Dear eNYGMAtic followers and readers,

due to personal issues (things are getting slightly better…), this week’s review, and maybe the coming weeks’ ones, will be shorter and probably less “Nygma” than usual. I expect to give you “normal” weekly reviews back after Emergence.

The Nygma’s Chart of the Week

Tom Hannifan and The Drama King Matthew Rewholdt were on commentary. On ‘BTI, Bhupinder Gujjar defeated Vincent. Heath attacked him from behind after the match. (BTI is now available only on Impact Wrestling YouTube and Facebook channels at 7.30 PM EST/12.30 AM GMT and on Impact Plus).

  • Eddie Edwards w/ Kenny King defeated Ace Austin w/ Chris Bey. Bey and King were sent backstage by the referee as they were interfering, they fought their way back to the Impact Zone.

  • Backstage, Heath reminded Gia Miller of all the attacks from Honor No More and explained what happens when you take out his partner. He promised to hit every one of them with the Wake-Up call.

  • We saw scenes of Josh Alexander going to make the save for the MCMG last week but he ran into Shera and they started brawling so he couldn’t make the save.

  • Backstage, Josh Alexander told Gia Miller about his upcoming match with Shera and he said he has defeated big opponents before such as Joe Doering. Alex Shelley walked up and interrupted Josh, he told Josh to do what he does best with Shera and comes out of his match unscathed so Alex gets the best of him. Shelley wants no excuses when he wins the title.

  • Laredo Kid & Trey Miguel defeated Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice.

  • BTI recap with Gujjar defeating Vincent. Backstage, Gujjar was with Brian Myers who was trying to talk himself out of the match, which prompted Crazzy Steve to pop up and offered a match with Black Taurus. Myers tried to talk out of it, saying D’Amore makes the match so D’Amore casually walked through and approved the match. Myers was bummed but he told Gujjar, “see, I’m a fighting champion.”

  • Tiffany Nieves defeated Jada Stone. Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans were on commentary. After the match, Killer Kelly came out and beat down Nieves choking her out and sending a message to Tasha and the rest of the women’s division. She then continued her attack on Stone before laying her out as well. Tom Hannifan said that the knockouts division will change forever… Tasha replied, “no, it won’t.”

  • Eric Young cut a promo on Doering and Deaner. They told him not to worry they’ll take out KUSHIDA, he told them to focus on taking out the MCMG first then KUSHIDA.

  • Nice vignette on Alex Shelley’s career. Scott D’Amore, KUSHIDA, Jimmy Jacobs, Chris Sabin, Sami Callihan, Johnny Gargano and many more were speaking on Alex Shelley. They talked about his path in wrestling and the potential of him becoming Impact World Champion.

  • IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander defeated Mahabali Shera w/ Raj Singh.

  • Backstage, Moose told Gia Miller, even insisted multiple times, that he and Maclin have no relationship at all.

  • Backstage, Eddie Edwards was with the rest of Honor No More, he told them they need to go and take what they want. They walked up to Scott D’Amore and asked what he will do about the issues with Heath. Scott said it’s their issue, not his. Taven demanded a championship opportunity for him and Bennett, Scott asked where Bennett is as Maria came in, calling for help. Eddie asked Scott where Bennett is, Scott told him that being a leader comes with a lot of problems but he knows Eddie is up to the task and walked away.

  • Backstage, Deonna and Chelsea were talking about Deonna’s upcoming bachelorette party. Havok ran up and offered to party with them and promised that she’s a great party guest. Taya and Rosemary came up and told Havok she can’t party with them, Havok asked why not, she was bummed because was going to make “bottomless Mimosas.” Taya was interested but Rosemary was not amused. Havok told them to seriously invite her but Rosemary assured them they won’t be there.

  • Raj Singh was still in the ring and refused to leave, saying he wants justice. The lights go out and Sami Callihan appeared to deliver the Cactus Driver 97 to Raj before grabbing a mic. Sami told Moose he doesn’t care if he’s aligned with Maclin because they both have a date with the Death Machine.

  • Ric Flair Moment of The Week (don’t miss the show on Sunday night…).

  • Backstage, Mia Yim told Gia Miller she gives respect to Jordynne Grace but promises to take her Knockouts championship. Gia’s interview was cut by technical difficulties and Hannifan talked up the match. We got more technical difficulties and a loss of video. The video returned and Scott D’Amore was running to find out what was going on. Honor No More cut the trucks but, fortunately, one camera was still running. They demanded that D’Amore give them what they want.

  • Scott lost his mind, screaming at Honor No More, and said they’ve gone too far. Bennett said he never wanted them there, that’s why they never got a title shot that they deserve. Finally, Scott announced a 5-on-5 match, he said if they win they get a title shot but if they lose they disband forever, similar to Team Canada’s history. Eddie told him he can’t do that and promised they won’t lose.

  • KUSHIDA defeated Rich Swann in a marvel of a match.

To be eNYGMAtic…

Another excellent episode, with great matches and good backstage segments… Once again, I’m unable to find a flat note this week, and I just love that. Emergence is taking place in 2 weeks and the build-up is keeping doing good. That motivates me more to come back to my reviews stronger and fiercer than ever…
On this “Nygma Really Needed to Slow Down” note, until next week (if I want), take care, stay safe, watch wrestling, and never EVER forget to stay #eNYGMAtic…

All pics and videos courtesy of Impact Wrestling, Fite TV, Fight Network, and AXS TV

By Steph Franchomme

News, Reviews, Social Media Editor, Impact Wrestling Reviewer, Interviewer Well, call me The Boss... And French...

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