On this week’s NWA Powerrr, we got an in-depth discussion about all of the teams taking part in The Crockett Cup, some fighting words between Nick Aldis and Matt Cardona, as well as three singles matches. Allysin Kay fought Missa Kate, and Judais went up against Jamie Stanley. First up, J. Spade squared off against Sal Rinauro.
The First Half of the Bracket
Joe Galli was joined by Billy Corgan and Pat Kenney who were talking about the process of choosing all the teams to put into the Crockett Cup. They then went into detail about who was coming in at what seed. Corgan talked about La Rebelión being the number-one seed as being a no-brainer. The Briscoes were announced as being number two, as Kelley hyped them up as being one of the best teams in the world. Corgan brought up The Fixers at three after defeating OGK and advancing into the next round of the tournament following the shock announcement made by him a couple of weeks ago. Doug Williams and Harry Smith were announced as number four (as a message appeared at the bottom of the screen). Strictly Business come in at five, as Pope and Mims are number six. Number seven seed was announced as Kratos and Aron Stevens. Parrow and Odinson AKA The End will be the eighth seed, as Kelley said they’d shown flashes of brilliance recently.
J. Spade vs Sal Rinauro
Spade showed off some superb athleticism with a picture-perfect dropkick and a basement clothesline. Rinauro was as unhinged as ever, ripping the fingers of Spade apart and biting his hand. He continued to show his savage side by ripping at Spade’s ears, unleashing punches, and biting his fingers once again. Rinauro held Spade’s hands and stomped at his chest multiple times, then rocked back and forth like an utter madman. Spade fought back with a spinning heel kick and a huge sit-down powerbomb to pick up the victory. Somebody help Rinauro, the guy is not well.
How’s Murdoch?
Galli and Corgan were back talking about Trevor Murdoch after losing the Ten Pounds of Gold. Corgan said Murdoch was devastated after losing it, and how he felt he’d let everyone down. He thought he’d let down Harley and everyone who built this company. Corgan said that despite being gutted about it, Murdoch fully supported Nick Aldis in his bid to take the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Matt Cardona. Corgan talked about wanting safe contests, and if the match between Murdoch and Cardona wasn’t for the title, it probably would have been stopped. He said he didn’t have to like Cardona, but he won the title and earned it, and that maybe the NWA needs changing somewhat, with Cardona possibly being that guy. He called the match between Aldis and Cardona “the old way vs the new way.” It was interesting hearing Corgan talk about Cardona and the path he’s on, as well as what that means for NWA. He said if Cardona beat Aldis, he might have to look at how the company is run. I don’t know what that means, but I’m intrigued.
Missa Kate vs Allysin Kay
Kate hit a double knee drive and a Shining Wizard in the early stages. almost picking the upset. She kept up the aggression with some big uppercuts, a snapmare, and a headlock. Kay transitioned into her own headlock, but Kate connected with a jawbreaker. Kate got cocky, which allowed Kay to hit a big lariat and neckbreaker. Kate’s corkscrew off the top turnbuckle was deflected by Kay who ended the match with the AK47.
The Next Half of the Bracket
Number nine was announced as father and son duo Hawx Aerie. Corgan pointed out the bond between PJ and Luke is strong and if they dig deep, they’ll do well. Number ten will be The Dirty Sexy Boys, JTG and Dirty Dango, and number eleven are Mike Knox and VSK, The Cardonas. Gold Rushhh are going to be entering as number twelve seed and The Ill Begotten are thirteen. As there is no fourteenth seed due to The Fixers victory, The NOW will be the fifteenth seed. As for the final spot, there’ll be a special four-way match to decide who gets it, featuring Violence Is Forever, The Bad News Boyz, The Rip City Shooters, and The Heatseekers. I’m so excited for The Crockett Cup. So many strong tag teams fighting for the biggest prize in the tag-team competition. I’m picking The Briscoes to win, but I’m a big fan of The Fixers as well. Whatever happens, there’re sure to be some amazing matches.
The Fixers Have Their Say
Before the final match of the show, Jay Bradley and Wrecking Ball joined Joe Galli to talk about fixing the Crockett Cup. Bradley said he didn’t care if they fought The Briscoes or Le Rebelión (Legursky interjected with Demolition, The Legion of Doom, and The Nasty Boys). Bradley talked about The British Invasion dropping out, as Wrecking Ball chanted “USA” and did a “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan impression. Man, I love The Fixers.
Judais vs Jamie Stanley
Judais punched the crap out of Stanley, then landed a fallaway slam. He launched Stanley into the turnbuckle and raked at his eyes, then hit another body shot. Stanley was able to stun Judais and connect with a crossbody off the top turnbuckle. He booted the side of Judais’ face and arrogantly tried to pin him. Stanley went for an elbow drop, but Judais grabbed his throat and hit a chokeslam. He ended the match by launching Stanley from a Razor’s Edge.
The Final Showdown
Matt Cardona and Nick Aldis joined Joe Galli at the end of the show. Cardona talked about Aldis ruining his celebration after winning the title. Galli asked Cardona what his headspace is right now. He was saying how great it was. Aldis got annoyed after Cardona mentioned Harley Race, then talked about not knowing what to do after losing to Trevor Murdoch. He said he watched Cardona coming in and saying he was here to save NWA, but he’d been there for much longer when it was just him and Tim Storm. Aldis said it was only a matter of time before he became champion again, and brought up how he shouldn’t bring up Harley Race’s name. Aldis talked about all the greats to hold the belt, like Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, and others, and Cardona better be there at The Crockett Cup. He stormed off as Cardona said he needed a special guest referee that he trusts. The title means everything to him, and Aldis might have been the champion, but he is the champion forever.
All images courtesy of NWA