It was another night of raw beauty between the ropes as GCW returned to the Ukrainian Culture Center in Los Angeles, California. It was always going to be a momentous occasion as Sean Waltman AKA X-Pac made his triumphant comeback alongside Joey Janela against “The Deathmatch King” Matt Cardona and Brian Myers. AEW’s newly-signed wunderkind Nick Wayne was in action against Blake Christian, Kevin Blackwood debuted against GCW stalwart Tony Deppen, and AJ Mack defended the Extreme Championship against ACH. Second Gear Crew and Friends faced off against Team Reefer, Ninja Mack went one-on-one with “Speedball” Mike Bailey, and Dr. Wagner Jr returned to take on Homicide. First off, tag-team royalty The Briscoes battled Jacob Fatu and Juicy Finau.
The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) vs Jacob Fatu & Juicy Finau
Fatu hit some massive chops, but Mark retaliated with a huge clothesline. Finau dropped Mark with a Samoan Drop through a chair, then a massive splash followed after Fatu hit a standing moonsault. Mark flew over the ropes with a Tope Con Hilo onto Fatu and set up a door in the corner of the ring. Fatu almost went into it, but stopped and launched Jay through it instead. Fatu hit Mark with a pop-up Samoan Drop as Finau squashed him with a standing senton. Fatu took out Jay with a Tope Suicida as Mark Briscoe dropped Finau with an elbow drop off the apron through the rental chairs. The Samoans took the fight deep into the crowd where they stood up to Starboy Charlie who was with his mother. Charlie lost it after they squared up to his mother so he attacked them with his crutches. Back in the ring, The Briscoes smashed them with chairs. Jay brained Finau with half a door. They set Finau up on a door that balanced on a table as Mark jumped off the top turnbuckle with an elbow drop through it to pick up the victory. What a great way to kick off Welcome To Heartbreak. Dem Boys took a beating, but they gave as good as they got. Good old-fashioned violence. After the match, The Briscoes called for a rematch with Matt Tremont and Nick Gage for the titles at Joey Janela’s Spring Break. Hell yeah.
Nick Wayne vs Blake Christian
For those who are sleeping on Nick Wayne or aren’t familiar with one of AEW’s recent signees, this match was a perfect example of what this guy is capable of. It started off slow with both men feeling each other out and faking chops. Christian blocked a cutter and a superkick but ended up getting caught with head scissors and a dropkick. The agility on display by Wayne was incredible, but Christian refused to get caught out by his speed. He hit an atomic drop and basement dropkick, then slowed the pace with a snap half and half suplex and a backbreaker. He applied a grounded sleeper. Wayne tried to break free as Christian kicked him in the side of the head. Wayne fought back and landed a Blue Thunder Bomb. He went for a double stomp as Christian moved and hit a sunset flip powerbomb, sending Wayne into the turnbuckle. Both guys traded blows on their knees. Wayne hit two superkicks. Christian hit a Dragon Screw Suplex as Wayne hit a stunner. Christian hit a belly-to-back suplex off the second rope and it took both men out for a good minute. Wayne hit a snap German suplex and a Canadian Destroyer, then a bridged German suplex. He followed up with a Swanton off the top turnbuckle, but Christian kicked out the pin. Christian hit a Spanish Fly and 450, but it was Wayne who kicked out. They fought on the apron which ended up with Christian nailing a piledriver following another failed cutter. Christian set up a door on a couple of the rental chairs in the ring and grabbed Wayne who hadn’t moved since the piledriver. They fought on the top turnbuckle. Christian got knocked off which allowed Wayne to fly and hit the Ace Crusher through the table, but only got a two count. Another Ace Cutter was blocked which allowed Christian to drop him to the mat and grab the victory. I can’t believe we were only two matches in and got a potential match of the night. Phenomenal athletes who put on one hell of a show.
Tony Deppen vs Kevin Blackwood
There was a fair amount of countering in the early stages, with neither man getting an advantage. Blackwood hit some fast strikes and a suplex, but Deppen escaped through the ropes, only to come back in and take control. He raked Blackwood’s eyes and went for a double stomp, but Blackwood moved and landed a double stomp of his own. Blackwood hit a flurry of strikes, then nailed seven German suplexes in a row, only for Deppen to kick out of a pin. Blackwood hit a Death Valley Driver and climbed the turnbuckle as Deppen went up and hit a superplex. They hit German suplexes on each other and traded blows, but Deppen came out stronger following a brainbuster. Deppen hit a powerbomb, but Blackwood locked in a submission followed by a modified piledriver. Deppen almost got the win with a total package. He attempted a Chicken Wing but couldn’t lock it in, however, he transitioned into Cattle Mutilation to make Blackwood tap out. A solid match by both guys. I was hoping for Blackwood to snatch a victory on his debut, but Deppen put on a great performance.
Ninja Mack vs “Speedball” Mike Bailey
I’ve been excited about this one ever since it was announced. Bailey is an incredible performer, but Ninja Mack continually puts on thrilling performances whenever he steps in a GCW ring. Both men danced around each other highlighting their martial arts backgrounds until Mack clotheslined Bailey over the ropes. They traded kicks on the outside and fought into the crowds, with fans parting like the Red Sea. Mack grabbed a door and set it up on four chairs. Bailey drove his knees into Mack’s back, then brought him back into the ring. He locked in a half crab, but Mack grabbed the rope. Bailey landed so many fast kicks into Mack’s chest. Mack flew off the top turnbuckle to land a Pele kick, but Bailey continued with the kicks. They hit Tope Suicidas on each other, then Bailey landed a Moonsault to Mack on the outside. Mack hit four handsprings with the final one over the ropes onto Bailey outside. Mack found a huge ladder and climbed up into the rafters as Bailey looked shocked. Bailey followed him up and they traded kicks a good twelve to fifteen feet above the ground. Bailey connected with a Karate Kid kick which sent Mack through the door that was set up on the four chairs earlier. Bailey climbed down and carried Mack back to the ring. Mack got to his knees and flipped his middle finger at Bailey as Speedball kicked him. Mack found energy from deep within, but it wasn’t enough as Bailey landed a One-Winged Angel for the win. A phenomenal performance by both guys. Wow, just wow.
GCW Extreme Championship Match: ACH vs AJ Gray (C)
ACH was impressive as the bell rang, using some neat technical mat skills to surprise AJ Gray. Gray ended up bringing the violence with a slingshot into the ring post from outside. They traded some big chops until ACH landed a snap suplex onto the hardwood floor. Back in the ring, Gray hit a rolling kick to knock ACH to the mat, but couldn’t capitalise. ACH tripped Gray, following up with a deadlift German suplex bridge, however, he couldn’t get the three. Gray Chokeslammed ACH, then landed a powerbomb. Black Death went for a Moonsault, but nobody was home. ACH exploded and fought smart, delivering a frog splash to get a two-count. They tried to take each other out with forearms to the face. ACH countered a powerbomb with a Hurricanrana, then flew to the outside via a Tope Suicida. Back in the ring, ACH hit a phenomenal superkick and a brainbuster, but couldn’t pin Gray. ACH went for a frog splash, but Gray moved out of the way. Gray smashed ACH with a monster lariat after ACH kicked out of the first. He dropped ACH with the Emerald Flowsion to grab the victory. After the match, Gray grabbed the mic and gave props to ACH. He deserves the praise, too. He got it from Davey Richards on MLW recently, and it’s clear to see why. Gray then talked about having the brass ring and asked for a match with Jon Moxley at Joey Janela’s Spring Break. I am down for that match. Gray is a beast, and watching the two brawl for the GCW World Championship has plenty of potential.
Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Homicide
They spent a fair bit of time taunting each other before locking horns. Wagner landed a running kick to Homicide’s head before taking the fight outside the ring. They traded chops then headed deep into the crowd. Wagner smashed a crutch across Homicide’s back, then smashed it into his windpipe. He jumped off the stage and hit Homicide with it again. Back in the ring, Wagner placed a chair between Homicide’s legs, and with the other chair smashed it into his crotch. He continued to hit him with a chair, then locked in a dangerous surfboard submission. Homicide connected with a T-bone suplex and a Tope Con Hilo to the outside on Wagner. He hit a DDT in the ring, but missed with a splash off the top turnbuckle. After Wagner got frustrated with the ref, Homicide hit a cutter. Wagner hit a dragon screw, then launched Homicide into a chair that was lodged in the turnbuckles. He picked up the win after a powerslam. It was a pretty weak finish, but the match had some decent spots. Wagner grabbed a mic and talked in Spanish. Homicide was at ringside who grabbed a chair and slid it into the ring and walked off. The fans chanted, “shut the f*** up,” as Wagner got someone in to translate. Wagner brought up Psycho Clown and said he was a legend, but Clown was a dumbass. The microphones had been awful all night, and it didn’t help that much of what he was saying couldn’t be heard. It was awkward, but the main focus on Wagner’s mind is Psycho Clown and that Mask vs Hair match.
Team Reefer (Grim Reefer, Jimmy Lloyd, Jordan Oliver, & Jack Cartwheel) vs Second Gear Crew & Friends (Matthew Justice, Allie Katch, Dark Sheik, & Gringo Loco)
Dark Sheik and Oliver started things off. Sheik hit a basement dropkick, then a DDT through the ropes to the outside. Katch and Lloyd got in the ring where Lloyd hit a senton. Reefer and Justice were next in. Cartwheel took out Justice, then evaded multiple attacks from Gringo Loco thanks to his impressive athletic ability. Cartwheel was insane, showing phenomenal control and balance. He took out members of SCG with a Moonsault to the outside over the ropes. Reefer lit up, then plummeted into SCG and Cartwheel at ringside. He launched Sheik into the turnbuckle then hit a piledriver. Loco climbed in the ring as Reefer locked in a Crossface. Reefer passed Justice his joint and the two shook hands, only for Justice to attack him and knock him outside. Justice sent Reefer into the chairs with a hip toss. Cartwheel and Sheik fought in the ring as Oliver and Katch locked in stereo submissions. Oliver and Katch then traded blows until Katch connected with a big clothesline. Lloyd hit a package piledriver on Sheik as Justice hit him with a door. Justice and Gringo hit Lloyd from the top turnbuckle, but Oliver saved his partner from being pinned. Cartwheel and Oliver set up a door in the turnbuckle. Cartwheel missed a 720 as Justice speared him through the door. Justice flew over the ropes to wipe out Team Reefer as Gringo Loco grabbed the win following a powerbomb on Cartwheel off the top turnbuckle. What a fun match. Not enough Allie Katch or Jordan Oliver for me, but Cartwheel shone despite the loss. I think Jack Cartwheel might have legitimately hurt himself as Allie Katch was seen helping him out, and she didn’t celebrate at the end. I hope he’s OK.
Chris Dickinson Returns To GCW
The Dirty Daddy made his way out and said he had unfinished business in GCW, and reminisced about the last time he was there fighting Minoru Suzuki. He talked directly to Josh Barnett who was in the crowd and said he wanted Suzuki again for one last time on March 31st in Dallas. The Major Players interrupted and headed to the ring. Myers poked fun at Dickinson, calling him an un-famous loser. Chelsea Green said, “all hail the Deathmatch King,” as Cardona introduced himself to Dickinson. He reeled off his accomplishments and current titles, then said he put GCW on the map. He beat Gage, Effy, and Janela, but doesn’t know who Dickinson is. Dickinson grabbed the mic and said Cardona wouldn’t be relevant if it wasn’t for him and his friends that helped to build GCW. He challenged Cardona to a match at Spring Break and told him to bring his “stupid f***ing wife and his stupid f***ing friend.” Haha, amazing. Cardona accepted but said tonight was about Sean Waltman and Joey Janela. As he continued to talk trash, Janela’s music hit.
Major Players (Matt Cardona & Brian Myers) vs Joey Janela & X-Pac
The fans chanted “third wheel” at Myers as Janela took him out. Cardona came in but got caught with a back body drop. X-Pac tagged in as Cardona hid between the ropes. Cardona booted X-Pac in the stomach but got dropped with a belly-to-back suplex and a dropkick. Cardona moved out the way of a Bronco Buster, so he dived over the ropes and took out Myers. Janela and X-Pac worked together to wear down Cardona. Myers tagged in and put X-Pac in a sleeper, then landed forearms to his back. Cardona entered the match and distracted the referee as Green choked X-Pac. Myers put X-Pac in another sleeper, but he escaped after hitting a jawbreaker. Janela tagged in and cleared the house. He hit a Death Valley Driver on Myers, but only grabbed a two-count. Green nailed a Canadian Destroyer on Janela as Cardona distracted the referee. The Major Players continued to work on Janela in the corner. Cardona hit the Broski Boot as Myers tagged in. Janela was able to reverse a whip and send Myers face-first into Cardona’s boot. Janela continued to get punished by The Major Players but was able to hit a sunset flip powerbomb on Myers off the turnbuckle. Cardona and X-Pac tagged in. X-Pac hit a spinning heel kick on Myers and a sit-down powerbomb on Cardona.
He finally connected with a Bronco Buster on Cardona. He went for one on Myers, but he got his boot up to stop it. Janela dropkicked both Cardona and Myers, then a full-on brawl broke out in the ring until all four fell to the mat. Janela hit a Michinoku Driver on Cardona and grabbed a door from underneath the ring. He rested it on some chairs at ringside and attempted to put Cardona through it, however, he was able to escape. Cardona slid a door and some chairs into the ring and set them up. Cardona attempted to land his finisher onto Janela, but the Bad Boy moved and he hit Myers instead. X-Pac hit the X-Factor on Cardona as Janela landed an elbow drop, but he managed to kick out. Cardona recovered and smashed Janela and X-Pac with a chair. The Major Players landed a double team brainbuster off the turnbuckle. Myers was stood on the turnbuckle as X-Pac pushed Cardona’s head into his crotch. X-Pac then dropped Myers off the turnbuckle with an X-Factor through a door to pick up the victory. X-Pac looked in great shape throughout, giving as much as he got. After the match, X-Pac grabbed the microphone and thanked the whole GCW roster for letting him be a part of tonight. He was clearly gassed and beaten, and announced that it would be his last match. Joey looked like he was really emotional and upset. X-Pac continued to bid farewell to the fans when Janela superkicked him out of nowhere. What a way to end the show. So many questions, but no time for any answers. Why, Joey? Why?
All pictures courtesy of GCW