Welcome back to GCW and to part 2 of the new year’s celebrations. With the madness of Til Infinity passing us by, it was time to look to the future and set some scores straight. Yesterday’s show was about the build to midnight, this show was about the build to Hammerstein. On the card tonight, we’d see The Briscoes meet the aerial attack of Alex Zayne and Blake Christian, Scotty 2 Hotty return to wrestling action against Joey Janela, Calvin Tankman try to murder Yoya, a rumble to decide just who gets the GCW Title shot at Hammerstein, the state of EFFY address and in the main event, John Wayne Murdoch vs Alex Colon in the ultimate battle of the deathmatch titans. Let’s get into the carnage.
GCW Tag Titles: The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) defeated Blake Christian & Alex Zayne via Super Neckbreaker-Bomb on Christian
Up first tonight was the Tag Title bout where The Briscoes were going to have to find their way around the hybrid high-flying of Blake Christian and Alex Zayne. We’ve seen the Briscoes take on and beat all comers but with Christian wanting gold ahead of his ROH Title shot with Gresham at Hammerstein, could that push him to beat these tag team monsters. This got vicious. Zayne and Christian had the obvious aerial advantage so the Briscoes kept them as grounded and trapped as possible. Apart from an early spot on the floor with an off-camera door, The Briscoes had the earlier parts of the match in the palm of their hand. They had Zayne trapped and bullied with horrific strikes and chops. When the match opened up, that’s when the fun styles clash really kicked into gear as the high-flyers had the Briscoes reeling and The Briscoes brought out all their heavier hits to put down their challengers. We saw multiple double-team moves and the chair outta nowhere make an appearance. No one seemed to have a clear advantage during this manic period and that would last until the fuckery really came into play from the Briscoes. Even then, Christian would pull out surprise moves and turn the tide in a heartbeat. Zayne was killed off by a rogue chair shot and Christian ate the super Neckbreaker-Bomb to end the match. Zayne and Christian had brought the fight to the Briscoes but once again, the Briscoes had found a way to survive, thrive and murder off more challengers. Just who can stop them and just how mad will that match have to be?
Calvin Tankman defeated Yoya via Tankman Driver
I've seen countless "catch a dive + do a powerslam" spots but none quite like this #GCWDIE4THIS @CalvinTankman @theonlyoya pic.twitter.com/zi09GEX018
— ??? ??????? ???. 3.0+1.0 (@AshDabbath) January 2, 2022
Next up was another GCW attempt to murder Yoya, probably set up by Tony Deppen. We’ve seen the Shooterweight step to many of the heavyweights in GCW and now he would have to try and survive against Calvin Tankman. He did a good job of this, for the most part, absorbing the murderous slams, pounces, and drivers Tankman could throw at him and using momentum and smarts to inflict the pain. As per usual, Tankman didn’t take Yoya seriously and ended up suffering for it as Yoya wiped the smile off his face, even after all the abuse Tankman had thrown his way. Tankman set up a door early in the match and ended up tasting it as Yoya nailed a delayed Cutter/Sliced Bread combo. He unleashed the nasty strikes he’s known for but Tankman wasn’t staying down and finding even more innovative ways to slam him back down. That being said, we even saw Yoya pull off a Cambodian Destroyer. This was a seesaw of a match as it believably could go either way. Yoya was a highly believable underdog and we all know he has the skill to pull it off but the Tankman Driver ended all that. Tankman remains the destroyer but again, Yoya shows just how well he can go even when massively outsized like this.
Joey Janela defeated Scotty 2 Hotty via Piledriver
Holy shit is this one of the most unexpected matches ever? Scotty 2 Hotty was one of my favourites from my days playing old WWE games. Now, he was back in the ring and ready to bust a move with the Bad Boy Joey Janela. This was going to be wild as hell. Chris Dickinson had jumped onto commentary for this wrestling spectacle. This started with pure nostalgia as Scotty had gone full-on 2 Cool with the theme, the gear and those signature shades. Janela was in heaven as they traded shades and prepared to fight. This was pure fun, it started light but Janela went into asshole mode and tried to impose his will on the match. Janela got too cocky though and Scotty kept finding his way back into the match. It was no easy night against an older veteran. Scotty was having a blast and gave Janela everything he had, throwing in old favourites like the worm and showing off other additions to his arsenal as the match went on. There was a fair share of scary moments too as Scotty took the apron DVD and both felt the wrath of doors. Scotty fully embraced the outlaw violence alongside his more traditional wrestling. in the end, the Snake won the battle with a Piledriver but again, I cannot stress how much fun this was. Not only did a blast from the past come back, but he was also kicking better than ever and gave the crowd an excellent match alongside Janela. It was a competitive fight mixing the best of both worlds and the Bad Boy getting the win over a nostalgic favourite. If Scotty is coming back full-time, then hey, GCW could make an excellent home.
The oddly nostalgic hits kept on coming as we got another surprise guest on this show. EFFY came out next to give his state of EFFY address and it seemed to be going off without a hitch. He talked about all that he’s gotten to do so far in GCW but he was reaching a problem, what’s next? He’d faced practically everyone and done pretty much everything he’d wanted to but… guess what, EFFY is fine! So, that means GCW is fine too. EFFY wants to be the World Champion and make the company even finer. His address was cut off though by a mysterious man in cowboy gear. That man was none other than Jeff Jarrett and he brained EFFY with a guitar. He just put a massive spanner in the works for EFFY who was now going to have to win a rumble with guitar shrapnel in his hair. Just what the hell has Jarrett got planned for GCW?
Do or Die Rumble: Homicide defeated AJ Gray, Atticus Cogar, Allie Katch, Billie Starkz, Cole Radrick, Colby Corino, Dante Leon, Dark Sheik, Grim Reefer, G-Raver, Jack Cartwheel, Jimmy Lloyd, Jordan Oliver, Matthew Justice, Nick Wayne, Ninja Mack, PCO, Tony Deppen & Shane Mercer via Cop Killa and throw out on Cogar
Clout Cutter #GCWDie4This @TheJordanOIiver @NinjaMack1 pic.twitter.com/DRN3CxiLlc
— ??? ??????? ???. 3.0+1.0 (@AshDabbath) January 2, 2022
Okay, time to get serious. It was rumble time. We had a whole host of the best and brightest of GCW past and present coming out to try and survive the odds and earn a title shot. There were going to be two minutes intervals and a whole lot of people out for a fight. Who was going to Hammerstein for the GCW gold? Jordan Oliver and Tony Deppen opened for some technical warfare and the ring quickly filled up with each call of the Mysterons. Ninja Mack got the first WTF moment by avoiding elimination with a handstand and Atticus Cogar got full approval from the crowd. Jack Cartwheel was the first elimination in the most horrifying way and the action continued to get wilder as more people entered the match. Much like the glorious clusterfucks, this was just a maddening display of multi-person wrestling in a filling ring. Dark Sheik entered in Psylocke gear and went to town on everyone as bodies entered and fell from the match. The high-flyers gave way to the chaos crew and there was a multitude of sneaky elimination attempts. Even as more people entered the match, Atticus Cogar seemed determined to be rid of Jordan Oliver and SGC started working together once AJ Gray and Matthew Justice ended up in there together. No matter who entered, they were wrecking shit, Gray wearing Mack’s discarded ninja top. Homicide came out to one of the biggest pops of the night and Mercer was in next to throw everyone around. Things got even more unpredictable as PCO was next out and was ready to show off his inhuman abilities once again. We saw the French-Canadian Frankenstein lay everyone out, then get into a much-anticipated exchange with Shane Mercer. PCO was so into it he eliminated himself with an apron senton as G-Raver entered the fray.
Pop-Up Powerslam#GCWDie4This @theirondemon @Atticus_Cogar pic.twitter.com/i30WPqOJhN
— ??? ??????? ???. 3.0+1.0 (@AshDabbath) January 2, 2022
More bodies swiftly followed as Mercer, Radrick and Sheik were knocked out. Colby Corino was out next and wanted to knock everyone out with a lot of focus on Homicide. He was promptly eliminated by Homicide’s fork, Oliver following him out. SGC eliminated Raver and Lloyd, then Cogar eliminated Justice. It was all kicking off now. Allie Katch was out next and wrecked anyone leftover and terrified AJ Gray with her hip attacks on Deppen. He ate the Piledriver and Deppen got revenge on Katch with a Bronco Buster. Billie Starkz replaced EFFY due to Jarret’s attack and went right to work on attacking Deppen and Cogar alongside Katch. AJ Gray killed both with lariats and chokeslammed Starkz out of the match. Grim Reefer was out last and it was time to get higher. He delivered beatdowns whilst enjoying a joint and Deppen stole that green before losing it to Cogar, who promptly snuffed it out. Deppen continued to be a killjoy by eliminating Katch and Reefer, then met his end at the hands of a Gray Lariat. Gray and Homicide teamed up on Cogar but the Silver Teeth Satan dodged so Gray nailed Homicide. Cogar swiftly eliminated Gray in the confusion and we got fork vs skewer. Homicide had to cling on for dear life as Cogar tried to stab him up with his fork. Cogar skewered Homicide and hit the Brain Haemorrhage but Homicide dodged elimination and hit the Cop Killa. He threw Cogar to the floor and took the win. It’ll be Homicide vs Jon Moxley at Hammerstein. This was an awesome rumble with everyone getting their spot to shine and Cogar becoming even more of a made man in the process. There was plenty of heart, story, and personality amongst the action with a fitting winner taking it all.
GCW Ultraviolent Title: Alex Colon defeated John Wayne Murdoch via Ref Stoppage
Last but not least, the main event. It would be two justified kings of the deathmatches taking the fight to each other for GCW’s top deathmatch crown. John Wayne Murdoch has busted his ass on the outside of GCW for several years now and it was time for his moment, his flowers. The problem is, he was taking on Mr 3peat and one of the G.O.A.Ts. Both of these guys are masters of their craft, but only one could walk away the top dog. The Duke was out to get the fucking respect he deserves and he had plenty of fuckery to do so. The pair opened with a bundle collision and started throwing hands. Colon broke another tube on Murdoch and knocked him to the outside with a dropkick. He followed with a tube dive and started carving away with a broken tube he’d smashed on himself. Murdoch was forced to take a seat but got up to brick wall Colon’s run and threw him onto the chair. It was Murdoch’s turn to break tubes and he drove him into the glassy mat with a slingshot flatliner. He carved away at Colon and kept the tube breakages coming, smashing one right through Colon’s gut. AKIRA was ringside but was just observing as his brothers, his family killed each other. They danced around a pane of glass and Colon charged Murdoch through it after tanking a German. More broken glass was dragged across Murdoch’s body as Colon kept breaking tubes for the fan’s enjoyment. Even the outside proved no respite for Murdoch as Colon followed with another jagged weapon. Every side wanted a show so Colon would drag Murdoch around to them for another glassing. Colon was mauling Murdoch now as he bit and bludgeoned with no remorse. Colon even threw in a full box of tubes just to crush them onto Murdoch’s midsection with double knees. Any tubes left were just broken on Murdoch, drawing more blood and cutting even deeper into him.
Backbreaker #GCWDie4This @alexcolon0139 @TheDukeJWM pic.twitter.com/ZLWvAEkWGZ
— ??? ??????? ???. 3.0+1.0 (@AshDabbath) January 2, 2022
Murdoch exploded with rage and threw Colon into more tubes, then tried to end him with his own Bloodfighter Combo, trapping Colon in the Camel Clutch. Colon dragged himself to freedom but took more tubes to the back and had to fight off the Deep South Destroyer. Murdoch cut Colon’s fuckery usage off with more tubes and flew from the top with a Missile Dropkick. He went after the back again with a bundle backbreaker and tried to use more but Colon countered and stomped a bundle into his chest. He did the same again to a bigger bundle with double knees and another with a corner charge. He placed Murdoch on the top but Murdoch slugged back and landed the Deep South Destroyer. Colon tossed out the ref for getting in the way and hit the Bloodfighter Combo but couldn’t actually get a win with it. Murdoch set up a chair for his Brainbuster whilst Colon wasn’t looking but only got two as the ref took a bit too long getting in. He got ready to hit a second but Colon rolled him up. They both broke more tubes on each other and Colon nailed Murdoch with the Spanish Fly into the Camel Clutch. Murdoch dragged himself through some glass to the ropes and remained defiant as Colon hit him with more tubes. He looked under the ring and dragged out a gusset 2×4. That met Murdoch’s shoulder and the ref panicked, signalling for the end.
GCW Ultraviolent Title: Alex Colon defeated John Wayne Murdoch via Camel Clutch Pass Out
In the confusion caused by the ref, the fans and Colon were pissed. The match was called off at that moment and Colon went after Murdoch with a power drill. AKIRA jumped in to get between them and tried to talk some sense into Colon. Colon attacked AKIRA with tubes and went back after Murdoch’s arm with the 2×4. The match was restarted by Murdoch and with a fucked-up arm, he tried to fight back. AKIRA was knocked off the apron by Colon as he tried to provide weapons and the pair duelled tubes, trading headbutts when they ran out of tubes. Murdoch collapsed and Colon reapplied the Camel Clutch until Murdoch passed out from blood loss. He wouldn’t break the hold so AKIRA dragged him off and chewed him out for it. Colon was still incensed and stormed off. AKIRA attended to John Wayne Murdoch, who was bleeding the fuck out horrifyingly and the crowd jeered away at him. I get there’s a bigger story at play but calling John Wayne Murdoch a pussy is bullshit. He just went toe to toe with Colon, made himself public enemy number one, and bled buckets in a world-class deathmatch. This match was awesome as hell, violent as fuck, and featured plenty of great moments. Hopefully, there’s more to this. it seems a shame to end shit there.
Call me a pussy more it makes me hard https://t.co/Vr6RBfrslX
— RABBIT KING ? (@TheDukeJWM) January 2, 2022
All images courtesy of GCW, FREEBIRDS_Shop, Ash Dabbath, FITE