Major League Wrestling (MLW®) announced that the 2021 Opera Cup Finals will take place this Saturday, November 6 at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, featuring an MLW Fusion TV taping.

The road to the Opera Cup will reach its destination this Saturday night as history is made when MLW presents the Finals. With no time limit, the 2021 edition of the classic century-old tournament will see either Davey Richards versus the winner of TJP vs. Calvin Tankman, a semi-final bout set to take place earlier in the evening, on tomorrow’s card (the reason why Bobby Fish surrendered is unknown).

The grandest tournament for over a century, MLW re-introduced the world-famous Professional Wrestling Opera House Cup in 2019 after a 71-year hiatus as its biggest annual tournament. The historic event was held annually for nearly 50 years at renowned turn-of-the-century opera houses from New York to Boston, showcasing the greatest wrestlers of the day in a gruelling multi-day tournament that launched the careers of many pioneers of the sport.

Upon returning to the Opera Cup to the national spotlight, MLW contracted the craftsman behind maintaining the Stanley Cup to meticulously restore the original Opera Cup trophy to its original glory. Now modern Opera Cup winners are immortalized in plaques alongside legends like George Hackenschmidt, Stu Hart, Leo Pardello, William Muldoon and Waldek Zbyszko.

Major League Wrestling has just released additional tickets for tomorrow’s event in Philadelphia at the 2300 Arena at Due to adjustments in the layout of tomorrow’s production, select seats have been made available. MLW return this Saturday, November 6 at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, featuring an MLW Fusion TV taping, headlined by a 5 vs. 5 War Chamber match.


  • WAR CHAMBER MATCH: Alex Hammerstone, EJ Nduka, Richard Holliday & ??? & ??? vs. CONTRA UNIT
  • Ladder Match for the Vacant National Openweight Championship: Alex Shelley vs. Myron Reed vs. Alex Kane vs. Zenshi vs. ???
  • Philly Street Fight for World Tag Team Championship: Los Parks vs. 5150
  • OPERA CUP SEMI-FINALS: TJP vs. Calvin Tankman
  • LA Park vs. “Notorious 187” Homicide
  • nZo vs. Matt Cross
  • Willow Nightingale vs. Holidead (with Dr Dax)
  • Winner Gets Briefcase full or Cesar’s Cash: Aramis vs. Arez
  • Sea Stars vs. Top Dogs
  • OPERA CUP FINALS: Davey Richards vs TJP or Calvin Tankman
  • Warhorse vs. KC Navarro
  • The debut of “Big Beef” Gnarls Garvin
  • Additional athletes and talent signed to compete and to appear: King Muertes, Cesar Duran, Alicia Atout, plus more to be announced.

All pics courtesy of MLW

By Steph Franchomme

News, Reviews, Social Media Editor, Impact Wrestling Reviewer, Interviewer Well, call me The Boss... And French...

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