The team of Max Caster and Anthony Bowens are reaching new heights in the All Elite Wrestling tag team division. Known together as The Acclaimed, their popularity is growing despite being the bad guys. Their entrance is something that fans look forward to as they see the AEW product live. Their act begins with Max Caster and Anthony Bowens making their way to ringside with a swagger, Caster has a microphone in hand whilst Bowens carries an old fashioned boombox. Caster will rap in a similar but equally better than John Cena old gimmick from 2004. Using modern-day topics along with put-downs on his opponents, it has boosted their place amongst the crowded AEW roster. Entering the ring, Bowens will take the mic and shout passionately that the “Acclaimed Have Arrived
Debuting in October 2020, The Acclaimed won their debuting match and quickly received an AEW World Tag Team Championship shot against The Young Bucks but were unsuccessful. Since their debut, they have been a regular tag team that continues to pick up victories but just can’t seem to break through the invisible barrier that sits between AEW top tag teams and its other teams.
For instance, if you look at the tag teams that compete for the AEW Tag Team Championships consistently on pay per view, arguably AEW biggest shows, you see a familiar list of names. Jurassic Express have finally broken through and have claimed the AEW Tag Team Championships which has given hope to other teams that they can be seen and booked in the same light as FTR and Lucha Brothers.
The Acclaimed, on their biggest run since their incarnation, were sadly dispatched by Sting and Darby Allin, knocking down any hope that a storyline run against Jurassic Express could be on the cards. It’s a shame that Bowens and Caster were both fed to Sting and Allin, a team that doesn’t tend to team regularly with no ambition it seems to go for the tag team championships. A win here would have done wonders for the Acclaimed and their charisma is easily seen when looking at the mock music video and rap song they produced for their match with the face-painted duo.
AEW needs a new fresh tag team who is seen as a credible threat to the tag team championships. Whilst the Gunn Club are receiving their push for the tag titles, they are another team that is struggling to break the barrier. Their inevitable loss to the champions will see them slide back down the pecking order and back onto Dark and Dark Elevation instead of being kept around championship level where they could at any time win the championships. Like The Acclaimed, they are built up to be a threat and take a loss.
Time is still on the side of The Acclaimed and with the AEW Tag Team Championships being defended in a triple threat match at Revolution, winning one of the battle royals will be a big step and achievement for Caster and Bowens. If they are not at Revolution, credible wins against the likes of The Young Bucks, FTR or Lucha Brothers, AEW top tag teams will elevate The Acclaimed similar to how MJF has been booked strong on numerous occasions and is able to take a pinfall but still be seen as a credible threat to any opponent. Now, the damage of their loss against Sting and Darby Allin keeps them below but they have huge potential to be the next All Elite Wrestling’s Tag Team Champions.
All photos and videos courtesy of AEW