Impact Plus monthly special events have shown us they can become some interesting game-changers in the IMPACT routine. From the classic weekly shows and 4 PPVs a year system, we now have a monthly addition when title can change hands, feuds can find an end or a beginning.
Of course, not every iPPV is the occasion to celebrate Chris Bey’s birthday (25), Tommy Dreamer‘s (50) and, even if it’s on Monday, Rich Swann’s 30th. We’re miles away from Rebellion that will take place on April 24, there will probably be two more iPPVs before it. The build-up of No Surrender made sense after the most recent episodes and the feud they have developed. So, who will have the biggest birthday gift tonight? Let’s dig into it.
Decay (Rosemary, Crazy Steve & Black Taurus) vs XXXL & Tenille Dashwood w/Kaleb with a K
Before the match, we saw Tommy Dreamer enter the arena. He shared his thoughts about the match and his state of mind coming to it.
Tom Brady overcame Patrick Mahomes last weekend, can @THETOMMYDREAMER pull off a similar feat tonight? #NoSurrender
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Once upon a time… No, if I have to rewind everything that has happened since Decay’s first appearance on IMPACT in 2016, you would fall asleep reading this. Add to this Bravo being shot, Larry D that was not guilty, his hate against Rosemary, and Tenille Dashwood still ion a quest to find a good in-ring partner, it would have been very soap-opera. I will insist on Black Taurus because Decay has always been made of 3 people, and they were only two. Steve and Rosemary chose one of the most interesting masked wrestlers of Lucha Libre AAA, someone we have already seen on IMPACT when tapings were taking place in Mexico. He may not have held a lot of belts in his career but the best way to cement a career is to be in the ring, whatever happens, and to keep on, whether you win or lose.
Tenille Dashwood found funny to taunt Taurus with a red t-shirt, of course, it drove the Beast even more nervous. Acey Romero once again refused to wrestle Rosemary when he had no problem throwing Tenille on top of everyone with a big powerbomb. Taurus sprayed Acey Romero with the green mist and came flying down with a moonsault neckbreaker on Larry D for the win. If this match was meant to revive the stable and prove its new member is definitely made for it, that worked. The match was good, slightly messy as we can expect when there are six people involved in a match. The question now is, will Rosemary able to fight Acey?
Brian Myers & Hernandez vs Matt Cardona & Eddie Edwards
Former friends turned enemies, a classic of the wrestling business that Brian Myers revived with his very personal vision of professionalism… Myers and his eyepatch started it off but wanted nothing to do with it. Hernandez and Cardona came in, with Cardona using his speed to his advantage. Edwards and Myers quickly came in and Eddie started rolling but Hernandez floored him. This allowed Myers to take control as he tagged in Hernandez using ring control. Frequent tags until Myers settled down with a headlock. Myers went for a back suplex but Edwards countered with his own version. Edwards looked for the tag but the now legal Hernandez broke that up. Myers and Hernandez used excellent tag strategy so far.
Hernandez lined Edwards up in the corner but failed and ended up on the receiving end of a superplex. Both men down, Myers became legal, latching onto the leg of Edwards, but Cardona was able to land the tag. The former tag partners exploded as Cardona went off. He hit a Broski Boot, Myers replied with a Michinoku Driver. Cardona hit a second rope hurricanrana but Hernandez broke up the pin attempt. Edwards made him pay for it with a suicide dive, as Cardona missed a Rough Ryder that ended into the turnbuckle. Myers sent Cardona face-first towards the exposed turnbuckle and hit his Clothesline from Stamford for the win. Myers acted like the professional he is, again, but it was a good match that deserves a follow-up.
Meanwhile, backstage…
Matt Hardy pumped Private Party up before their Triple Threat Match for the Impact World Tag Team Championship.
.@MATTHARDYBRAND and Private Party plan to win the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles and never return to IMPACT again. #NoSurrender @IsiahKassidy @Marq_Quen
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Deaner w/ Joe Doering and Eric Young vs Jake Something
Goodbye, the Deaners, the beer-loving gentlemen farmers… Welcome to Jake Something and Deaner who have desperately not been on the same vibe when it comes to Violent by Design. Cody chose to take a walk on the wild side when Jake decided to stay true to himself and refused Ey’s offer to become a member of the stable. That was meant to turn into a match. And, for those who have never seen these two as singles competitors, they must have been very surprised by the quality of the match. Both men stared each other down after the bell rang. Deaner was getting manhandled by Jake Something at the beginning of the match. Eric Young had to remind Deaner that Jake is no longer his friend. This fired up Deaner, who slid back into the ring and pulled off some quick forearm counters. Deaner threw Jake out of the ring. Eric Young connected with a lethal DDT. Young rolled Jake back into the ring. Deaner stomped away on Jake. Jake rolled out of the corner. Deaner stalked his prey with a jumping European uppercut.
Deaner put Jake in a chin lock. Jake broke out with a series of elbow shots. On the outside, Deaner shoved Jake into the ring post and stretched his arm out. Back in the ring, Jake tossed Deaner towards the corner. Deaner hung Jake up on the ropes and found his way in with a dropkick. Jake got control of his emotions and focused back on this match with a Bumcracker and a sit-out slam. Eric Young distracted the referee while Jake had the pin on Deaner. Deaner kept himself alive with a neckbreaker and a forearm. Both of them were in no man’s land on the top rope. Deaner countered it once they were down with a powerbomb. Jake took out Violent By Design with a dive, got back in the ring, hit the Black Hole Slam for the win. Like I said earlier, it was a very good match because the drama was in and the fact we have never seen them face each other in the Impact Zone since their debut. It seems like this storyline is not over but Jake seems to want to keep on his walk on the right side.
After the match
Because it couldn’t end normally, Eric Young and Joe Doering charged right into the ring and set up a table. Doering sent Jake Something right through the table with an explosive powerbomb.
Meanwhile, backstage…
Eddie and Alisha brought a gift to Tommy Dreamer. They gave him words of encouragement ahead of his match tonight and hugged him.
Triple Threat Revolver Match: Josh Alexander vs Willie Mack vs Trey Miguel vs Blake Christian vs Chris Bey vs Suicide vs Daivari vs Ace Austin – The winner becomes the new #1 contender for the X-Division Championship.
The concept, at first, sounded strange to many of us but it made sense once it happened because this match opened a lot of possibilities for each wrestler to show his repertoire. The rules were: three men will start, and one by one, they’ll continue to come in after a pinfall or submissions. Trey Miguel and Blake Christian started the match off by landing a double dropkick on Suicide.
How the hell did @TheTreyMiguel even do this?! #NoSurrender
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Suicide found his step with a nice hurricanrana. Blake sent Suicide flat with a head scissors takedown into a dropkick. Trey slid back into the ring and planted Christian with a nice reverse hurricanrana. Suicide and Trey with some back and forth, then a wheelbarrow counter into another hurricanrana. Miguel locked Suicide up with his Hourglass submission. Suicide tapped out.
Suicide out, Chris Bey in.
The other birthday boy of the day, Chris Bey, clocked Blake and Trey with a big flying elbow in opposite corners. Christian found his offence with a double hurricanrana. Trey and Blake collided with a standing C4. Blake took out Bey by the ankles with a nicely done stomp. Bey ended Christian’s time in the ring with a beauty of a VerteBEYker.
Blake Christian out, Daivari in.
Daivari came in hot with a fast-paced attack on Chris Bey. He sent Bey out of the ring with a belly-to-back suplex but Trey flew in outta nowhere with a beautiful Meteora. Trey hooked the leg of Daivari.
Daivari out, Josh Alexander in.
Josh Alexander came in with a sleeper hold. Chris Bey countered the double underhook. He got caught with a powerbomb before locking Bey with an ankle lock. Chris Bey tapped out.
HOW?! @Walking_Weapon just SUPLEXED @DashingChrisBey with @TheTreyMiguel on his back! #NoSurrender
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Chris Bey out, Willie Mack in.
Mack hit his signature combos but failed to eliminate anyone. A Tower of Doom led by Mack scored a near fall on both Trey and Alexander. Trey started to feel the effects of being the first entrant in the match. Mack planted Alexander with a huge DDT. Miguel and Alexander worked together on taking Wille Mack out. Trey jumped off the top with a second Meteora that sent Mack out of the match.
.@Willie_Mack sends the Tower of Doom crashing down! #NoSurrender
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Willie Mack out, Ace Austin in.
The last entrant was inevitably Ace Austin, who asked Madman Fulton to stay in the back. Trey and Alexander looked fed up with Ace early and beat on him in the corner. Ace took out everyone with a striking display. Trey was looking just as sharp, hit a Poisonrana and a low-rope-assisted cutter. Trey dove onto Josh Alexander and Ace followed that with a Fosbury Flop. Trey went for a Sunset Flip out of the corner and hit the Cheeky Nandos. Trey continued to just go nuts. Alexander came back and stacked both men for a Death Valley Driver. Alexander powerbombed Ace into his knee and doubled up with the double-underhook piledriver for the win.
.@Walking_Weapon just made @TheTreyMiguel piledriver @The_Ace_Austin by doing a Death Valley Driver. #No Surrender
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Yes, it comes outta nowhere, and that’s great. The final three guys were the right ones and it was great to see them all getting the spotlight. Kudos to Trey Miguel who made the whole match but failed in the end. The match fit perfectly the essence of the X-Division, it’s not a matter of size, a matter of weight or a matter of style. It’s only a matter of heart and soul. The future collision between TJP and Alexander should be a must-see as they are so, so different…
The list of @IMPACTWRESTLING X-Division pioneers that made this championship what it is. They inspired a generation.
They inspired me.
I'll be the X-Division champion we need. Leave it all in the ring everytime, MOTN or bust.
— Josh Alexander (@Walking_Weapon) February 14, 2021
IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship Texas Tornado/No DQ Match: Fire ‘N Flava (Tasha Steelz & Kiera Hogan) (c) vs Havok & Nevaeh
Havok and Nevaeh got the best of Fire ‘N Flava at the beginning of the match but Havok put an end to that with a double clothesline. Fire ‘N Flava got back on track showing great teamwork but they couldn’t hang with the physicality of Havok and Nevaeh. Kiera quickened the pace with five huge kendo stick strikes on Nevaeh. Havok got herself back into the match with a neckbreaker/clothesline combination on Tasha Steelz, but it wasn’t enough to keep her down. Nevaeh plants Kiera face first but ate a codebreaker from Tasha. Steelz starts a beat down before Havok turned it around with a double suplex on both her and Hogan. Havok cornered both women but went face-first into a chair lodged into the corner. Havok got decked with a street sign. Steelz caught Nevaeh with a cutter on the same street sign to retain the Knockouts Tag Team Championship.
The series of wins, the stipulation, the rematch situation, everything was in favour of Havok and Nevaeh. The match didn’t explore all the hardcore possibilities a no-DQ allows. It was way too short and quite flat. Now, who’s next for Fire ‘N Flava?
After the match
Nevaeh left the ring frustrated. Havok followed her backstage.
Meanwhile, backstage…
Rich Swann told Gia Miller that, after talking to Impact Management, Moose will be banned from ringside during his match with Tommy Dreamer (didn’t D’Amore say it on Tuesday?). Make no mistake about it, Swann said Dreamer is in the fight of his life tonight.
.@GottaGetSwann is ready for everything @THETOMMYDREAMER will throw at him in the main event. #NoSurrender
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Impact X Division Championship Match: TJP/Manik (c) vs. Rohit Raju w/Shera
We have eaten, breathed and slept Raju vs TJP for months, I should say Raju alone or not vs TJP/Manik/Suicide. Raju decided to unleash his monster but damn, I want this match to be the last between those two. They have made some magic but please…
Rohit attacked TJP on the outside before the match began. TJP started fighting back against Shera on the outside as well. TJP flipped over the guardrail onto Raju. They went back and forth up the ramp where Raju delivered a suplex. Brian Hebner called for the opening bell as the match finally began. TJP started fighting more aggressively with the change in plans. He attempted a tornado DDT but Raju countered into a bridging pinfall attempt. Raju countered TJP’s suplex combination. With Shera wearing TJP down on the outside, Rajus’s plan was going well. He continued to provide an answer to everything TJP was bringing, but couldn’t put him away. TJP applied a marvel of a single leg Boston crab from the top rope, gaining some breath.
A Mamba Splash attempt missed as both men were down. The Detonation Kick attempt ended up in Raju’s flying knee. TJP fought back but nearly lost his title off of yet another counter from Raju. He headed to the top, TJP met him up there with a superplex into the Detonation Kick. Another Mamba Splash attempt landed right into a triangle choke from Rohit. TJP rolled over into a kneebar, but Rohit looked for a crossface. Counters galore, Raju hit a stomp and a Mumbai Drive-By. Shera grabbed TJP and ended up getting hit by Rohit. TJP took advantage and crashed onto Rohit with the Mamba Splash for the win. Next in line now is Josh Alexander.
And once again, they made some magic… I am furious at myself because suddenly, I want more. This was a great match. Raju proved he studied his TJP by heart. He replied to every of his move, forced TJP to dig deep down into him. That’s what I adore in wrestling… Thank you to Rohit Raju and TJP for that…
Meanwhile, backstage…
Tommy Dreamer told Gia Miller he’s filled with so many emotions he can’t wrap his head around it. He wants to give fans one last career-defining match.
.@THETOMMYDREAMER wants to give the fans another great moment in the main event. #NoSurrender
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Jordynne Grace, Jazz & ODB vs IMPACT Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo, Kimber Lee & Susan
Knockouts are like diamonds, once they start being named as, they are forever. Whatever the ages of the ladies who were in the ring, all of them are Knockouts, the brightest jewels of the TNA/Impact Wrestling crown for more than 18 years. So BAM!
What an incredible trio. #NoSurrender @theodbbam @Phenom_Jazz @JordynneGrace
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
ODB and Kimber Lee kicked things off. ODB clocked Lee right in the face with a nice forearm. She continued to be on the move with a big kick before tagging Jordynne Grace in. Lee rolled over to make a tag out to Susan. Jordynne kept Susan in her sights with a back elbow. Susan briefly got some offence in before the Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo and Jazz were tagged in. Jazz took Purrazzo off her feet before Jordynne dove out of the ring. ODB followed, and Jazz came crashing off the top rope.
.@JordynneGrace, @theodbbam and @Phenom_Jazz with a series of INCREDIBLE dives. #NoSurrender
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Grace and Jazz levelled the Knockouts Champion with a double suplex. Deonna pulled through with the Venus de Milo before making a tag to Susan. Susan kept Jordynne close in her corner and landed a big spinning forearm before making a tag out to Deonna. Deonna came in hot with a short-arm clothesline. Grace drove Deonna into the mat with a nice powerslam. She did the desperate tag out to ODB. ODB ripped the sleeves off of Susan’s shirt and smashed her over and over with her Dirty Dozen. A brawl broke out.

Grace sent Susan out with a spinebuster. Jazz capped Susan with a series of left-hand strikes. Susan accidentally misfired with a thumb to the eye on Jazz who decked Jordynne. Kimber Lee jumped off the top with a Senton on the outside. Jazz locked Susan in the STF. Susan tapped out. A fun good match that could lead to a feud between Jazz and Jordynne Grace. ODB was as we love her.
Three-Way Dance for IMPACT World Tag Team Championship: The Good Brothers (c) vs Private Party w/ Matt Hardy and BeerGuns
The expected AEW vs Impact Wrestling match turned into a Three-Way Dance. Matt Hardy thought it was a good idea to interfere in Tuesday’s match, Scott D’Amore proved him wrong. With such a stipulation, the chances of a title change were mere but that didn’t mean the match should not be good.
James Storm and Marq Quen started it off. Isiah Kassidy came in and Storm tagged out for Chris Sabin. Matt Hardy motivated Private Party at ringside and the AEW stars took control off of a blindside attack from Quen. Private Party worked on Sabin as Storm watched, as well as the Good Brothers. Sabin was sent into the corner where Karl Anderson was able to land the tag. Anderson struggled briefly and brought in The Big LG. Gallows landed a roundhouse kick and was feeling confident. Gallows and Anderson took full control of the match, dominating Quen. Storm tagged himself in and ended the drought. Storm and Sabin worked together to take out the champs.
Quen landed a Shooting Star Press off of Sabin’s back but Storm was up and kicking. Kassidy flipped over Storm for a stunner and back around for an assisted Sliced Bread. Storm was dropped onto the top turnbuckle, The Big LG came in and knocked him down. Private Party used their athleticism to take out Gallows. Everyone hit their stuff, with the legal Storm landing his Eye of the Storm on Quen. Gallows grabbed a chair, while Matt Hardy hopped in the ring and delivered a Twist of Fate to Storm. Private Party looked to take the win but Anderson subtly tagged the foot of Quen and sneaked in for the win.
A title change would have sounded strange in the current context. Then, if Private Party owned the match, they didn’t get the belts. Gallows and Anderson have this ability to do the minimum and win anyway, which is a kind of a mystery to me. The duo of Sabin and Storm worked pretty well, the Cowboy still has so much to show us. We can be thankful for that match because Quen and Kassidy are one hell of a team and you may not see them in the Impact Zone soon. That was a good match but they were able to do so much better.
After the match
A furious Matt Hardy asked Private Party how could they have let him down.
Impact World Championship Match: Rich Swann (c) vs. Tommy Dreamer
After all the segments we saw the hours before, I had to ask myself the question. This match was meant to be a gift from a Champion to a birthday man. The vignettes let me think whether it was a farewell match or a career-ending match. Right now, I still try to understand if Dreamer’s tears earlier in the iPPV were purely emotional or a way to say goodbye. One thing was sure, a World Title match was meant to happen.
Dreamer attempted an enzuigiri and missed, getting into a relatively fast exchange. Dreamer used his strength to launch Swann and connected with a baseball slide to Swann outside. Dreamer dove from the apron and whiffed, with Swann effortlessly landing his own aerial attack. Dreamer swiped Swann’s leg and hit the Spicolli Driver on the floor. A potentially broken finger on Dreamer brought out Dr Ross. Dreamer popped his finger back in place and we were ready to go again.
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
Dreamer had control but Swann went after the injured finger, realizing that the veteran brought his A-game. Swann began targeting the joints of Dreamer, showing more intensity. Dreamer fought back, going after the well-documented weak knee of Swann. The battle of respect finally escalated to both men applying their gameplans to win. Swann launched a nasty forearm to the face of Dreamer, and they ended up crashing through the ropes to the floor. Dreamer attempted a piledriver on the floor but Swann rebounded off the apron for a handspring cutter.
Clutching the fingers, Dreamer met Swann at the top rope, landing a superplex into a pinfall attempt. They popped out and Dreamer attempted a slingshot into the corner. Swann reacted to it by jumping to a Dreamer cutter. They traded pin attempts but Swann ended up locking in an armbar, wrenching on the fingers. Swann landed some flashy kicks and dropped Dreamer. A backslide attempt from Dreamer nearly did it, but he ate a hesitation superkick from Swann. Dreamer muscled Swann up for a Spicolli Driver, countering a Swann submission. Swann kicked Dreamer’s face in and connected with the Phoenix Splash to retain against the Hardcore Icon. The World Champion helped the legend up but Moose came out of nowhere.
After the match
Tommy Dreamer and Rich Swann shake hands. Moose slithered into the ring and sent Dreamer and Swann away with two Uranage. Moose slammed himself into Dreamer with the Lights Out Spear. He drove a chair into Swann’s ribs and knee. He stood tall with both the TNA World Heavyweight and Impact World Championship in his hands.
Moose was banned from ringside DURING the match, not after. What happened after the match was meant to. Moose has been waiting for a title shot for weeks, if not months, and he deserves it. He had to turn into a monster to show it. The problem is the cat-and-mouse game between Moose and Swann has been lasting for quite a while and we can ask ourselves when the match is going to take place, mostly with AEW and NJPW on the radar.
Wait, what did I just see?
NJPW’s David Finlay and Juice Robinson, better known as FinJuice, are arriving at the Impact Zone this Tuesday. For those who don’t know who they are, David Finlay, fourth-generation wrestler, made his debut in Europe before signing with NJPW in 2015. Juice Robinson signed the same year. Finlay is a former NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Champion. Robinson is a former 2-time IWGP USA Champion. With Finlay, who has become his best friend, they are former IWGP Tag Team Championship and won the World Tag League in 2019.
BREAKING: @njpwglobal's Juice Robinson and @THEdavidfinlay will be in the IMPACT Zone TUESDAY at 8/7c on @AXSTV! #IMPACTonAXSTV @njpw1972
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 14, 2021
To be eNYGMAtic…
It was three great hours of wrestling. There were matches that we want to see every week, but also PPV-calibre bouts. I feared Rich Swann would lower his game because he was facing his hero, he didn’t and that gave more sense to the match. With 3 matches, the Knockouts showed they are absolutely essential to the company.
The big winner of the night is the X-Division. The Triple Threat Revolver and the title matches stole the show. Josh Alexander, Trey Miguel and everyone involved in these matches did something great for the fans, they reminded us passion is not something that fades like a candle in the wind. That has never worked like that.
Another noticeable fact is listening to D’Lo Brown and Matt Striker and becoming aware of the fact they have found their flow so fast. They made us enjoy the show and live it deep down in our souls (come back next week as you’ll hear of D’Lo Brown and his new job).
Who will be the next contenders for the Knockouts Tag Team Championship? What will happen to Havok and Nevaeh? What’s next? I have no clue. For the moment, all I know is there’s a new episode on Tuesday night. Will I be there? Probably…
No Surrender Complete Results:
- Decay (Rosemary, Crazzy Steve & Black Taurus) defeated XXXL & Tenille Dashwood.
- Hernandez & Brian Myers defeated Matt Cardona & Eddie Edwards.
- Jake Something defeated Cody.
- Triple Threat Revolver Match: Josh Alexander defeated Willie Mack, Trey Miguel, Blake Christian, Chris Bey, Suicide, Daivari and Ace Austin to become the new #1 contender for the IMPACT X-Division Championship.
- IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship Texas Tornado/No DQ Match: Fire ‘N Flava defeated Havok & Nevaeh to retain the titles.
- IMPACT X-Division Championship Match: TJP defeated Rohit Raju w/ Shera to retain the belt.
- Jordynne Grace, Jazz & ODB defeated IMPACT Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo, Kimber Lee & Susan.
- IMPACT World Tag TeamChampionship Three-Way Dance: The Good Brothers defeated Private Party w/ Matt Hardy and BeerGuns to retain the titles.
- IMPACT World Championship Match: Rich Swann defeated Tommy Dreamer to retain the belt.
All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling, Basil Mahmud and AXS TV. Photocollage custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.