Here is the case. Slammiversary time is over. Well, it is supposed to be. When new players and Champions are entering the game, there’s another story in the making, and it’s called Against All Odds. Just enough time to close a chapter and a new one is already starting to tell us a new story. Anniversary time is over too because, as they said many times, the next 20 years are now on the radar. But the title of the book never changes, WE ARE IMPACT WRESTLING. And never forget, The Future Is Now. And the case continues…
On the menu this week, from Nashville, TN, IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander will face Deaner in a non-title match. Chelsea Green will compete against Mia Yim. Bhupinder Gujjar will team up with Shark Boy against Johnny Swinger and Zicky Dice. So no more words, let’s get ready for some action, but your French Enygma Steph way, of course…
20 years of drama, amazing moments, incredible matches and memories to last a lifetime.
We celebrated it all at #Slammiversary while showcasing everything that makes IMPACT special right now.
The Nygma’s Chart of the Week
Tom Hannifan and The Drama King Matthew Rewholdt were on commentary. On ‘BTI‘, Black Taurus w/Crazzy Steve defeated Andrew Everett in a very good match (BTI is now available only on Impact Wrestling YouTube and Facebook channels at 7.30 PM EST/12.30 AM GMT and on Impact Plus).
- Honor No More came out and took over the show. Bennett took a camera as Eddie cut a promo continuing to trash Impact. He said that Slammiversary was Sunday but they haven’t stopped celebrating. He said we are looking at the one bright spot in Impact but the IMPACT originals are doing the most celebrating. They didn’t win at Slammiversary and Honor No More did not lose.
.@TheEddieEdwards and Honor No More are FURIOUS about how they lost to the IMPACT Originals at #Slammiversary. #IMPACTonAXSTV @MariaLKanellis @RealMikeBennett @KennyKingPb2 @PCOisNotHuman @TheHorrorKingVM
- Eddie blamed PCO for their loss but Vincent stepped up for him and kept saying, man. Vincent brought up a bunch of moments from Slammiversary, including the hero of the night man, Earl Hebner. Vincent said Impact planned the whole thing. Taven called it 20 years of mediocrity until Honor No More walked in those doors. Taven claimedImpact trends every week because of them but feels like it’s not true. Taven said he didn’t kill ROH, he saved Impact Wrestling.
Does @TheEddieEdwards blame @PCOisNotHuman for Honor No More's loss at #Slammiversary? #IMPACTonAXSTV @MariaLKanellis @RealMikeBennett @KennyKingPb2 @TheHorrorKingVM
- America’s Most Wanted, Cowboy James Storm and Wildcat Chris Harris, came out to defend Impact. Storm introduced the team and said that over 25 years, they made their name in a time when wrestlers looked like wrestlers, not like bums. Storm told them they should’ve learned from their loss. Taven said they didn’t lose, and Storm said the problem is they suck.
Let America's Most Wanted reintroduce themselves – "Wildcat" Chris Harris and "The Cowboy" James Storm, one of the best tag teams in IMPACT history. #IMPACTonAXSTV @JamesStormBrand @AMWwildcat
- Kenny King said they’re talking a lot of smoke coming out alone because there’s nothing worse than a washed-up drunken cowboy and his pussycat. Harris told Kenny those are hurtful words but if he keeps it up, Harris will make him cry harder than he did on the Bachelorette.
"We came in to TNA together and if we have to, we'll go out together." @AMWwildcat and @JamesStormBrand won't back down from Honor No More. #IMPACTonAXSTV
- Harris said they’re proud of everything they did in that ring. Harris ran down the teams they beat over time and only listed a few. Harris said they met a couple of friends at Slammiversary, this brought out the Good Brothers. Both teams brawled and Honor No More had the numbers, with Taven and Bennett backing up Harris until the Briscoes came out to make the save.
CHAOTIC scenes to kick off IMPACT with a WILD brawl between Honor No More and AMW, The Good Brothers and The Briscoes. @MariaLKanellis @RealMikeBennett @TheEddieEdwards @KennyKingPb2 @PCOisNotHuman @TheHorrorKingVM @The_BigLG @MachineGunKA @JamesStormBrand @jaybriscoe84
- Backstage, Gisele Shaw asked Alisha what happened against Masha, Alisha said she was supposed to coach her but she didn’t because she’s scared of Masha. They were supposed to be a team and Gisele called her a clinger. Alisha said she’s going to team with Lady Frost and a bunch of other women who hate Giselle. Shaw said that’s great because she’s destined for gold and going to go find a tag team partner to help her with that now.
ICYMI: The team of @GiseleShaw08 and @MrsAIPAlisha is no more!
Stream full episode on IMPACT+:
- Backstage, Matt Taven said they have to find Scott D’Amore and he just happens to be right there. D’Amore told them they bit off more than they can chew. Maria called Slammiversary a fluke. Scott said, of course, it is, so he gave them an opportunity at Against All Odds in a ten-man tag against the Briscoes, Good Brothers, and James Storm. D’Amore also set up Taven, Bennett, and Eddie to face the Briscoes and Storm tonight, he told them to kill each other, it’ll be great.
Honor No More have two HUGE matches coming up – a six man tag team main event TONIGHT and a ten match tag coming up at #AgainstAllOdds! #IMPACTonAXSTV @MariaLKanellis @RealMikeBennett @TheEddieEdward @KennyKingPb2 @PCOisNotHuman @TheHorrorKingVM @ScottDAmore
- Mia Yim defeated Chelsea Green. Deonna Purrazzo was on commentary and interfered in the match, so Mickie James came to stop her.
.@MiaYim locks @ImChelseaGreen in the Tarantula. #IMPACTonAXSTV
- Backstage, The Influence told Gia Miller they won’t get their rematch because they broke Madison’s nose. Gia said she thought that she got hurt when they hit heads. Madison seemingly blamed Tenille but she said they won’t get a championship match anytime soon. Gisele came up and offered to fill in for Madison and Tenille asked why they’d want help from someone they already beat. Gisele said technically she beat one of them but maybe she just needed the right team and maybe the right team is standing right in front of her. Tenille said no at first but Madison said if she can take out Taya or Rosemary, then maybe they’ll consider it. Giselle said, consider it done and they walked off.
If @GiseleShaw08 can take out @WeAreRosemary or @thetayavalkyrie, The Influence may consider her as a replacement for the injured @MadisonRayne. #IMPACTonAXSTV @TenilleDashwood
- Bhupinder Gujjar & Shark Boy defeated Johnny Swinger and Zicky Dice.
Victory for @SharkBoy24_7 and @bhupindergujj4r! #IMPACTonAXSTV
- After the match, Deaner and Joe Doering came out and laid out everyone. Deaner grabbed a mic and told Josh to come out right now.
.@CodyDeaner and @bigjoedoering are on a rampage! #IMPACTonAXSTV
- IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander defeated Deaner.
Eric Young – ✅
Deaner – ✅
Joe Doering – ❓#IMPACTonAXSTV @Walking_Weapon— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) June 24, 2022
- Backstage, Kaz told Gia Miller that Slammiversary was a night he will never forget, it should be closure but when he came here, it was to answer a challenge. He ran down his rivalry with Sabin and said he wanted to settle it a month ago but it was taken from them so next week he wants Sabin one on one to prove once and for all that he is the future and the future looks good.
.@FrankieKazarian came to IMPACT for a reason – to settle his rivalry with @SuperChrisSabin once and for all. Now that Honor No More is in the rear view mirror, Frankie wants to do that NEXT WEEK! #IMPACTonAXSTV
- IMPACT Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace cut a promo, thanked her opponents for the match, and said she feels like she’s at the top of the mountain now. She said if they want to take her title, they’ll have to work harder than her and it won’t happen anytime soon. We immediately followed with a Tasha Steelz promo and she said don’t thank her just yet because at Against All Odds, she will get her Knockouts World Championship back, but that’s only if Jordynne can get it past Savannah Evans.
.@RealTSteelz will be getting her rematch against @JordynneGrace for the Knockouts World Championship at #AgainstAllOdds, but the champ will have to go through @SavannahEvansNV NEXT WEEK. #IMPACTonAXSTV
- Sami Callihan defeated Jack Price. After the match, Moose hit the run-in and a Spear to Sami. He laid into Sami with chair shots before he flung it out of his own hands. Moose told people to move away from the timekeeper’s table and he put Sami through it.
- Backstage, The Good Brothers met up with The Briscoes and AMW to say after everything tonight they’ve got their backs. Harris tried to follow James to the ring but James said he can’t come with him. He knows how he feels but he made a promise to his family. Harris said things are different now, James told him that he’s his brother and he needs to keep his promise to them. Harris obliged before shaking Storm’s hand as he walked off.
The Good Brothers have @JamesStormBrand and The Briscoes' back tonight, but "The Cowboy" wants @AMWwildcat to stay out of harms way. #IMPACTonAXSTV
- Backstage, a pissed-off Callihan was trying to find Scott D’Amore but found Gail Kim. He told her he wants to end it. Gail asked him what is more violent than the Monster’s Ball. Sami said he had a phone call with a friend who had a great idea, Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun match is more dangerous than a Monster’s Ball match.
CLOCKWORK ORANGE HOUSE OF FUN! @theraveneffect's specialty match returns for the first time in over a decade as @TheMooseNation faces @TheSamiCallihan at #AgainstAllOdds! #IMPACTonAXSTV @gailkimITSME
- Honor No More defeated The Briscoes & James Storm.
Three of the best tag team wrestlers of all-time are creating some MAGIC! #IMPACTonAXSTV @JamesStormBrand @SussexCoChicken @jaybriscoe84
- After the match, Honor No More hit the ring to beat down The Briscoes and Storm but The Good Brothers hit the ring to make the save and we got a brawl to end the show. Honor No More has the numbers and they decided to Pillmanize Mark’s leg.
Just like they've done to @HEATHXXII and @Rhyno313, Honor No More DESTROY @SussexCoChicken's leg with a steel chair. #IMPACTonAXSTV @MariaLKanellis @RealMikeBennett @TheEddieEdwards @KennyKingPb2 @PCOisNotHuman @TheHorrorKingVM
The Nygma’s Nutcracker(s) of the Week
– Chelsea Green vs Mia Yim
At Slammiversary, Mia Yim dumped Green and Purrazzo off the top of a ladder through two tables, an unforgettable spot. Chelsea hit a pump kick early but it missed, Mia connected with two arm drags and a roll-up. Chelsea unloaded an enzuigiri that sent Mia into the corner, she charged but Mia moved, Chelsea sent her face-first into the top turnbuckle and followed with the curb stomp. Chelsea shoved Mia outside and followed with a baseball slide. Chelsea attempted a suplex outside but Mia blocked it and hits one of her own.
.@ImChelseaGreen drops @MiaYim with a vicious curbstomp. #IMPACTonAXSTV
Back from the commercial break, Mia was locking Chelsea in a surfboard stretch. Mia attempted a kick but Chelsea ducked it and sent her to the mat. Chelsea laid into her with rights and lefts before sitting on her. Chelsea got her in the corner and stomped away before choking her in the corner. Mia tried to shove Chelsea away but she was sent into the corner with a force that sent her to the mat, then again. Chelsea ran into an elbow shot from Mia, Mia locked her in a modified Tarantula, she let go and tried to dive into the ring but leapt right into a dropkick from Chelsea, sending her to the outside. Chelsea smashed Mia’s face into the announce table right in front of Deonna, then sent Mia back into the ring.
.@ImChelseaGreen is RELENTLESSLY trying to put @MiaYim away. #IMPACTonAXSTV
Mia hit a dropkick into the corner and a cannonball. She went for the Eat Defeat but Chelsea countered and hit a codebreaker, then a curb stomp. Chelsea went for the Eat Defeat, Mia replied with a suplex. Mia hit a kick to Chelsea’s chest, then one to the face. Chelsea went for one of her own but Mia picked her up for a sit-out powerbomb and covered for another close two-count. Mia stepped on Chelsea’s stomach and climbed up top, Chelsea distracted the ref, allowing Deonna to shove Mia off the top. The referee didn’t see her involvement, so Mickie James came out and took out Deonna. Chelsea went for the Unprettier but Mia countered with the Eat Defeat and covered for the victory.
.@MickieJames evens the odds after @DeonnaPurrazzo interfered, allowing @MiaYim to pick up the victory in a fantastic contest. #IMPACTonAXSTV @ImChelseaGreen
The Weekly “Enigma For a Nygma”
The first match started more than 20 minutes, commercial break excluded, after the beginning of the episode… A bit too long…
The Nygma’s Noticeable Facts/Awards of the Week
– Moose vs Callihan – Volume II: Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match
We are not that far from the Barbed Wire Massacre I have desperately wanted… I don’t where the limit lies when it comes to Moose and Sami Callihan… I’ve never seen this specific kind of match, to be honest with you. But, if it has to be a Raven’s creation, I plead for Raven as guest referee or guest enforcer.
A bit of history, “The match was created by Raven in 2003 while he was in then-TNA. While the specifics can change, it typically is a Falls Count Anywhere, no-DQ, and can feature plenty of weapons, parts of a steel cage, barbed wire and more. Raven took the match to MLW, ROH, GCW and other indies through the years with the last one taking place in 2012. The last in TNA/Impact was in 2009 when Raven defeated Jethro Holliday (Trevor Murdoch) in under four minutes.”
The Clockwork Orange House of Fun match was @theraveneffect's most sadistic creation – and mostly for his own amusement. #TNAonAXSTV
– Honor No More, But Tired a Lot…
As Tom Hannifan said, we’ve seen the Pillmanizer segment like three times since Honor No More debuted, and it’s losing its lustre. It’s not just the segment that is losing its lustre but the faction itself. Tom Hannifan talked about the Pillmanizer but the 5 vs 5 matches are becoming a habit I’m not a fan of. With all the respect I have for OGK, Eddie, PCO, Vincent and Kenny King, please, start to hate each other, I will love you even more…
– The Referee was a Woman
I’ve tried to find something on social media about and it seems like it escaped the fans’ attention, except for my dear friend Steve Slam. Yali Sapphire has been doing an amazing job at NWA’s EmPowerr and Impact Wrestling’s Knockouts Knockdown. It would be amazing to see her be signed for a weekly show like IMPACT.
– Gisele Shaw is a Wrestler. Period.
IMPACT Wrestling Knockout has disclosed she is a transgender woman to the wider public. The company is supporting her. I, as the IMPACT reviewer, will do exactly what I have always done, talk about her like I talk about any other wrestler. We, at SteelChair Mag, will continue to show her the respect she deserves. Period.
Next week, so four matches yet…
– Breaking news!
I’ll wait till the new graphic is available…
BREAKING: @MeanGiaMiller received a medical update from @ScottDAmore on The Briscoes after last night's attack by Honor No More.
The Briscoes won't be able to compete at #AgainstAllOdds, meaning @JamesStormBrand, @The_BigLG and @MachineGunKA will have to find two new partners.
To be eNYGMAtic…
All pics, videos, and screenshots courtesy of Impact Wrestling, Fite TV, Fight Network, and AXS TV. All Photocollages custom made by @frenchnygma exclusively for @steelchairmag.
On this “Nygma is NOT LATE, she waited to put it online” note, until next week (if I want), take care, stay safe, watch wrestling, and never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…