju. He got the mask off and it was not TJP, who was making his way through the ramp. He smiled and pointed, Rohit was confused and Suicide was Crazzy Steve. He crucified Rohit for the win.
  • Backstage, Sami Callihan was pumping up Ken Shamrock and getting him crazy. Sami said since Day One, the goal has been to make him the Ken Shamrock and give him back that killer instinct. Tonight, they will become Impact World Champion. Sami said, “Look at this dumbass.” It was Moose, who said he knows Sami is getting his animal ready for tonight. Too bad that match is for the second most important title in Impact because his TNA World Title is #1. Truth be told, he was planning on being the guy that put the hurt to Rich Swann, but they beat him to it. He said he has a lot of respect for Ken and thinks he’s quite dangerous. But if he’s successful in beating Swann, don’t forget what happened the last time they faced off.

  • Backstage, Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb with a K were comparing colours of glasses as Alisha Edwards walked up. She wanted them to tag again. Tenille asks if she can help Alisha, who says she has a statement to make. She wants to know what they’re going to do about them because they need to tag again. Tenille kind of liked that.
  • Kimber Lee w/ Deonna Purrazzo defeated Killer Kelly w/ Renee Michelle. After the match, out came Susie to the ramp with a mic. She said they hurt her friends and that’s bad. Now her friend’s here, and it’s going to get really bad so she’s sorry. Su Yung arrived and attacked both Kimber and Deonna. Kimber was sent to the outside. Yung pulled out the bloodied glove and Deonna begged off until Kimber could pull her free. Deonna and Kimber exited as “Susie” stood on the ramp with her back to the crowd. Yung came down to look at her, then leave. Susie then turned around, looking lost.
  • Backstage, Alex Shelley told Gia Miller litigation is over and his neck is feeling better. He noted they had the reset button set on their career, and Sabin said they have a three-step process. Step One: they’re coming after XXXL for attacking Shelley. Step two is The North for injuring Shelley in the first place. And step three is the Good Brothers and the Impact Tag Team Championships.

  • Backstage, Rich Swann apologized to Willie Mack for what happened with Moose last week. Mack said he won’t feel sorry for himself and doesn’t like that the referee called the match because he had no reason to call it off. Chris Bey came up to talk to Swann and asked Mack to step out. He called Mack a loser and Swann and Mack got heated. Bey said he’s starting to wear off and if Swann makes it past Shamrock, give him a call.
  • The Phenomenal AJ Swoggle defeated Ethan Page w/ Josh Alexander.
  • Back to Wrestler’s Court, Madison Rayne just finished with Swinger on the stand, she doesn’t seem happy. Dreamer cross-examined and said he has just one question: did he really think he’d get away with it? Swinger said he’s an elite athlete at the top of his game with movie deals and shoe deals and why would he want to screw that up, Daddy? He’s the OJ Simpson of professional wrestling! Dreamer asked when the last time he read a newspaper was and Swinger said 1991.

  • Swinger said Dreamer’s known him a long time, he may have cut a few corners but he’s not capable of outright shooting someone. Father James Mitchell, as a whoremonger with two PhDs in the sciences of parapsychology and demonology, explained the blood of virgins is highly prized for its esoteric magical properties by some people. Dreamer asked if he suspected one of those people to have shot John E. Bravo. Rosemary was said she has never loved Bravo. But once she caught the scent of his sweet virgin blood, he’d be the most powerful being in this realm. She pointed out how much strength is in virgin blood at the time of his wedding. Bravo said Rosemary used him and manipulated him. He called her the worst thing that ever happened to him but Rosemary didn’t shoot it. He said he couldn’t see him but could smell him.

  • Back from the break, Larry was on the stand hooked up to the lie detector. Dreamer asked again if Larry shot Bravo. He said no, and there’s no deception detected. He asked one more time and used some cologne. Lawrence D said he did. He was a lover and not a fighter, but when Bravo stole the woman of his dreams, he had to take action. D’Lo banged the gavel and pointed out Swinger is on trial. Given the confession, he declared Swinger not guilty.

  • Fallah Bahh defeated Daivari via DQ when Joe Doering and Eric Young came and attacked Bahh. EY then hit Daivari with a piledriver. Young got a mic and said his purpose is clear. His vision is clear, and he will be opening eyes to the truth. We’re looking at the truth. This world is sick, and what we’re looking at is the cure. Rhino charged down into the ring and took out Young. He brawled with Doering but Young attacked from behind and they beat on Rhino. Young said he warned the world, and this world doesn’t belong to us. It belongs to them. Josh said “them” is Doering and EY.
  • Backstage, Suicide Steve and AJ Swoggle were talking when TJP showed up and thanked Steve for doing all that. “Did you see the look on his face?” “No,” Steve said. Myers came in and said this isn’t the Impact Wrestling he signed up for. He ripped down Steve and Swoggle and said TJP is just manipulating the situation so he can get a title shot. He said Steve will never be champion and neither will TJP. He’s a clown, he just doesn’t wear any makeup.

  • Backstage, Deonna and Kimber ran into James Mitchell. Deonna said they have a Su problem and Mitchell said Su is a great bunch of gals. Kimber asked if there’s any way he can turn her Su problem into a Susie problem. Mitchell said he can do it… for a price. Deonna asked what price and James replied they don’t need to worry about that right now. If they need his help, they’ve got it.
  • Rich Swann defeated Ken Shamrock to retain the IMPACT World Championship. Sami was ejected backstage early in the match. But, after the match, Shamrock decked the referee and Callihan raced in. Sami picked Swann up and went for the package piledriver. Callihan went under the ring for a bat while Shamrock held Swann down. Here came Eddie Edwards who fought off Shamrock but ate a bat to the gut from Callihan. Shamrock assaulted Edwards and Callihan taped Edwards to the top rope. Callihan hit him hard with the bat, Edwards was bleeding. Security and D’Lo came down but D’Lo got hit by Shamrock. D’Amore came out as Shamrock assaulted D’Lo and Callihan’s face was bathed in Eddie’s blood. The assault continued for a bit more until security backed Shamrock and Callihan off.

The Nygma’s Nutcracker(s) of the Week

– Rich Swann vs Ken Shamrock

Swann ducked and dodged Shamrock a bit as Shamrock tried to move in to strike. Callihan distracted Swann, which let Shamrock pounce him and laid in punches. Callihan was yelling at the referee and got ejected for getting physically involved. Swann fired off with a couple of dropkicks and a diving dropkick off the ropes to the knee, then another one. He springboarded off the turnbuckle but got caught by Shamrock and slammed headfirst into the turnbuckle a few times, then dropped. Shamrock stomped and kicked Swann, keeping him on the mat, and then went for a single-leg crab. Swann blocked and Shamrock focused on the calf and ankle. He let go and kicks Swann in the back. Swann was trying to get up and fight back but Shamrock stalked him in the corner and kicked him.

Shamrock pulled Swann up and Swann fought back but took a knee to the head. Shamrock continued to pick Swann apart, Swann tried to fight back again but got kneed back to the mat and Shamrock pulled on Swann’s hand, followed by a kick to the chest. He stomped Swann’s hand and kicked the back of the thigh. Shamrock pulled Swann up and locked in a standing front facelock, laying in a few knees at the same time, then dropping to the mat before hitting a knee to the back of Swann’s head. Back from break, Shamrock was still targeting Swann’s hand, but Swann was back to his feet. He kicked at Shamrock and fired off some punches, a spinning back fist and he came off the ropes with a clothesline. A second off the ropes staggered Shamrock and Swann tried again, right into a kick.

Shamrock was back to his stomps and kicks as he picked Swann apart and then locked in a facelock. Shamrock let it go during the replay and moved in on Swann in the corner but Swann ducked. Roundhouse by Swann, two spin wheel kicks and a third one knocked Shamrock down. Swann connected with the Rolling Thunder. Swann was up first, with a spinning back kick and a sunset flip, Shamrock locked in a chokehold variation. He rolled over but Swann kipped up out and kicked Shamrock in the head. Swann went up top and hit a big frog splash. Shamrock went for an armbar but Swann got his feet under the ropes. Back kicks to the head of Shamrock, he went for another and Shamrock caught it in the ankle lock. Swann rolled through, Shamrock went for a Snap, Crackle and Pop, Swann rolled back and locked down Shamrock for the win.

The Weekly “Enigma For a Nygma”

No Thanksgiving special? No Turkey Trot? Well, I think if I scrutinize the episode, I will find a turkey somewhere…

The Nygma’s Noticeable Facts of the Week

– When Susie becomes Su

Dissociating Susie and Su in making them two “different human beings” is intriguing. They were like the two sides of the same coin, the yin of the other’s yang. The segment looks beautiful, then I am suspicious of the reason that made the Creatives doing it. Unless Father James Mitchell…

– Jazz, Renee Michelle, Killer Kelly and Team Sea Stars

Jazz is back, Killer Kelly made her debut, Renee Michelle and Team Sea Stars are there, the Knockouts Division is growing exponentially but with some great talents. We’ll see what the future holds for them and if the company signs them, but that’s a very welcomed breath of fresh air.


To be eNYGMAtic…

Some weeks are harder than others… I said that last week, I say it again this week. I won’t say that was a bad episode, mostly because of the Knockouts and the Wrestler’s Court segment that was very funny. It was not as exciting as it should have been. Some things are teased but not developed. If Gallows is really injured, the Tag titles won’t probably be defended until Hard To Kill. I am puzzled, if not afraid of what is going to happen in the next few weeks. They can do it, I know it, you know it…
On this “Nygma Wants IMPACT” note, until next week, take care, stay safe, watch wrestling, and never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…

All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling, Basil Mahmud and AXS TV. Photocollage custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.

By Steph Franchomme

News, Reviews, Social Media Editor, Impact Wrestling Reviewer, Interviewer Well, call me The Boss... And French...

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