Right here, right now. Happy Day 54 of 2021. Sacrifice before Redemption, that could nearly be biblical… Right here, right now, it’s time for Elvis in 1968’s Live a Little, Love a Little. “A little more bite and a little less bark,” another way to hallucinate Elvis (damn, I like that). Some people on IMPACT are sick of the chocolate medals, so they prefer to unleash their dark wrath on the company. Right here, right now, the time to be legit or not is over.
On the menu this week, from Nashville, Tennessee, Deaner will face off Jake Something in a Tables Match. The Good Brothers will compete against XXXL. Jazz and Jordynne Grace will square off with Kimber Lee and Susan to determine who are the new #1 contenders for the IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Champions. Chris Bey, Ace Austin and Black Taurus will face off Trey Miguel, Josh Alexander and Willie Mack to determine which group of 3 wrestlers will square off next week for the #1 contendership for the X-Division Championship. So no more words, let’s get ready for some action, but your French Enygma Steph way, of course…
TODAY IS #IMPACTonAXSTV DAY! pic.twitter.com/kGgIcjufWh
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 23, 2021
The Nygma’s Chart of the Week
D’Lo Brown and Matt Striker were on commentary. On ‘Before The Impact’, Johnny Swinger defeated Fallah Bahh (in case you have a doubt, yes, he cheated…)
- Jake Something defeated Deaner by throwing him through a table. After the match, Jake was celebrating when Moose Speared him into a table. He took a chair and sat down in the ring. Moose apologized to AXS TV for holding the show hostage until he gets his world title shot. He talked about promises and called out Rich Swann. After the commercial break, Moose was still where we left him and the referees were bringing Jake backstage. Scott D’Amore arrived and said Swann is not cleared nor in the building. Jake Something returned, fired up and being restrained by officials. Moose warned him to back off. D’Amore went on a passionate speech about what the TNA World Title means to him and how Moose has treated it. He responded by establishing the TNA World Heavyweight Title as a recognized IMPACT Wrestling Championship. And Moose will have to defend his title against Jake Something tonight.
BREAKING: @ScottDAmore has sanctioned the TNA World Heavyweight Championship as an OFFICIAL World Championship! #IMPACTonAXSTV @TheMooseNation @JakeSomething_ pic.twitter.com/wxnETAIUgQ
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 24, 2021
- Chris Bey, Black Taurus and Ace Austin w/ Madman Fulton defeated Trey Miguel, Josh Alexander and Willie Mack when Chris Bey pinned Willie Mack. The winners will face each other next week.
- Backstage, Trey was emotional following the match but Sami Callihan was waiting for him. He continued to get into his head, questioning his dedication after losing. Trey snapped, beat the hell out of him, and left Callihan floored and laughing.
It’s all part of the plan.
Wait until you see what I do next week.
I think it’s time for a field trip.#IMPACTonAXSTV https://t.co/LNNIg3QCQi
— ₮ⱧɆ ĐⱤ₳₩ (@TheSamiCallihan) February 24, 2021
- Backstage, Decay was ready to take the X-Division Title, as they gave us a reminder of what Decay has been all about.
The resurrection of the Death Dealers is now upon us. #IMPACTonAXSTV @WeAreRosemary @Taurusoriginal @steveofcrazzy pic.twitter.com/ysK902izD3
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 24, 2021
- AEW’s paid ad.
- Backstage, Havok was asking Nevaeh to give her one more chance to be her tag partner. Nevaeh was still undecided on whether she wants to still be a tag partner to Havok or become a singles competitor. Nevaeh said she needs some time away. Kaleb with a K and Tenille didn’t mean to overhear but heard everything. They pitched some branding as a team, placing her as Havok with a K. Kaleb with a K saw the chemistry, but Havok walked it off.
"Carpe diem – seize the moment!" @TenilleDashwood is sharing some of her best advice with @FearHavok. #IMPACTonAXSTV @kalebKonley pic.twitter.com/7kMRK0IiZ6
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 24, 2021
- IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers defeated XXXL.
- At Swinger’s Palace, James Storm and Chris Sabin were having fun at the blackjack table. Rohit took a seat as they lost to the dealer, John E. Bravo. Storm and Rohit started beefing but Sabin will not allow them to ruin a great thing. Sabin said intensely “I love Swinger’s Palace.” Storm and Rohit will have a match outside of The Palace instead, on BTI next week.
Sorry about @HakimZane's damn luck in Swinger's Palace. #IMPACTonAXSTV @JamesStormBrand @SuperChrisSabin @JohnEBravo1st @swinger_johnny pic.twitter.com/azPeAdjLxV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 24, 2021
- Backstage, FinJuice was hanging out and The Good Brothers came over to say hello. The Good Brothers had to rub it in again that they’re the best World Tag Team Champions. FinJuice knew this, but they still weren’t impressed.
.@THEdavidfinlay and Juice Robinson weren't particularly impressed with @MachineGunKA and @The_BigLG's victory over XXXL. #IMPACTonAXSTV @njpwglobal pic.twitter.com/QrRG41JugL
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 24, 2021
- Brian Myers came out and informed Eddie Edwards that he can’t compete tonight. He used his lawyer, Mark Sterling, as an excuse as to why he can’t wrestle. Myers’ lawyer was worried about Myers’ eye injury, so, therefore, his lawyer decided that Hernandez will be his replacement tonight.
- Eddie Edwards defeated Hernandez w/ Brian Myers. Myers was not very happy.
- Backstage, Myers met Cardona in the corridor. Scott D’Amore looked into the contract and revealed that Myers was cleared by IMPACT doctors, making him active. Myers will meet with Edwards next week, with Cardona as the special referee, in an Eye for an Eye match.
Who in their right mind would do an Eye for an Eye match? @ScottDAmore isn't THAT crazy. #IMPACTonAXSTV @Myers_Wrestling @TheMattCardona pic.twitter.com/dmo4P99b0a
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 24, 2021
- Jazz & Jordynne Grace defeated Kimber Lee & Susan. Deonna Purrazzo and ODB were sent backstage after interfering in the match.
- Backstage, Jazz and Jordynne found ODB floored and called for help.
.@theodbbam has been ATTACKED backstage. #IMPACTonAXSTV @JordynneGrace @Phenom_Jazz pic.twitter.com/fSw0GphM4O
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 24, 2021
- Moose defeated Jake Something to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. After the match, Moose attacked Jake with a chair. Rich Swann came to his rescue and brawled with Moose. Scott D’Amore came to the ramp and announced their match for the IMPACT World Championship will take place at Sacrifice on March 13.
The Nygma’s Nutcracker(s) of the Week
– Deaner vs Jake Something
Deaner charged Jake who tossed him off while taking a bite to the nose. Jake bruised him up as they went back and forth. Jake brought a table but Deaner met him with a baseball slide. Jake swayed the table into Deaner on the outside, allowing him to gain control of the table. Jake went for a Michinoku Driver, but Deaner rolled through and sent Jake face-first into the side of a wedge table. Deaner continued to deliver some brutal offence, sling-shotting Jake into the bottom of the table. Jake now wedged a table between the apron and the guardrail. They met on the apron where Deaner kicked him off.
Deaner set Jake up on a placed table on the outside. Jake woke up, finding Deaner on the top rope where they brawled to the inside of the ring. Jake launched a huge Spear in the corner, followed by a sit-out powerbomb. Deaner rolled to the steps, where Jake attempted a powerslam. Deaner fell back, making Jake tumble onto the steps. They headed to the stage where Deaner nailed Jake with a NutCracker. Deaner flew towards Jake heading down the ramp but got caught in a Black Hole Slam through a table.
– Moose vs Jake Something
Moose was making his grand entrance in the spotlight when Jake came outta nowhere and stole it. They brawled before the match. After the commercial break, the bell was rung as Jake Something was throwing Moose around. Moose returned the intensity and charged him in the corner. Jake tried to fight back but Moose landed a nasty chop. Moose took Jake off his feet and sent him face-first into the apron out. Moose missed a Spear in the corner, allowing Jake to grab hold of the newly recognized champ. Jake whispered something at Moose before connecting with a heavy forearm and some clotheslines. Moose replied with a headbutt in retaliation.
Jake tore him inside out with another clothesline and a Michinoku Driver. Moose came back with his signature missile dropkick to Jake on the second rope. Moose hit a superplex from the top rope, flooring the big men. Moose kipped up as Brian Hebner was almost to 10 on his count. Moose looked for the Spear but Jake hit a huge sit-out powerbomb. They traded blows as Jake stood face to face with Moose. They traded huge shots, Moose lands two uranage, followed by his ripcord discus clothesline. Moose hit the Lights Out Spear to retain the belt.
The Weekly “Enigma For a Nygma”
Eight commercial breaks in two hours… I usually watch IMPACT on Twitch live and every time there’s a commercial break on AXS TV, we have the chance (irony) to watch some great TNA moments. I think everyone knows Steiner’s maths by heart because we have it every week, like MCMG vs Generation Me or AJ Styles winning the World Championship. In the end, it’s tiresome. In those specific moments, I feel happy to live in a country that regulates the ads break… Really…
The Nygma’s Noticeable Facts of the Week
– Moose is the TNA Champion, really…
In a shocking and unique twist, Scott D’Amore announced that he was officially sanctioning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Moose had been carrying the belt since early 2020 when he “won” the belt in a match against Michael Elgin and Hernandez. Though IMPACT has never claimed the belt as official, Moose has defended it again and again. All the while, Moose never explained where he got the belt. And in a way, we don’t give a damn. Moose has earned a World Title for so long he decided to become one. Now, he is officially one.
– Jake Something
Since No Surrender, Jake Something has been absolutely impressive in the Impact Zone, on his own. In fact, he has been impressive for more than 10 years, working on the indies in the USA and Canada. Since 2017, Jake has been coming and going to the Impact Zone until he was finally signed in 2018. This week, he proved to us twice how good he is, he defeated Deaner a second time and he didn’t look bad in front of Moose. Jake, for sure, still has a lot to prove but I’m sure he’s not done impressing us.
– Sacrifice
Two Championship matches announced in one night, that would probably not be the only ones as we can expect FinJuice vs Good Brothers, maybe ODB vs Deonna Purrazzo, and an X-Division title match. The Road to Rebellion is quite an epic one, and it’s just the beginning.
To be eNYGMAtic…
Despite my well-known appreciation for Elvis Presley, I chose that title because it described exactly what Moose did. He forced his way to the Championship, he made the TNA one legit. He hijacked the show and had what he wanted. It was a pretty good show, with a shining Jake Something, some good angles to build up Sacrifice. I’m extremely late this week so I won’t tell you much. Just it was good…
On this “Nygma Can Do Vegas” note, until next week (if I want), take care, stay safe, watch wrestling, and never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…
All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling and AXS TV. Photocollage custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.