In a new ad aired by WWE and Peacock, it was confirmed that the Ruthless Aggression series will return. WWE premiered season one of Ruthless Aggression in February 2020, putting together a docuseries that focused on the rise of John Cena, Evolution, Brock Lesnar, and more. The five-part series was well-received by critics and fans with episodes eventually airing on Fox Sports 1 during the pandemic.

In March, WWE released a trailer revealing Ruthless Aggression season 2 would premiere in fall 2020 with a focus on Diva Search, Tough Enough, Elimination Chamber, and more. Unfortunately, season 2 never premiered. Fans can also get a glimpse at the Untold documentary on the Nexus in the trailer.

Pics courtesy of WWE


By Steph Franchomme

News, Reviews, Social Media Editor, Impact Wrestling Reviewer, Interviewer Well, call me The Boss... And French...

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