Impact Wrestling’s monthly special events have shown us they can become some interesting game-changers in the IMPACT routine. From the classic weekly shows and 4 PPVs a year system, we now have a monthly addition when the title can change hands, feuds can find an end or a beginning. Some must-watch shows, available on Impact plus and on Impact Wrestling YouTube Insiders, the fans couldn’t miss…
We are just 2 weeks after Rebellion and the cards are shuffled again. Under Siege, I said it multiple times over the last few reviews, is the time to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. Close a Chapter and start to ride the 6-week Road to Slammiversary. And celebrate TNA/Impact Wrestling’s 20th anniversary with “brio.” Follow the tired soul of a Nygma, let’s dig into it.
#UnderSiege starts NOW! #IMPACTWRESTLING
- Countdown to Under Siege –
Rich Swann vs Laredo KidHeath & Rhino vs Raj Singh & Mahabali Shera
I was a bit puzzled to see Shera and Singh, then Heath and Rhino, make their way to the ring (Ok, I say it… It seemed like Singh has an octopus on his head… Sorry…) because that was not what Impact Wrestling announced. And we had no explanation for that change… Because of that, I spent a bit of time trying to find an answer and I missed the match, but as it was airing on Impact Plus and on YouTube, I could watch it afterwards.
.@MahabaliShera and @TrueRajSingh showing some great Tag Team Chemistry! #CountdownToUnderSeiged
Raj backed Rhino in the corner and showed respect following a chant of “Rhino’s going to kill you”, but Rhino didn’t fall for it and blocked Raj’s right and hammered him down. Heath was tagged in and they hit a double reverse elbow off the ropes and nailed a clothesline. Raj distracted the ref for Shera to nail Heath and send him to the floor. After Raj worked Heath over on the floor, Shera tagged in and manhandled Heath before tagging Raj in for them to hit a series of double team moves. Raj ended the combo moves with a Flatliner. Heath got his feet up to counter Raj off the top ropes and tag in Rhino, but Shera attacked Rhino as he beat down Raj. Heath sent Shera to the floor and Raj nailed Heath with an elbow, but then turned into a Gore by Rhino for the win. UNEXPECTED, BUT GOOD BOUT.
Wicked elbow from Raj but it was no match for the GORE!!!!!@TrueRajSingh @Rhyno313 #CountdownToUnderSeige
- Countdown to Under Siege –
Madison Rayne w/ Tenille Dashwood vs Gisele ShawRich Swann vs Laredo Kid vs Speedball Mike Bailey
Another puzzling moment, was Mike Bailey going to have 2 matches tonight or was there a problem with Alex Shelley? Once again, I got distracted. Until I realized the addition of Bailey to the match was giving it more potential, and maybe more high-flying prowesses.
.@SpeedballBailey, @GottaGetSwann and @Laredokidpro1 are stealing the show and it hasnt even started yet! #CountdownToUnderSeige
Laredo started it off a step ahead of Bailey and Swann as he sent Swann into the corner and sent Bailey to the floor with a kick and hit a backbreaker on Swann. Bailey came in and took it to Laredo with some machine gun kicks, and then he squared off with Swann in an acrobatic show Swann ended with a superkick that sent Bailey to the floor. Swann then hit a senton off the apron to the floor to take both his opponents out.
This is what the X Division is all about!@SpeedballBailey @Laredokidpro1 @GottaGetSwann #CountdownToUnderSeige
Swann tried to roll up Bailey, but Bailey rolled through and locked in a Figure-Four on Swann while hitting a twisting suplex on Laredo, but Swann made it to the ropes. The match started to turn into more of a brawl type as Laredo hit a Michinoku Driver on Swann into Bailey for a near pinfall. Swann hit a cutter on Laredo and Bailey dropped Swann with a kick for a near pinfall. Laredo used Swann to get to the top rope to hit a Spanish Fly on Bailey, then ate a kick from Swann and a Phoenix Splash for the win. This was a show-stealer for the night before the actual show began. It was an X-Division style match, after all… Kudos to Swann who shook Laredo Kid’s hand after the match.
- Madison Rayne w/ Tenille Dashwood vs Gisele Shaw w/ Alisha Edwards
Shaw was accompanied by Alisha Edwards who offered to back up Shaw, following her issues with the Influence, but I don’t think they will be “besties” very long. After a lockup to start, Shaw connected with a wristlock but Rayne rolled through into a wristlock of her own. Shaw hit a forearm, a springboard arm drag, another arm drag, then an uppercut in the corner. She connected with a second but missed the third. Shaw continued with a frontflip arm drag, sending Rayne to the outside. Shaw leapfrogged onto the apron and then back into the ring with a twisting splash onto Rayne. Shaw called for Rayne to get up, Rayne distracted the ref, allowing Tenille to get involved.
.@GiseleShaw08 is taking it to @MadisonRayne with some highflying offence!!#IMPACTWRESTLING
Rayne hit a snapmare into a headlock. Shaw fought free but ran right into a facebuster and a neckbreaker. Rayne set Shaw up on the ropes and used the five-count to her advantage, she then distracted the ref, allowing Tenille to choke Shaw as well. Rayne continued with the headlock into a Northern Lights suplex. Rayne went to the top, looking for a dive, but Shaw cut her off and hit a superplex off the top. They exchanged forearms. Rayne dropped Shaw with a stiff forearm. Shaw replied with one of her own, an uppercut, a kick to the midsection, an enzuigiri that sent Rayne into the corner, and then hitting a spinning kick to the back of the head.
What a move! @GiseleShaw08 #UnderSiege
Shaw continued with an elevated DDT. Shaw set Rayne up for a suplex but Rayne countered out and hit a wheelbarrow slam. Shaw replied with a spinebuster and headed to the top rope. Tenille grabbed her leg while the referee is distracted, Alisha made the save, allowing Shaw to drop Tenille with the knee. Rayne did the roll-up and the tights, same for Shaw who finally hit a running knee for the win. NOT THAT BAD… GOOD SURPRISE…
Meanwhile, backstage…
The Briscoes promised Gia Miller they will take the championships off of VBD. Jay said he’ll knock any of the three of them out and tonight Dem Boys will leave the new Impact Tag Team Champions.
Check out what The Briscoes had to say about their upcoming @IMPACTWRESTLING World Tag Team Title match TONIGHT with VBD! @SussexCoChicken @jaybriscoe84 #Undersiege
- Steve Maclin vs Chris Sabin
Maclin and Sabin grappled early with neither gaining a clear advantage. They broke for a moment and went back to the grappling with a test of strength. Maclin gained the upper hand for a moment, but while taunting Sabin, he countered and dropped Maclin to his knees, then hits him with a series of arm drags. Sabin sent Maclin to the outside, he looked for a dive. Maclin, back in, went for a clothesline but Sabin ducked it and took him to the mat with a wristlock. Sabin sent Maclin into the top turnbuckle shoulder first. He charged Maclin but he caught Sabin and set him up in the Tree of Woe, Maclin went for a Spear but Sabin ducked it, Maclin avoided the pole and headed to the outside. Sabin dove but Maclin caught him and dropped Sabin back first on the apron. He then picked Sabin up and sent him face-first into the ring apron. Maclin slid into the ring, then sent Sabin into the ropes and hit him with a forearm to the lower back. The referee checked in on Sabin as Maclin played it up. Sabin said he was good to go and walked right into a double underhook backbreaker combo from Maclin.
.@SuperChrisSabin is firing back with the help of the packed house at #Undersiege!!!#IMPACTWRESTLING
Sabin replied with a forearm to Maclin who sent him into the ropes, Sabin replied with a sunset flip but he couldn’t drop Maclin. Sabin went to his feet and hit Maclin with a couple of strikes and some forearms. Maclin was sent into the ropes and returned with the knee to the face and a clothesline. Maclin looked to suplex Sabin off the ramp, Sabin countered but got sent face-first into the ring post. Maclin hit an elbow drop off the ramp onto Sabin on the outside. Back on the inside, Maclin looked for Mayhem For All, Sabin countered, hit a tornado DDT on Maclin, both men went to their feet, Maclin missed a right, Sabin hit one and dropped Maclin with a neckbreaker, and another. Sabin off the ropes hit a forearm to the back of the neck and a DDT. Sabin hit a spinning neckbreaker on the outside and both men went down yet again. Sabin sent Maclin back into the ring, headed to the top rope, and hit a missile dropkick to Maclin’s back and spine. He then went to the top for the crossbody but Maclin rolled through and hit Sabin with a suplex.
.@SteveMaclin & @SuperChrisSabin are going strike for strike at #Undersiege!
Sabin sat up and got hit with a running clothesline from Maclin. Maclin went to his feet, then lifted Sabin up for Mayhem For All but Sabin countered with a roll-up. Sabin looked for the Cradleshock, Maclin rolled him up for a three-count but he had the ropes and the officials caught him. Sabin went to his feet and hit Maclin but Maclin countered with a running knee strike. Both men were down again. They exchanged forearms, Sabin hit rights, then knees to the face of Maclin. Maclin dropped to a knee, Sabin ran right into an elbow, and Maclin replied with a clothesline in the corner and a boot in the opposing corner. Maclin bounced out, they both went for lariats but neither moved. Sabin ran into a suplex from Maclin, Sabin replied with a clothesline. Sabin went to the top and hit a tornado DDT. Maclin lifted up and Sabin connected with the Cradleshock DDT for the win. ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. INSTANT CLASSIC. PURE BANGER.
Meanwhile, backstage…
Deonna Purrazzo was offended to hear Gia Miller ask her if she believes she can get the job done. She ran down her many accomplishments while explaining that she’s proven she can get the job done regardless of the opportunity. Deonna said she respects the history of Taya and Mercedes but the tides of history only sway one way and she plans to show that again tonight.
Check out what @DeonnaPurrazzo had to say about her upcoming match with @thetayavalkyrie at #UnderSiege for the @luchalibreaaaJP Reina De Reinas Championship!#IMPACTWRESTLING
- AAA Reina de Reinas Championship Match: Taya Valkyrie (c) vs Deonna Purrazzo
In a rematch from Rebellion, Deonna cheap-shot Taya before the bell, and wiped her hands clean to begin the match. Taya called for the ref to ring the bell. Deonna started off with a mean side, dropping Taya with a series of boots in the corner. She got in the face of the referee to break the hold, then went right back to it choking Taya in the corner till the five-count. Deonna hit a kick to the face of Taya who went to her feet. Deonna sent Taya into the ropes, she ducked a lariat but got sent into the ropes. Taya continued with an arm drag and an uppercut on Deonna on the ropes, then a low kick on. Taya lifted Deonna up by her hair and looked for a handspring off the ropes but Deonna kicked her in the stomach to prevent it. Deonna choked Taya before wrapping her arm around the rope before the ref forced a break. Deonna hit a forearm on the back of Taya’s head of Taya, pulling at the hair. Taya did the rope break but Deonna kicked her hand to break the hold.
Deonna set Taya’s arm up and stomped her elbow. Taya kicked Deonna, then followed up with a clothesline with her good arm. She slowly ran at Deonna, allowing her to counter and lock in a sleeper hold. Taya tried to fight out and got to her feet only to be slammed right back on the mat moments later. Deonna stomped Taya’s face before targeting the lower back. Deonna connected with the reverse chinlock before grabbing Taya’s arms and wrenching back on her arms. Taya fought free and sent Deonna into the corner with an arm drag, then laid into her with forearms. Taya sent Deonna into the ropes and caught her with an inverted Blue Thunder Bomb. Deonna kicked to counter Taya, then dropped her with another. Deonna connected with a moonsault. Deonna charged Taya in the corner but she dodged it, setting Deonna up in the ropes. Taya connected with a sliding German Suplex, then headed back into the ring but ran into a knee from Deonna.
Deonna went for the Queen’s Gambit and Taya countered. Taya replied with a kick to the face, a stomp to the midsection and a curb stomp. Deonna tied up Taya and hit a curb stomp of her own, and another. Deonna hit Taya with the Queen’s Gambit. This was the first time someone kicked out of the Queen’s Gambit, according to commentary. Deonna locked in the armbar but Taya crawled for the ropes. Deonna caught both arms and ripped back, Taya tried to get the ropes and broke the hold. Deonna rolled to the outside and grabbed the Championship, the referee grabbed it from her, and Taya rolled her up to retain the Championship. VICIOUSLY GOOD.
Wait, wait…
Deonna attacked Taya from behind with the Championship and locked in the Venus de Milo before the lights went out. They came back on to reveal that the HBIC is BACK. Mia Yim got face to face with Deonna before Deonna headed to the back. Mia went to check on Taya but Deonna attacked her from behind. Mia fought her off and Deonna barely escaped the package piledriver.
.@MiaYim is at #UnderSieged!#IMPACTWRESTLING
Meanwhile, backstage…
Trey Miguel promised Gia Miller he will regain the X-Division Championship back from Ace Austin.
Check out what @TheTreyMiguel had to say about his X Division Championship match with @The_Ace_Austin! #UnderSiege
- X-Division Championship Match: Ace Austin (c) vs Trey Miguel
Trey and Ace locked up to get the contest underway. Austin managed to ground Miguel before both wrestlers try to control each other with a wristlock. Trey was driven down into the canvas from the top turnbuckle. Ace took control and kicked Trey in the back. Austin and Miguel collided and went over the top rope at the same time. Ace delivered a big knee to Trey on the ring apron. Austin went for a cover in the ring, but Miguel kicked out. Trey tried to fight back as Ace continued to hammer away.
Whos leaving with the X Division Championship!?@The_Ace_Austin @TheTreyMiguel #UnderSiege
Ace had Trey draped over the middle rope and hit a backbreaker. Austin continued to go to work on the challenger. Trey delivered a series of forearms and followed it up with a missed moonsault. Ace took advantage but was unable to put Miguel away. Trey spiked the head and neck of Ace Austin. Miguel hit a flurry of kicks and a stomp to the back. Trey locked Austin in a submission, but Ace escaped.
.@TheTreyMiguel will do whatever it takes!#UnderSiege
Ace spat in the face of Trey, as both men traded slaps to the face. Miguel caught Ace with a superkick and followed up with a split-legged moonsault. On the apron, Trey connected with a neckbreaker. Ace sent Trey shoulder-first into the ring post and then delivered The Fold in the middle of the ring to retain. Ace Austin is about to take part in NJPW’s Best of Super Junior Tournament as the X-Division Champion. STOP!!! MY HEART, PLEASE. BRILLIANT MATCH.
- Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Vincent, Kenny King, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett) vs Bullet Club (The Good Brothers, Jay White, El Phantasmo & Chris Bey)
The bell rang and a huge brawl took place. Everybody took the fight to the outside. Karl Anderson sent Eddie Edwards into the ring and they traded forearms. Gallows was tagged in and The Good Brothers worked on Eddie. Kenny King was tagged in, but Gallows immediately knocked him down. El Phantasmo was tagged in. Kenny planted El Phantasmo with a spinebuster. Vincent was tagged in. ELP tagged in Chris Bey who went for a quick cover on Vincent. He then delivered a Dropsault, before Vincent got the better of Bey.
Spinebuster! @KennyKingPb2 @elpwrestling #UnderSiege
Mike Bennett was tagged in, and he went to work on Chris Bey in the corner. Bennett dropped Bey with a brainbuster. Jay White was tagged in, like Matt Taven. White and Taven went at it. Taven hit a dropkick. White immediately responded, and ELP was tagged back in. Chris Bey eventually became the legal man and Bullet Club worked on Taven in the corner. They each took turns, raking the back of Taven. The referee lost control once more as Honor No More entered the ring.
The Bullet Club mocking @MattTaven!#UnderSiege
Kenny King and Karl Anderson were now the legal men. Eddie Edwards was tagged in and delivered a big chop to Anderson’s chest. Taven was tagged in and locked Anderson in a headlock. Anderson replied with a spinebuster. Gallows then entered and tried to take on everybody. Edwards was the legal man again and tried to lift Gallows up. Kenny King was tagged in, but Gallows took both Edwards and King down. ELP tagged in, but Honor No More took control. Bey tagged in, and he worked together with El Phantasmo.
Things are breaking down at #UnderSiege between the Bullet Club & Honor No More!#IMPACTWRESTLING
Jay White tagged in and so did Matt Taven. Taven cleared the ring and the apron of Bullet Club. Taven connected with a DDT to Jay White. Jay White immediately replied and went for the Click Click Boom, but another brawl took place. Kenny King dove over the top rope. Chris Bey also dove over the top. Vincent took a dive from the top turnbuckle onto everyone on the outside. Jay White tagged in Karl Anderson, and he was distracted by Maria Kanellis. Mike Bennett, who became the legal man in the middle of the chaos, ultimately picked up the win for his team. MESSY… IF IT WAS MESSI, THAT WOULDN’T BE MESSY (ok, awful one…)…
- IMPACT Knockouts Championship Match: Tasha Steelz (c) vs Havok
Last year at the same special event, Havok was also the #1 contender for the same Championship, but not against the same Knockout. For the record, Savannah Evans is trapped by Rosemary in the Undead Realm. Havok dominated Tasha early in the match, sending her flying into the corner. Tasha headed to the outside to avoid Havok, Havok followed Tasha to the inside and dropped her. Havok looked for the leg drop but Steelz ducked it and hit an elbow. Havok looked to roll away but Tasha hit a second. Tasha backed Havok up into the corner and hit her with a series of chops. Tasha looked for another but Havok shoved her away, carrying her to the middle of the ring. Tasha bit Havok’s face before hitting her with a codebreaker. Tasha laid into Havok with forearms to the back of the head and started stomping away at her as she looked to get to her feet. Tasha smacked Havok’s face but Havok kicked her.
.@RealTSteelz is in trouble!#UnderSiege
Havok charged Tasha but she ducked, sending Havok to the outside. Tasha on the apron was looking for a kick to the face but Havok caught her and sends her face-first into the apron. Tasha was sitting in front of the steps, Havok charged at her, Tasha moved and Havok took herself out running into the steps. Havok apparently injured her knee and elbow on the miss. Havok rolled in to break the referee’s ten-count but Tasha laid into her with kicks right as she rolled in. Tasha caught Havok in the corner with a running uppercut and a kick. Tasha caught Havok in the other corner with a clothesline and a tornado DDT. Tasha looked to tie up Havok in a submission but Havok bit Tasha’s hand to break the hold. Tasha slapped Havok, then laid into her with a series of chops but her bitten hand is taking more damage. Havok hit a headbutt, a backbreaker and a lariat.
.@FearHavok with a bite of her own and a Death Valley Driver to go with it! #UnderSiege
Havok lifted Tasha up and dropped her with the Death Valley Driver. Havok slapped at herself and lifted Tasha up for another Death Valley Driver. Tasha countered into a sleeper. Havok backed her into the corner but Tasha held on. Havok slammed her to the mat, Tasha ducked a kick and hit a bulldog on Havok. Tasha tried to rip off the turnbuckle but couldn’t. Tasha hit a cutter on Havok, went to the top, Havok cut her off, and both women ascended to the top rope. Havok lifted Tasha up for the DVD off the top, Tasha countered, sending Havok face-first into the turnbuckle. Tasha hit the Blackout to retain the Championship. WELL… NEXT MATCH, PLEASE…
- IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match: Violent By Design (c) vs The Briscoes
The Briscoes immediately took the fight to Violent by Design before the match officially got underway. Joe Doering entered the ring, but The Briscoes attacked him until Violent by Design re-entered. The referee finally rang the bell, and Mark Briscoe and Eric Young started the bout. Jay and Deaner were tagged in. Mark tagged in and he went to work on Deaner. Mark and Deaner traded loud chops. The Briscoes took turns in taking a dive over the top rope.
The Briscoes are on fire!!!@SussexCoChicken @jaybriscoe84 #UnderSiege
Joe Doering got involved as the referee had his back turned, which allowed Violent by Design to take advantage. Eric Young and Deaner worked on Jay Briscoe in the corner. The referee was distracted again, as Doering took out Jay on the outside. Jay eventually made the tag to Mark who took out Young and Deaner. Mark tried to put Deaner away, but he got his shoulder up.
What a Tag Team match!@SussexCoChicken @jaybriscoe84 @CodyDeaner @TheEricYoung @bigjoedoering #UnderSiege
The Briscoes now worked together. Jay was taken outside of the ring by Eric Young. Violent by Design worked on Mark as Young is now the legal man. EY hit a Death Valley Driver, but Mark kicked out of the pin attempt. Young and Mark traded blows, but Jay returned and tagged in. Mark connects with an elbow from the top, but Deaner broke up the ensuing cover. All four men were now down. Young landed an Elbow Drop from the top to Jay. Deaner was tagged in. Deaner was sent into Doering on the apron. Jay Briscoe then won the match for his team following a Doomsday Device to win the Championship. SADLY, PREDICTABLE TITLE CHANGE. BUT, GOOD MATCH…
#ANDNEW @IMPACTWRESTLING World Tag Team Champions THE BRISCOES!@SussexCoChicken @jaybriscoe84#UnderSiege
- Moose has something to say…
Moose came to the ring and said he’s done a lot of bad things but they’ve made him the Champion he was. He continued to complain about how unfair Impact Wrestling has been to him. Moose said he’s just hijacked this show, Scott D’Amore has 30 seconds to get out here or he’s going to jump the guardrail and do something bad to each and every son of a b*tch in this building.
.@TheMooseNation just hijacked the show!#UnderSiege
We saw the promo for EGV again and it was revealed to be Sami Callihan. Lights out, lights in, and Sami Callihan was there with a baseball bat. He dropped Moose, thumbs up and thumbs down, and hit Moose with the Cactus Driver ’97 before grabbing a mic to say the Death machine is BACK. HE IS AWESOME! CLAP CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP!
"THE DEATH MACHINE IS BACK!"@TheSamiCallihan #UnderSiege
- IMPACT World Championship Match: Josh Alexander (c) vs Tomohiro Ishii
Josh and Ishii exchanged wristlocks before Josh takes Ishii to the mat with a headlock. Ishii sent Josh into the ropes and he ran into a shoulder block from Ishii but neither was moved. Ishii went off the ropes into an arm drag from Josh. Josh ran into a shoulder block from Ishii and he was dropped to the mat. Ishii backed Josh up in the corner with a chop, then another, but Josh fired back. Josh went out of the corner with a running shoulder block of his own and an elbow to the back of Ishii’s head. Josh continued with a chop to Ishii in the corner. Both men were looking for a suplex but neither could get it. Ishii finally hit it and both men were down. Ishii hit Josh with chops in the corner, Josh reversed it and laid into Ishi with chops of his own. Ishii countered and hit Josh with forearms and chops. Josh hit some forearms on Ishii’s face. Ishii was completely unphased. Josh dropped the straps and started poking at Ishii. Ishii hit more stiff chops at Josh. Ishii replied with a high chop to Josh’s throat and sent him to the outside. The ref checked on him and Ishii wasted little time, sending him back in.
Chops!@Walking_Weapon #UnderSiege
Ishii hit another high chop to Josh, then two more again, dropping Josh. Ishii hit a forearm on Josh’s face. Josh sent Ishii in the corner but he stormed out with a shoulder block of his own. Josh replied with a kick to Ishii’s face. Josh and Ishii exchanged forearms. Josh took control, sending Ishii into the ropes with a chop, Josh then hit a boot to Ishii’s head, dropping him to the mat. Josh lifted Ishii up on his shoulders but Ishii escaped on the apron. Josh hit the running crossbody to send Ishii to the outside. Both men were down but Josh was up first, lifting Ishii up and sending him into the ring. Josh pounded on the mat and hit Ishii with a German Suplex, a rolling senton and a knee to the back of the neck. Josh was looking for the C4 spike but Ishii countered it. Ishii hit a powerslam on Josh. Both men went to their feet and they exchanged forearms. Ishii ate all of Josh’s forearms and hit one of his own, followed by a belly to back suplex. Josh countered a kick from Ishii into the ankle lock.
.@Walking_Weapon with a Crossbody to the back of Ishii along with 3 German Suplexes and Ishii still kicked out!#UnderSiege
Ishii countered with an ankle lock of his own, Josh tried to counter but Ishii went for the kneebar. Josh countered into an ankle lock of his own and locked it in. Ishii reached back and screamed in agony. Ishii began to fade and reached for the official. Ishii rolled through and forced a rope break. Josh hit a slap to the back of Ishii’s head, then an elbow to the face, dropping him to his knees. Josh set up Ishii for the C4 spike. Josh lifted him up for a powerbomb. Ishii countered and went for the headbutt, but Josh countered with a right. Josh hit a clothesline, then lifted Ishii up and tossed him to the mat. Ishii crawled up, Josh lifted him up for the C4 spike but Ishii countered. Josh hit a clothesline and Ishii was back up with a clothesline of his own. Josh and Ishii exchanged suplexes. They both went for clotheslines, but neither fell, Ishii finally dropped Josh with a big lariat. Both men were down. Ishii charged Josh in the corner but Josh moved and caught him with a shot to the back of the head.
"Fight Forever!"@Walking_Weapon #UnderSiege
Josh lifted Ishii up and took him to the top rope on his shoulders. Ishii fought free and hit Josh with a headbutt. Josh was staggered on the top rope. Ishii headed up top and lifted Josh up for a delayed superplex. Ishii started to shake his head in dismay. Ishii went off the ropes and dropped Josh with two clotheslines. Ishii lifted Josh up for the brainbuster but Josh fought out. Josh lifted Ishii up for a powerbomb backbreaker. Josh went to the top rope for a moonsault but Ishii rolled out of the way. Ishii went for the seated clothesline but Josh ducked it. Josh ran into a headbutt from Ishii, he lifted Josh up and hit the basement clothesline. Ishii lifted Josh up for the brainbuster and Josh countered with a C4 spike attempt. Ishii looked for the brainbuster again but Josh had the ankle lock. Ishii countered it into an enzuigiri. Ishii and Josh again hit duelling clotheslines. Josh hit an elbow to the head and a forearm to the face. Josh hit a powerbomb, then the C4 Spike for the win. JOSH IS ABLE TO MAKE ME LIKE JAPANESE WRESTLING… AWESOME.
To be eNYGMAtic…
Scott Joplin said, “Notice! Don’t play this piece fast. It is never right to play ‘ragtime’ fast.” This title was among the ones I thought about for Rebellion. When Josh Alexander said on Thursday he was the face of the company, I decided to let the ragtime replace the tango. “Alexander’s Ragtime Band” is a classic from 1911 I sang (badly) dozens of times in a choir.
Ragtime was an immediate precursor to jazz. And I would easily compare the Impact roster to a jazz band, with the different tempos of each instrument working together to make a perfect piece of music. The members of this roster are extremely different but they have one goal in mind, to deliver a great show. And Under Siege was another masterpiece after an unforgettable Rebellion.
The CountDown matches were not expected but appreciated. Gisele Shaw was impressive, what she failed to be, in my opinion, until now. Maclin vs Sabin was huge. Deonna Purrazzo found in Taya the perfect opponent. Ace Austin and Trey Miguel delivered exactly what we were expecting them to, an excellent match. Honor No More and Bullet Club, so two heel factions face-to-face… That was an absolute Pearl Harbor, the Monty Python way (sorry… in fact, no). We had 10 excellent wrestlers in the ring and we barely saw what they are about. Havok was so damn good tonight but not enough, as it seemed, to become Champion again. The Dem Boys did it, in a pretty good match. And Josh Alexander taught us a lesson of passion, strength, energy… He set the bar so high I ask myself who will dethrone him…
I will disappoint you (yes, I can…). The comebacks of Sami Callihan and Mia Yim didn’t make the hair on my arms stand on end. They were so highly expected… I just can’t wait to see what’s next for them (when it comes to who, we understood…). I’m happy they’re back, don’t get me wrong. Sometimes, some media or social media are killing surprises in the egg. And that’s what happened again…
Last year, while writing on the same Special Event, I was swimming in a sea of issues. Sadly, it was the same this year. But I’m here, eNYGMATIC till the end. Steph holds on, and so is the Nygma because of you all. See you on Thursday night, well, maybe…
Under Siege Complete Results:
- CountDown to Under Siege – Heath & Rhino defeated Raj Singh & Mahabali Shera
- CountDown to Under Siege – Rich Swann defeated Laredo Kid and Speedball Mike Bailey
- Gisele Shaw w/ Alisha Edwards defeated IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Champion Madison Rayne w/ Tenille Dashwood
- Chris Sabin defeated Steve Maclin
- Taya Valkyrie defeated Deonna Purrazzo to retain the AAA Reina de Reinas Championship
- Ace Austin defeated Trey Miguel to retain the IMPACT X-Division Championship
- Honor No More defeated Bullet Club in a 5 vs 5 Match
- Tasha Steelz defeated Havok to retain the IMPACT Knockouts Championship
- The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) defeated Violent By Design (Eric Young & Deaner w/ Joe Doering) to become the new IMPACT World Tag Team Champions.
- Josh Alexander defeated Tomohiro Ishii to retain the IMPACT World Championship.
All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling and AXS TV. Photocollage custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.