Welcome back to MLW and to one hell of a horror show. After months of attempts and acquiescing to the needs of Cesar Duran, Mads Krügger has finally been granted the one thing he wants more than anything. We have reached the final chapter in this tale of terror as Krügger and Jacob Fatu collide in a Weapons of Mass Destruction match. That would end the show but, filling in the gaps, we’d see Myron Reed defend his Middleweight Championship against KC Navarro and Arez and the in-ring MLW return of Los Maximos. After attacking the champs last week Joel and Jose look to send a message to Hustle & Power. Plus, this is MLW so who knows what the hell is going on behind the scenes as the puppet master Cesar Duran continues to dig more holes and pull more strings. Let’s get into the chaos.

MLW Middleweight Championship: Myron Reed defeated Arez (w/Strange Sangre) & KC Navarro via Cap’n Crunch on Navarro

First up tonight, we were taking a trip to title town. Myron Reed has been on a tear as the Middleweight champion and with Team Ambition training on the menu too, he could be an even bigger threat. Tonight, he was defending against not one but two challengers as the Blessed KC Navarro and the King of Strange Style both came for his crown. This could be pure anarchy between and around the ropes as we had three high-flyers about to do what they do best. This was every bit as hectic as you’d hoped it would be. All three fighters got the memo and meshed incredibly well, putting on multi-man spectacle spots and picking fights amongst themselves whilst one or more was indisposed. Strange Sangre didn’t get too involved becoming more of a crash pad for Navarro, more than anything else. Reed was a lot more ruthless than usual doing what he needed to do to win and retained in style with Cap’n Crunch. Arez and Navarro made for exceptional challengers and such, we got an exceptional opener. There’s not a lot to say, it was a high-octane fight full of Strange Style, Blessed high-flying, and Hot Fiyah. Post-match, Reed gave Davey Richards a shout-out for all the new training he’d put him through but recoiled in horror when a match between the two was proposed. We know what lurks in the future now methinks. Especially since Richards had a big idea in mind should Reed retain.

The S.A.T/Los Maximos (Joel & José Maximo) defeated Chris Cage & Jaden Valo via Spanish Fly on Valo

EJ Nduka took to commentary for the next match as he looked to study the team that had attacked him and Tankman at the end of last week’s episode. The S.A.T, Los Maximos were back in MLW and with the tag division hotter than ever, they wanted in. They’d ambushed the champs, now it was time to send the message loud and clear against some opponents MLW had set up for them, Chris Cage and Jaden Valo. It was a pretty short affair with Cage and Valo getting some licks in but the S.A.T never really lost control and dominated the younger challengers, bringing out their old tricks and biggest hits in the process. The MLW originals hadn’t missed a step and still hit the Washing Machine and Spanish Fly with ease. Nduka legged it halfway through the match as picture-in-picture showed us that Will Maximo had attacked Tankman backstage whilst Joel and Jose were out in the spotlight. Los Maximos sent their message and it seems both teams are on a collision course with one hell of a nasty match. Always expect the unexpected with The S.A.T.

Between the matches

  • MLW spilled the beans on who was main eventing the season-end spectacular, Kings of Colosseum. Or would have but Krugger hijacked the broadcast with another warning to Fatu ahead of tonight’s hellacious main event. They eventually revealed the main event as Hammerstone vs Holliday with Hammerstone giving his thoughts on everything that had led to it.
  • Bomaye Fight Club were hosting a press conference to educate people on the future of the fight club. Mr. Thomas and Alex Kane had taken to the press pit to address a new incentive they were bringing to fights to get better opponents. Bomaye Fight Club were bringing back their version of the prize fight, $20,000 if you can survive 20 minutes with the champ. It’s a lot of money to get all of that work.
  • Cesar Duran visited the brood den of Strange Sangre and proposed a match for them. Next week, Strange Sangre vs Microman, Taya Valkyrie, and Lince Dorado.
  • The Killer Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux warning tape played again as Battle Riot is live as this episode goes on.

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Jacob Fatu defeated Mads Krügger (w/The Sentai Death Squad) via Samoan Splash off a ladder

Last but not least, the main event. The arena had been militarized. The weapons of mass destruction were ready, the combatants were ready to tear each other limb from limb and the CONTRA Wars were about to draw to a close as the Black Hand of CONTRA Mads Krügger tacked the Samoan Werewolf Jacob Fatu one final time. The stipulation stated that anything would go, there was no time limit, and that the ringside area had been weaponised with countless military crates containing all manner of plunder. So, let me be honest. I normally temper my expectations when it comes to the MLW style of violence. Sure, they will throw some nice hardcore fights but more often than not, they overpromise with overdone titles. that being said, this one most certainly delivered. Krügger and Fatu are no strangers to the art of hardcore and deathmatch and though this one wasn’t particularly bloody; it most certainly upped the violence quota from previous outings and offered a lot of creativity amongst the usual hardcore fare.

I groaned a bit when the first crated weapon was a kendo stick but was pleasantly surprised as the ante upped with each crate was opened. Krügger tried to ambush Fatu but it erupted into a brawl and the Black Hand was getting left black and blue. That all changed when Krügger opened a crate labelled “Anthrax” and threw it into Fatu’s face. The tables turned and we saw a whole host of violent actions using batons, war clubs, chairs, tables, barbed wire, and gasoline. They really had tried to make this something special and I’d say they succeeded. I was definitely engrossed and invested in this fight as Fatu tried to battle on with one working shoulder after an early match apron Ganso Bomb seemed to go wrong. He kept on swinging as Krügger drowned him in gasoline and even nailed him with a destroyer. Mads F’N Krügger did an F’N destroyer. Let that sink in. Eventually, the Sentai Death Squad tried to come to Fatu’s aid and set up a table and ladder but all this did was seal Krügger’s doom as he was brained with a chair and fell through the table. Fatu dragged him out of the wreckage and ended him with a splash from 10 feet in the air.

As per usual, Krügger didn’t stay dead and tried to attack again. Fatu survived the onslaught and dumped Krügger into a biohazard crate, sending smoke and gas everywhere as Krügger thrashed in pain. He just lay there, twitching intermittently as Fatu walked away victorious, clutching the Black Hand’s mask. The CONTRA mercenary had been beaten and doused by some horrendous chemical from a weapon he’d brought to his own match. It didn’t necessarily feel like a definitive end to this feud but I’m not sure what else Krügger can do now. Fatu beat him in his final act of destruction and left with a trophy. Krügger might be done but somehow, I think not. There’s always more victims and prey for a hunter. MLW finally delivered properly on another hardcore match and I left this episode happy. Fatu and Krügger have killed it with this feud and I look forward to what happens next for both of them.

All images courtesy of MLW, Video courtesy of MLW YouTube

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