Here was the case. “Listen to the beat, beat of the song. Buzzing in my head now, head like a bum dum/ Standing alive, we’re the King Kong Five. Doing the King Kong Jive on the Gabony Boogie/ I sing my song and I’m a rocker. What’s the matter with me?” And the case continues…
On the menu this week, from Dallas, Texas, Vincent of Honor No More will face off Josh Alexander. Jordynne Grace will put the IMPACT Digital Media Championship on the line against Matt Cardona. Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Speedball Mike Bailey and Jake Something will team up against The Bullet Club. ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham will compete against Steve Maclin in a classic wrestling match. JONAH will square off with Crazzy Steve. Also, Bhupinder Gujjar will make his debut in the Impact Zone against John Skyler. And we’ll hear about IMPACT Knockouts Champion Mickie James who took part in the WWE’s Royal Rumble last Saturday. So no more words, let’s get ready for some action, but your French Enygma Steph way, of course…
TONIGHT at 8/7c on @AXSTV and 8:30pm ET on YouTube for IMPACT Insiders!
Full Preview:
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 3, 2022
The Nygma’s Chart of the Week
Tom Hannifan was on commentary, D’Lo Brown was still recovering from the Honor No More’s attack and was replaced by Drama King Matt Rehwoldt. On ‘BTI’, Black Taurus defeated Raj Singh in a pretty good match (BTI is now available only on Impact Wrestling YouTube and Facebook channels at 7.30 PM EST/12.30 AM GMT, and on Impact Plus).
- Matt Cardona defeated Jordynne Grace to become the new IMPACT Digital Media Champion. He grabbed the title, distracted the referee, and KOed Grace with a chair. A bit too GCW…
Brutal suplex in the corner from @TheMattCardona!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Backstage, W. Morrissey was manhandling whoever was on his road, trying to find Moose. He saw The Learning Tree, charged them and tossed Zicky through a door. Brian Myers ran away and security stopped Morrissey.
.@TheCaZXL is on the hunt for @TheMooseNation!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- After the commercial break, Morrissey was backstage yelling at Scott D’Amore and asked why his security is stopping him from getting Myers. D’Amore said next week he can have Meyers in a no DQ match. Morrissey said great, now he just has to find Moose. D’Amore said he sent him to the hotel and Morrissey needs to wait until No Surrender. Morrissey said ‘Hotel?’ and walked away. Smells like a hotel fight…
"Hotel?….Perfect"@TheCaZXL @ScottDAmore #IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- JONAH defeated Crazzy Steve w/ Rosemary and Black Taurus. They prevented Steve from eating a second Avalanche after the bell rang.
.@JONAHISHERE wasn't finished after defeating @steveofcrazzy but was met with the terrifying @Taurusoriginal!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Backstage, Matt Cardona told Gia Miller he’s finally the Digital Media Champion. He said he’s gotta go. Gia asked what Chelsea will think about this. Cardona said he just made history and she’s asking about his spouse. Cardona told Gia to ask Jonathan Gresham what it’s like to be married to a loser GOTTA GO.
.@MeanGiaMiller caught up with new Digital Media champion @TheMattCardona on his way out!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Backstage, Kaleb was saying to Madison Rayne they were almost Knockouts Tag Team Champions last week. Madison said they weren’t almost the champions because it was a non-title match but soon she will be champions. She said eventually the IInspiration will have a real match with the Influence, not the “bootleg” version. The IInspiration showed up, they had a gift for Kaleb with a K. They told him to open it when they leave and walk away. Madison said he doesn’t want that right. Kaleb opened the present and it’s a new phone with a background of the IInspiration.
The Iinspiration just gave @kalebKonley a gift?!
?@JessicaMcKay @CassieLee #IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Jonathan Gresham defeated Steve Maclin via DQ when Maclin refused to release a hold. After the match, Maclin locked in a Boston crab, forcing Gresham to tap but Honor No More hit the ring and beat down Steve Maclin. Josh Alexander slowly made his way to the ring for his match with Vincent, crossing the path of Jonathan Gresham who was going backstage.
.@ringofhonor champion @TheJonGresham is taking it to @SteveMaclin on #IMPACTonAXSTV!
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Josh Alexander defeated Vincent w/ Honor No More. Cary Silkin was at ringside. Sabin, Swann and Rhino attacked Honor No More at ringside.
.@TheHorrorKingVM is down! @Walking_Weapon #IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- After the match, Kenny King attacked Josh Alexander and joined Honor No More.
That's Kenny King!!!!@KennyKingPb2 #IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- W. Morrissey was walking the halls of a hotel and found Moose’s room. Hotel fight, with Morrissey sending Moose right into the cameraman.
He's not waiting till #NoSurrender! @TheCaZXL just showed up at @TheMooseNation's hotel!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- No Surrender ad.
@IMPACTWRESTLING will show No Surrender, LIVE February 19th from the Alario Center in New Orleans, LA, streaming on @IMPACTPlusApp
and YouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders!IMPACT+:
Info/Card:— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 31, 2022
- Backstage, Honor No More cut a promo. Mike Bennett said no one remembers who won the battles, they only remember who won the war. There’s always waiting in the wings that have a chip on their shoulder. Kenny King said they all came together because they were lied to about honour. He says there’s no room for lies or honour. Vincent said that loss may have hurt but nothing can stop him and if Impact wants a fight, then roll out the red carpets.
"No More Games! No More Honor!"@TheHorrorKingVM @MariaLKanellis @RealMikeBennett @KennyKingPb2 @MattTaven @PCOisNotHuman #IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Bhupinder Gujjar defeated John Skyler. Raj Singh came to congratulate him but Gujjar was not very happy about it.
.@TrueRajSingh came to congratulate @bhupindergujj4r on a successful debut.. but it doesn't look he's interested in being friends!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Royal Rumble segment with Mickie James.
.@MickieJames made history when she competed in the @WWE #RoyalRumble!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Backstage, Mickie James was telling Gia Miller what a night it was when Tasha Steelz cut them off. Tasha pretended to feel bad and told her to save all of that for after No Surrender when she loses to Tasha. Tasha gave a speech as Mickie James to help her know what to say after Tasha wins the championship. Mickie said she wished Tasha wrestled half as good as she ran her mouth. Savannah got into her face but Chelsea Green came up and said it looks like it’s 2-on-2 now. Tasha said they don’t have time for Chelsea and walked off. Mickie said don’t worry about them and thanked Chelsea for being a great friend. Mickie said she would love to wrestle her and they can do it next week in a non-title match.
.@MickieJames got a few sentences out before she was interrupted yet again by @RealTSteelz!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- New Gisele Shaw promo.
.@GiseleShaw08 is coming to @IMPACTWRESTLING!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Masha Slamovich defeated Kaci Lennox in less than a minute.
"Russian Death Device"@mashaslamovich #IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Backstage, Deonna Purrazzo told Gia Miller she left the State of the Knockouts address because she didn’t have to stay around to listen to Mickie James. Deonna ran down her accolades and told Mickie she’s welcome for all Deonna is done. Deonna said she does her talking in the ring and for that, she needs an audience, so she issued an open challenge for next week and the age of the Virtuosa will live on forever.
.@DeonnaPurrazzo issued an open challenge for either one of her Championships next week on #IMPACTonAXSTV!
Who do you think will step up to challenge The Virtuosa!?@IMPACTWRESTLING
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
- Bullet Club (Chris Bey, Jay White, Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa) defeated Jake Something, Speedball Bailey, Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. After the match, The Good Brothers and Violent By Design attacked the Bullet Club.
"Just like that @JayWhiteNZ turns the match in his favor!" @JayWhiteNZ @SpeedballBailey #IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
The Nygma’s Nutcracker(s) of the Week
– Jordynne Grace vs Matt Cardona (who said Mr Green vs Mrs Gresham?)
According to Matthew Rehwoldt, this was Cardona’s first-ever singles intergender match. Cardona with a handshake to start this off, showing some sportsmanship. Lockup early and Cardona forced Jordynne into the corner, she grabbed the ropes, forcing a break. Lockup again into a Cardona headlock, Jordynne sent him into the ropes but Cardona dropped her with a shoulder block. Cardona showed some remorse and offered a hand up but Jordynne was fine and helped herself up. Grace connected with a headlock of her own, sent into the corner but Cardona moved, Jordynne with a roll-up but Cardona kicked out. Grace went for a shoulder block but Cardona was too big. Cardona went off the ropes and Grace dropped down to trip him up, so she finally dropped him with the shoulder block.
Cardona sent Grace into the corner and ate an elbow to the face. Cardona went for a neckbreaker but Grace held on. Cardona connected with a hell of a suplex into the corner. Grace finally got to her feet, Cardona hit a suplex and a leg drop to Grace and sent her into the turnbuckle as she got up. Cardona tossed Grace into the opposing turnbuckle and she crashed face-first to the mat. Cardona hit a scoop slam and an elbow drop but Grace moved and Cardona kept trying only to be foiled every time. Grace got to her feet and Cardona dropped her with a clothesline. Cardona went off the middle rope and Grace sidestepped the missile dropkick. Cardona went to his feet and Grace hit him with a spinebuster. Cardona got up, Grace went for a rollup but he stayed on his feet so she kicked him in the back of the leg.
Grace, off the middle rope, connected with a low dropkick to the knee, Cardona charged Grace and she dropped him into the turnbuckle. She ran with the knees to the back and then hit an elbow in the corner. Grace continued with the Vader bomb. Grace lifted Cardona up and hit him with some clubbing blows but he dropped her with a boot to the face. Cardona showed sympathy but hit Grace with the re-boot in the corner. Cardona lifted Grace up and charged her but she sent him to the outside of the ring. Cardona grabbed the ring belt off the timekeeper’s table and tried to bring it into the ring. The referee had Jordynne’s back but she ran into a chair shot as the referee was handing the title out of the ring. Grace went to her feet and Cardona hit the Radio Silence for the win and the title.
The Weekly “Enigma For a Nygma”
Is a fridge a toy? Is a kitchen hardcore? Is freezing the head of your opponent a wrestling move? You have 4 hours… If you want to think a bit more, can 2 Kenny coexist on IMPACT? A King and a kendo stick, that should be difficult…
The Nygma’s Noticeable Facts of the Week
– What happened off-air…
Yes, the Bullet Club stood tall…
The Bullet Club was standing tall as we went off the air before VBD attacked them from behind with The Good Brothers! All hell is breaking loose on #IMPACTonAXSTV!
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
… but, as the Good Brothers and Violent By Design were coming backstage, Scott D’Amore made 2 matches for No Surrender. The Good Brothers will face Guerrillas of Destiny for the IMPACT World Tag Team Championships, with Violent By Design banned from ringside, and Eric Young will face Bullet Club leader Jay White.
.@ScottDAmore just made 2 huge matches official for #NoSurrender!
The Good Brothers will face G.O.D for the IMPACT World Tag Team Championships and @TheEricYoung will go head to head to with Bullet Club leader @JayWhiteNZ! @IMPACTWRESTLING
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
– Gutcheck tryout is back
IMPACT Wrestling is teaming up with the annual, prestigious Arnold Classic – the professional bodybuilding portion of the Arnold Sports Festival, also known as the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival. The multi-sport Arnold Sports Festival, established in 1989, also features a strongman competition, plus a fitness, figure and bikini expo, and is set for March 3-6 in Columbus, Ohio – with more than 20,000 athletes expected to attend, representing more than 80 countries.
IMPACT executives confirmed that multiple wrestlers will be appearing at the 3-day event, though no names have been released yet. Also, IMPACT will have a vendor area with company information available, autograph sessions, merchandise for sale. Stay tuned for more information on a special Arnold Classic edition of Gutcheck. The 2022 Arnold Expo will feature more than 1,000 booths of the latest in sports equipment, apparel and nutrition and two stages that host unique, non-stop competitions and entertainment.
The Arnold Expo, in the main hall of the Greater Columbus Convention Center, is the nation’s largest health and fitness exposition. “The Arnold Classic is the premiere event of its kind in the world. It’s an honour that IMPACT Wrestling will be represented at the event and a great way to further expand our fan base,” said IMPACT Executive Vice-President Scott D’Amore.
The @IMPACTWrestling Gut Check tryout is coming back, with a 1-day camp at the prestigious Arnold Classic on Sunday, March 6th, in the main hall of the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio
Read More:
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) February 4, 2022
– No Surrender
Six matches announced, as of today. We are 2 weeks away from the show and that definitely will be one hell of a special event…
To be eNYGMAtic…
Let’s be honest, since the beginning of the year, we have only had good episodes following a fantastic PPV. This one was once again a good episode to watch, with an opener that was really promoting the intergender style (and Cardona’s heel turn). W. Morrissey’s segments were cool. The matches were good, the promos were enough to build something up. A little flat note, IMPACT vs ROH renegades, IMPACT vs NJPW’s Bullet Club, I’m not a fan of the “gangs war.” But No Surrender is in 2 weeks and we’re on a very good road to, with a good build-up.
Unless you’re a huge punk fan or a 40+ French, this title is a mystery… You’re now used to reading the craziest things coming from me, like this… Sometimes, it’s good not to know, not try to understand. IMPACT is our moment, let’s make it ours, each of us…
Have you read my conversation with PCO? I told you last week, sue me… On this “Nygma Is RIGHT ON TIME Note”, until next week (if I want), take care, stay safe, watch wrestling, and never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…
All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling, Fight Network, Fite TV, and AXS TV. Photocollage custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.