Mini Abismo Negro vows to unleash mayhem and take any wrestler of any size on Saturday, February 26 at MLW SuperFight hosted by the Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, featuring an MLW Fusion TV taping.
The magnificent world of mini-Estrellas will thrill Charlotte wrestling fans as Cesar Duran brings one of Lucha Libre’s most iconic divisions to MLW.
Fire explodes as Mini Abismo enters the ring with his trademark flamethrower. Igniting an explosive display of high-risk high flying, Mini Abismo, meaning “Black Abyss” in English, is also known for employing some questionable Rudo rule-breaking techniques.
Standing at 4’11”, the cocky Mini Abismo is a versatile competitor who has called out MLW wrestlers of any size to take him on. Created by the late, legendary Antonio Pena, the Mini Abismo Negro mantle was recently passed down to a new luchador taking up the mask in just the past few months.
Now, Mini Abismo Negro looks to show the world what a new era of the masked mini luchador is all about: winning by any means necessary. Who will step up and Lucha with Mini Abismo? Find out Saturday night, February 26 in Charlotte at MLW SuperFight.
- World Heavyweight Championship: Alex Hammerstone (champion) vs. Davey Richards
- Stairway to Hell: Jacob Fatu vs. Mads Krugger
- 4-Way for National Openweight Championship: Alex Kane (champion) vs. Matt Cross vs. ACH vs. Calvin Tankman
- Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat enters MLW
- Grudge Match: nZo vs. KC Navarro
- Killer Kross arrives
- Some of the athletes and talent signed to compete and appear, include Cesar Duran, World Tag Team Champions 5150 with Konnan, Richard Holliday with Alicia Atout, Pagano, Ricky & Kerry Morton, Aramis, Arez, “The Judge” EJ Nduka, Myron Reed, TJP, Alex Shelley, Puma King, Ikuro Kwon, Mini Abismo Negro and more to be announced soon.
All pics and videos courtesy of MLW