Welcome back to Paradigm and the technical delight of the UWFI rules series. The time had come once again to brush off the rule sheet and buckle down for a smorgasbord of technical, hard-hitting, brutal fights all centred around the UWFI style of fighting. We were kicking things off in style with five blistering bouts, all promising something unique. We’d see, Phoenix Kidd vs Weber Hatfield, Brandon Williams vs Ray Jaz, BEEF taking the fight to Derek Neal, Austin Connelly scrapping with Dominic Garrini, and the main event Super Middleweight Title fight between Jordan Blade and Sage Philips. There was a lot to break down so let’s get into the action… after this quick message.

As it’s UWFI, we’re not just wrestling. There’s a specific set of rules to follow. Matches can be won by submission, knockout, ref stoppage, or by draining your opponent of points. How do you do that exactly? Well, rope breaks, suplexes with intent to KO, and knockdowns will all drain various amounts of points. You run out of your 15 allotted points; you lose. Points can also be lost for intentionally breaking the code of conduct so fight clean or pay the price. Fights are meant to be short, sweet, and as deadly as possible. Let’s see who benefitted today, shall we?

Phoenix Kidd defeated Weber Hatfield via Stomping KO

The show started strong with another incredible opening video and a hearty introduction from our hosts for this season, The Liverpool Lip Earl Joseph and Wren Hawthorne. With the scene set, it was time to get into the first fight. It would be Weber Hatfield, the speedy, technical half of the Outfielders taking on Cruiser Brody, Phoenix Kidd. There was no chill here as Kidd wanted a fight and Hatfield was ready to oblige. These two helped set the tone for the series. Hatfield continuously controlled the start of the match through a series of traps and holds, forcing Kidd to burn their rope breaks. It wouldn’t last though and Kidd powered up off a throw to throw out hands, a lethal Enzuigiri, and stomp out Hatfield. It was short and to the point showcasing Hatfield’s technical agility and Kidd’s fearsome might and explosive retaliation. Cruiser Brody left with a big win but Hatfield had shown why he was chosen for the dance. Excellent start, I do love seeing Phoenix Kidd fight. They left with a warning to anyone in the division, regardless of whether they’re a Workhorse or not.

“Locksmith” Brandon Williams defeated Ray Jaz via Rear-Naked Choke

Next up was the return of a UWFI favourite. The Locksmith Brandon Williams was back and was going to provide a series newcomer with a warm, submission-filled welcome. Ray Jaz, the Jersey Legend, was stepping into comfortable territory though since he is not only proficient in but also coaches the all-American wrestling style. It was going to be an interesting one to see play out. For the most part, this was pure grappling goodness. These two continuously tried to outwork each other, Jaz showing off the traditional style that had seen him become so highly-ranked a wrestler and Williams trying to find any limb to lock up and break. This looked like Jaz’s match to win as he started targeting the midsection and had Williams down for about 8 seconds. He got a little too comfortable though and Williams made him pay, getting a flash submission with a Rear-Naked Choke. That split-second had snatched Williams the win and left Jaz on the mat. It was a very strong debut for Jaz though and an enjoyable exchange all-round. I can see Jaz coming back, that’s definitely a Shore thing. Williams took this win to the bank and called out Dominic Garrini. Be careful what you wish for…

BEEF defeated Derek Neal via KO Lariat

Time for some pure violence. BEEF and Derek Neal are two of the division’s top hosses. If you want to see big hitters beat the absolute hell out of each other then these two had you covered. It would be White Trash Wonderful vs the King’s Road Slayer in a jaw-breaking battle for supremacy. This would not be for the faint of heart. Goddamn, this one got nasty. It started traditionally enough with shunting and takedowns but after reaching a stalemate there, Neal just started throwing hands and elbows. BEEF took them all, slap after slap and elbow after elbow, even tanking a devastating rolling elbow to KO Neal with a lariat. It was another flash finish with BEEF showing he can take the damage and dish it right back out. This was wild. I’d say I could have watched this for longer but I don’t think the human jaw is meant to take that much punishment. Bloody hell. Despite all these wins, the Beefster is picking up, but he still only has one guy on his mind. The one he can’t beat, Lord Crewe. As the kids say, it’s on sight the next time their paths cross.

Austin Connelly defeated Dominic Garrini via Points drain

After a brief flashback to the time Hoodfoot knocked out Flash Thompson in a previous season, we returned to one of the most-hyped fights of the series. The Mad Dog, Austin Connelly has made a habit of causing upsets. Some of the top guys have been sent his way and every time he savages them. He is almost zombie-like in his ability to take damage and deal it right back. Now, he was being unleashed on one of the Kingpins of the division, The Bone Collector Dominic Garrini. Were we about to see another big upset? Yes, he bloody well could. This was beyond what people expected. Connelly opened with a heavy shot and just kept doling out clubbing blows whenever the chance presented itself. Garrini did all he could to keep the Mad Dog locked down and leashed up but Connelly always seemed to have an escape or the ropes to aid him. Every time he got up, it was another club, and more of Garrini’s points were gone. By the end, he had lost all his points left and had stopped moving. It was not the welcome return to the division he’d hoped for, being one of the only fighters to lose to points. He’d been knocked down so many times that he’d been bled of them all.  Connelly got the win and got to see everyone shocked by another upset. The Mad Dog is one of the top-tier killers in this division and another win like this just further cements that. He’s coming for Alex Kane and the Heavy-Hitters Title. I dread to see what offense he’ll unleash against Kane.

PPW Super Middleweight Title: Jordan Blade defeated Sage Philips via Standing Guillotine

Last but not least, the main event. The Ring Wizard Sage Philips was finally stepping into the UWFI-Rules Thunderdome and was shooting straight to the top with a debut for the Super Middleweight Title. The problem for him was that meant he’d be fighting Jordan Blade, one of the pillars of the division. These two are submission specialists so this threatened to get intense as ring wizardry met submission sniping. It wasn’t quite what I expected. Philips had thought about who he was in there with and started with crafty grappling before catching Blade off-guard with a heavy elbow into a Saito. He didn’t give her any room to breathe and tried to lock on a choke but Blade fought up and tapped him out with a Standing Guillotine. It was a blink-and-you’d-miss-it affair but managed to back a lot into its diminutive runtime. Blade proved once again, that you can have all the hot starts and advantages in the world but all it takes is a single slip up and she’ll kill you. That’s why she’s the champ. It was a nice attempt from Philips but not enough to win the day. Her celebrations were interrupted though as Eden Von Engeland set their sights on Blade and her belt. Foreshadowing? We’ll just have to see. What a way to kick things off. This series looks stacked and I can’t wait to dissect it.

All images courtesy of Paradigm

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