Welcome back to DMDU and to the wonderous company of violence down under. It was time for another splash of blood and fighting as the roster enjoyed one last dose of summer fun. It was to be a time of new debuts, fun returns, and of course, more graphic feuds stemming from a difference in ideals and a wanting to be the king of the castle. On the card tonight, Misspent Youth defend their tag gold against the debuting Velocities, Vixsin and Darcy Moss look to avenge what the Anti-Deathmatch Party did to Atlas CC Whittaker, Delta battles Edward Dusk and much much more leading to the main event bloodbath for the DMDU Australian Deathmatch Title between Mad Dog, Will Walker, and Callen Butcher. Let’s get into the carnage.

DMDU Tag Team Titles: Misspent Youth (Aysha & Murdoch) defeated Velocities (Jude London & Paris de Silva) via Yeet-Ifix Bomb on London

We opened with some high-stakes tag team action as PWA’s power team, The Velocities had come to DMDU to play. They’d dethroned and bested some of Australia’s best teams, could they do the same here and take Aysha and Murdoch’s gold for their own? Win or lose, we were in for a blast as we had two high-speed, high-impact teams ready to break it down. This fucking rocked. If you needed a high-speed, technical as hell bout to open the show then this delivered on every front. It was competitive from the start as Aysha and Silva opened with a chess game of technicality and it only escalated from there as Velocities singled out Aysha and Murdoch became a rampaging bull when he was finally brought in. There were so many cool moves from the Velocities that it was often hard to keep up and for the first time, we really saw Misspent Youth struggling. Aysha was more than ready to cheat, bringing in the title to crack some skulls but Murdoch originally wanted to retain his honour. That went out the window once he pulled Iron ref Jay Stevens out of the ring. That led to a title to the face and a Yeet-Ifix Bomb for London, allowing the champs to retain. Desperation is a hell of a drug and it will always lead to good teams going bad in the name of saving face. Velocities had Misspent Youth’s number so we got a different side of them today. One not too many people were happy to see. Even then, this was an absolute blast to watch. Velocities really live up to their name. Looks like Aysha and Murdoch have another challenge from the BDE coming up soon.

Broderick Valentine defeated JXT via Needs Love

Next up was an unpredictable contest. JXT is the self-proclaimed franchise of DMDU but as we have seen his win/loss record looks more like a roller coaster. He was seething after that loss to Shazza McKenzie and now he’d been given a chance to unwind against True Love Broderick Valentine. The last time we saw Valentine in a match, he was on the wrong end of gravity. This was going to be a real chance to see just what he can do. It might even be an easy night as JXT was on a JX-Crutch. He cried about being a professional and showing up despite being injured, working the angle for all its worth. Valentine got sick of the charade so JXT beat him with the crutch and showed off he was fine. The match got underway and JXT dominated, working the neck. But Valentine refused to stay down and dead, hammering back and taking the win in single-digit time with Needs Love, blasting a knee into the Jaystick’s face and KO’ing him. Valentine had made a monster statement but he couldn’t celebrate as a masked-up behemoth in black killed him off with one hell of a head drop. It seems fate just really has it out for Valentine at the moment. At least he got his win and got to be part of the entertainment before the monster wrecked him. As for JXT, looks like he needs to go back to the drawing board, the Franchise player doesn’t lose so easily.

Chanel Phoenix defeated Jordan Samson via Cross Armbreaker

What happens when a mountain tries to fight a brick wall? Well, I don’t have the answer to that but I feel like this match was going to be an excellent interpretation of it. We had a battle between two brick shithouses next as Chanel Phoenix and Jordan Samson collided in the ring. Both knew their stuff and both have a hell of a lot of power at their disposal, this was going to be good. That’s just what it was. We got to see the disciplines of both fighters shine throughout the vicious little contest. Samson showed off that kickboxing striking ability he has mixed with his sheer no fucks given Suplexes and Phoenix lurked in wait, tanking the damage and waiting for the golden opportunity to break Samson’s arm. It was a compelling little watch as Samson remained confident until the moment Phoenix latched onto his arm. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t dislodge her and eventually had to tap, lest he would lose his arm. It was an awesome watch and hey, what a win for Phoenix. Those rounds with GORE have really turned her into a monster competitor.

The Anti-Deathmatch Party (Loverboy Lochy Hendricks & Caity Luxe) defeated Vixsin & Darcy Moss via Frog Splash on Moss

Oh, fuck off. Here comes the Anti-Deathmatch Party, a group that has shown time and time again that their mission statement means nothing if it gets them a win. After the vicious assault on Atlas CC Whittaker and the continuing embarrassment of the deathmatch division, more and more people were stepping up to silence this hateful and loathsome group. This time it was Whittaker’s expedition partner, the intrepid Darcy Moss joining forces with the deathmatch Kaiju Vixsin. It was a formidable team but as always, the ADMP had Wright and Jones present for the numbers advantage. Even I was slightly taken aback as this one opened as Vixsin and Moss found a nice tag team rhythm as Vixsin’s power and Moss’s creativity had them slamming and slugging the ADMP with ease. Sadly, all good things come to an end and Moss found himself on the receiving end of some stellar tag teamwork from a bunch of reprobates. Hendricks and Luxe gave the audience a tag work showcase and beat Moss from pillar to post, expertly keeping him isolated and catching the ref’s attention at just the right time. Thankfully, Moss is used to the harsh world of exploring and had the energy reserves to take this beating and eventually come back, unleashing the wrath of Vixsin on the pair once again. As they tore the house down, Wright and Jones had to interject and hold Vixsin back so Luxe and Hendricks could finish off Moss. Again, the ADMP had proven how good they were in a technical setting and gloated as everyone had to begrudgingly give them their due. They can still fuck off for stealing the title but they are really damn good as a unit and all really solid wrestlers. Turns out that doesn’t matter when you’ve got a band of deathmatch wrestlers after you and Butcher, Mad Dog, Will Walker, and Vixsin jumped the group, sending them scurrying off with the stolen title. Butcher is coming back for his gold and hinted he’d see Hendricks on a “Sunday.” He also promised that title or not, the winner of the main event would be recognised as champion.

Emman the Kid defeated Rochelle Rogue, Charli Rose, Jake Wilder, Xavier Black & Levi Nixon via Exploding Forearm on Nixon

No show would be complete without a scramble. It was time for some mid-show madness with six hungry competitors going all out for that spotlight. We had DMDU regulars Charli Rose, Rochelle Rogue, Emman the Kid, and Xavier Black being joined by two new faces as Levi Nixon and Jake Wilder looked to get in on the DMDU action. As expected, this was pure anarchy. Six fighters with six different styles all collided and took each other out continuously. We saw a faint alliance between Nixon and Black but even that didn’t last as it was every fighter for themselves. There were flips, fists, and forearms galore as Wilder gave gravity the finger and Rogue looked to beat the shit out of anyone in their way. Much like any other scramble, trying to explain all the action would require an essay. Just know everyone kicked ass and everyone deserved to be here for it. there was no drag and it proved a fun interlude into the latter half of the card. Emman was able to use the chaos to his advantage and left the winner after an exploding forearm on Nixon. It was another big win for the Golden One, putting him on the road to bigger things.

Delta defeated Edward Dusk via DQ

Okay, time for a match I was really looking forward to. The last time Delta was in a DMDU ring, she tore the place down with Jake Andrewartha. Now, it was time for a new challenger and a new type of fight. Dusk had given his all recently at the Palais and come up short that had to be weighing on his mind but could the Eternal one push that aside and focus on the Dreadnaught in front of him? It was time to find out. It did not disappoint. This was a match of many parts as a technical game of one-upmanship devolved into the destruction of Delta’s knee and Dusk’s sanity. These two beat the absolute hell out of each other with neither going down for a three-count. Delta went from a strong start to fighting for her life as Dusk tried to break her knee and take away the power base she had. That method worked for a while but Delta continued trying to fight and kept hitting her moves even at the cost of her joint. The problem was, she could never quite capitalise and Dusk was always smart enough to roll out of harm’s way. He too though, couldn’t find a way to keep Delta down and just snapped. He got himself DQ’ed and went to town on that knee with a chair, choosing to leave a message through injury and paint rather than through victory. He marked himself and Delta with black paint and symbols after destroying her knee and skulked to the back, a mass of hysteria and smiles. It was disconcerting to see and I have a feeling that Edward Dusk is not that same cerebral sadist we knew before. He’s been consumed by something much darker and much more dangerous. Delta found that out the hard way, who will next?

RIOT Title: Matt Hayter defeated Kid Valiant via Superkick

Don’t say the Official Ego Matt Hayter doesn’t do anything for you. The newly crowned Riot Wrestling champion was giving a boon to the younger generation of the company by holding an open challenge for his title. Kid Valiant had stepped up to the challenge and as Hypa Hypa rang out, he made his way to the ring under the watchful eye of the current DMDU Heavyweight champion, Royce Chambers. Despite his generosity, Hayter still wasn’t popular with the crowd and enjoyed a loud chorus of boos and his most hated thing, swearing. Top dad Hayter hates swearing and made sure to punish Valiant for any vulgar language. It led to another fun fight. Hayter had the strength advantage for this one so once the match slowed down, he just beat down on Valiant and tried to keep him as grounded as possible. The pace picked up again and Valiant brought the fire, dropping Hayter on his head and genuinely looking like victory might be in sight when Royce Chambers just shit-canned him from the top. Hayter took advantage with his Superkick and got the win. The champ had screwed Valiant for pinning him last month and had ensured Hayter wasn’t embarrassed in his own open challenge. It gave Valiant some pathos and definitely ensures that Valiant has his title shot now. If he performs as well as he did here, Chambers might actually be in trouble. Also, I seriously love Hayter, he’s freaking brilliant.

DMDU Deathmatch Title: Callen Butcher defeated Mad Dog & Will Walker via Executioner Elbow to Walker

Last but not least, the main event. What happens when you put two deathmatch pros in a ring full of fuckery and throw in the combustible element of a rising star with a death wish? This match. Callen Butcher wanted to defend his title against the best of the best and so he’d selected Mad Dog as his challenger. Alongside that, after a gutsy victory over Joel Bateman, he’d also granted a title shot to Will Walker, giving us this mental three-way that promised to tear the roof off the venue. We even had the return of the shark cage! Walker instantly looked to steal the show by attacking early and leapt onto both foes with a Moonsault off the shark cage. Everyone took turns eating glass from within the cage with Butcher tasting the first dose and Walker and Mad Dog exchanging throws into more sharp tubes. Butcher slammed Mad Dog against the cage wall and tried to rearrange the glassware but Walker was stalking from the corner and launched him through the pane with a step-up dropkick off Dog’s back. Butcher and Walker brawled in a corner and dragged in Dog for a tower of doom off the cage. Walker went for broke again with a DDT through another pane on the outside and had Dog bleeding from the head because of it. More tubes broke and Dog had to have glass plucked from his shoulder. Butcher cut up and killed both his opponents with tubes and broke Walker with a glass pile brainbuster. The bundles came out and after a three-way slugfest, Butcher broke one with a back kick to Mad Dog.

That just fired him up though and he decapitated Walker and Butcher with a double lariat. They fought on and around the cage with Dog locking on a Crab and at the top before falling to his doom and Walker going for some M.A.D with a flying Cutter. Dog killed off Walker and hit the Leg Drop off the cage onto Butcher but somehow only got two. Walker got revenge with a bundle codebreaker and took Mad Dog out of play by locking him in the shark cage. He locked Butcher in the Spectre and held on for dear life as Butcher smashed him off everything in sight, trying to dislodge him. Butcher was able to throw him overhead and took the win with the Executioner Elbow, putting an end to this hectic main event. They all celebrated another fucking killer match and both foes put over Walker, a guy who came from nowhere and was taking deathmatches by storm, win or loss. I can see that title on him one day and with performances like this, he’d have earned it. Butcher ended the show with one final act of business, addressing Alex Colon and laying down the gauntlet. He wanted the best; the best was right here and you were entering his home turf. I hope to fuck we get that match.

All images courtesy of DMDU, Jake Hurdle Photography,

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